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Posted: 5/28/2001 6:08:05 PM EDT
Ok, I've got it.  The absolute stupidest movie involving guns, AR's, war, ect.   Animal Planet just showed the movie "Rain".  About a dog in Vietnam.  Didn't see the whole thing, so I can't tell you about the plot.  As for the firearms, OH MY!!!  The rifles carried were, A2's and A1's with round hand guards; the veteran carried, hold on now, a HIGH POINT 9mm rifle with a Bushnell .22 scope mounted on it.  I won't even talk about the bottle rockets, and helicopters.  [:X*]
Link Posted: 5/28/2001 6:15:43 PM EDT
You've got to be kidding me, a hi-point carbine, there's no way. Was the dog one of those battery operated Poochis? Where did it look like they filmed, it in Canada? Well, I guess it was on Animal Planet, but still.
Link Posted: 5/28/2001 6:42:11 PM EDT
I saw 10 minutes of it and then just kept on surfing for something GOOD. I think i'll watch the Patriot again!!!  [sniper]

- bricklayer
Link Posted: 5/29/2001 3:03:33 AM EDT

My son wanted to watch it so we did.

Besides being A2s some of them were POST BAN A2s, sort of.  Must of been Colts because they had the A2 flash hidders but no bayonet lugs.

The hand guns were Berettas.

Wrong choppers.

Using a High Point as an anti sniper weapon.
Link Posted: 5/29/2001 3:16:05 AM EDT
I dont suppose all you Vietnam war experts bothered to watch the memorial
War dog stories..prior to the showing of "Rain"..these were re-enactments of some true stories of dogs in Vietnam...but since non of you actually worked with dogs in Vietnam you dont know that ...wannabes suck.....looking for reality in movies...visit the rehab center of you local VA  hospital or volunteer in the Spinal Cord unit..or put in some time with blind veterans...you might learn what war is really about...
Link Posted: 5/29/2001 3:24:03 AM EDT
Doc, they're talking about one stupid movie, not your life.  Ease up a bit.

Link Posted: 5/29/2001 4:15:42 AM EDT
Escape From New York with Kurt Russell used ARs with the handguards taken off to look futuristic. I hope they wore gloves.
Link Posted: 5/29/2001 4:22:29 AM EDT
You'd think they would use an military advisor, or at least someone on the set who maybe had been in the National Guard - someone! When I saw the officer with his canteen in front and his ammo pouch in the middle of his back, along with everything else it just ruined the whole show and I turned the channel.  I wonder why that bothers me so much?  Maybe it's because they don't even take the time, or more likely just don't care about anything military since most producers are screeming Hollywood liberals anyway.  I'm over it!!
Link Posted: 5/29/2001 4:23:14 AM EDT
Well Norm...in fact it was part of my life...and some very important people to me
I get tired of the combat experts whose only experience is a f*^%ing movie or a video game...who analysis consists of movie critcism whose  genius is limited to the obvious..round handguards..hi point carbine...its the Animal Planet..and the movie made on a limited budget..was just to demonstrate..the plight of the Dogs who saved many lives not to mention part of the movie was based on the life of a  friend of mine
.... so shut your pie holes...and open your ears listen up to the old timers and you just might learn something
cause you havent earned to right to teach yet....  [url]http://www.vdhaonline.org/units_tracker.html[/url]
Link Posted: 5/29/2001 7:25:18 AM EDT
Doc, did you even read my post?  Nobody was talking about your life.  Especially the people who made the stupid movie.  Did you think it was accurate?  That's the only point being made, and then you go off on a rant against people who probably agree with you!

Again.  Lighten up a bit.  We're already on your side.  And you know about as much about the earlier posters as they know about you.

Link Posted: 5/29/2001 7:38:28 AM EDT
Did you guys read the credits??

I believe 9divdoc produced that movie.  [}:D]

Reminds me of my biggest case of "foot in mouth" disease in my life.

Freshman year of college, the Senior Class put on a production for the freshman class for entertainment, etc.

Well, it STANK.

That day, at lunch, I was hammering it seven different ways from Sunday, to the delight of my buddies.

Then this good looking chick asks me "So, you thought it was pretty lame??"

"Yup" I said.

"Well, I wrote and produced that play" she said.

5,000 people in the university. SHE has to be sitting at my table for lunch.

I shut up.

Link Posted: 5/29/2001 7:41:13 AM EDT
I saw 5 minutes of this "movie" and it's amazing how you can tell the people in charge of props don't know squat... Just  [puke] and change the channel.  
Link Posted: 5/29/2001 7:44:15 AM EDT
i try to watch it but could not! a lot of these
movies these days are downright dumb not to be able to watch it. i like realism.
Link Posted: 5/29/2001 10:09:57 AM EDT
...and it's even worse when the story line has great potential, about some real life heros and the producer drops the ball.  My son had realy ben looking forward to seeing it after seeing the promos.  I had to sit through it with him.
Link Posted: 5/29/2001 1:11:44 PM EDT
I started to watch it but gave up after seeing the hi-point carbine and post-ban ar-15's, absolutely rediculous.

Doc, looks like you to refill that prozac prescription. What the hell are you talking about? We're talking about a stupid ass movie.

Link Posted: 5/29/2001 1:50:55 PM EDT
I had to suffer through it because it had a Shepard in it. We have two and the wife will watch ANYTHING if it has German Shepards in it.
Yes the movie was lame, very lame.

Doc, stick yourself with the little morphine syringe in your bag and chill out.
Link Posted: 5/29/2001 2:04:21 PM EDT
The first thing I noticed were the A2’s, but I don’t get wrapped up in the accuracy of Hollywood.  What can I get out of the film.

We don’t normally watch animal planet, but found the documentary while channel surfing.  The documentary that was shown between the movie put everything in context for the movie and was interesting.  The point of the movie was the story of these men, their four-legged friends, the good they did, and the sacrifices they made.   Who cares if the equipment used is accurately portrayed.  
Link Posted: 5/29/2001 2:08:39 PM EDT
I agree with RHYS, the movie's subjects were the dogs and their handlers. I would imagine that the budget was very low on this movie and whatever money they had was spent on dogs and trainers. It's not as if the producers spent $135 million on some lame ass psuedo WWII epic and I also don't imagine anyone shelled out $7 for a ticket to watch it.
Link Posted: 5/29/2001 2:25:27 PM EDT
Well Norm...in fact it was part of my life...and some very important people to me
I get tired of the combat experts whose only experience is a f*^%ing movie or a video game...who analysis consists of movie critcism whose  genius is limited to the obvious..round handguards..hi point carbine...its the Animal Planet..and the movie made on a limited budget..was just to demonstrate..the plight of the Dogs who saved many lives not to mention part of the movie was based on the life of a  friend of mine
.... so shut your pie holes...and open your ears listen up to the old timers and you just might learn something
cause you havent earned to right to teach yet....  [url]http://www.vdhaonline.org/units_tracker.html[/url]
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I actually saw the documentary "war dogs" when it was on history channel awhile back. Saw it again when it aired on animal planet. This is without a doubt the most depressing thing I have ever seen. Just add dogs to the list of those who got "sold out and screwed over" during out involvment with Vietnam.
Link Posted: 5/29/2001 3:13:29 PM EDT
I can understand a low budget and problems that are caused by it and I could have overlooked the post-ban config AR-15's but come on, a Hi-Point carbine??? Someone did not do their homework here. How about a western about cowboys and their way of life and having one of those cowboys with a Glock 17 on his hip, of course some of y'all would say "nevermind the Glock, it's a movie about cowboys and what they went through, it's not about accurately portraying guns." Right.
Link Posted: 5/30/2001 3:34:49 AM EDT
...or even the guy fixing the "carberator" on a diesel deuce and a half....from underneith the truck.
Link Posted: 5/30/2001 4:03:18 AM EDT
...or even the guy fixing the "carberator" on a diesel deuce and a half....from underneith the truck.
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No kidding? Oh, I would have had to turn it off if that happened.
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