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Posted: 5/31/2002 7:16:34 AM EDT
as we bomb the hell out of the "evil doers".
and damn them all to hell.
Some Suadi is currently standing in line to get a student visa. That is almost sure to get "approved" becuase we dont want to hurt their feelings...

thier reasoning...... just cause the cousion of this Saudi bombed/attacked the US in some way......  that does not mean he will... now that just not fair.. [whacko][whacko][whacko]

any one else agree that any Suadi that wants one ,, will get one?
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 7:41:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 7:54:01 AM EDT

any one else agree that any Suadi that wants one ,, will get one?
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Not much doubt.  Wouldn't want to profile.  That would be "wrong".  Meanwhile, my girlfriend, who is from Argentina & has a Masters from the US, is having a heck of a time getting her visa renewed.  INS says a computer can do her job (English->Spanish translation) just as well.  

As a sample, here's the paragraph above translated to Spanish & back by a computer:

Not much doubt. It would not wish to outline. Meanwhile, my fiancèe, who is of Argentina and has masters of the E.E.U.U., is having heck of a time that obtains its visa. The INS says a computer can in the same way make their work that.

Yeah.  Great.  I try to explain to her that everything the federal government sticks its fingers into, it f*cks up.  ATF, INS, TLA.
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 8:17:38 AM EDT
HA, HA hA Haa!!!    LOL!!!

The fact that a computer is doing the translation is porbly why most of the VISA's are approved....

[ disclaimer ]
The above statement was a half ass attempt to convence myself that we [i]even[/i] [b]look[/b] at the damn applications. [/ disclaimer ]
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