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Posted: 10/7/2023 12:27:25 AM EDT
[Last Edit: King-Of-Town]
New Streams Added - Will Continue to Update

Reuters Live Stream

LIVE: Gaza skyline changes in real-time after Hamas launched attack on Israel

AP Live Stream

LIVE | Tel Aviv skyline as Israel orders ‘complete siege’ on Gaza following Hamas attack

https://www.youtube.com/@Crannofonix  <---- click the live tab, find the stream that is currently going.

https://www.youtube.com/@AgendaFreeTV  <---- news reporting, look on the live tab to see if he's on.

Various streams added to make them easier to find

Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

YMMV, buyer beware, grain of salt - watch out for people posting videos from video games and trying to pass them off as real, also, use reverse image search on images to see if they are new or old and reused.


When the feed goes down, go to the channel and go to the live tab. There is a time limit on how long a livestream can be on YT.


https://funker530.com/latest/ <--- Occasionally posts guncam footage and the like.

These are to twitter channels, replace the nitter.(whatever.. cz, net) with "twitter.com" to get the orignal link. Nitter is a mirroring server for twitter.











https://nitter.cz/sentdefender  <---- reportedly not the best source, see if the others verify it first.

https://nitter.cz/WarMonitors <---- on the wrong side of the conflict. Here so it's possible to see what's being said on that side.

https://nitter.cz/manniefabian <---- times of israel war correspondant.

https://nitter.cz/EndWokeness/ <----- anti-woke account. Has been posting pictures and content of stupidity in the west and the rest of the world

https://nitter.cz/TreyYingst <---- fox news war correspondant in the area.

A list of nitter mirror sites - they have a habit of going in and out of service from time to time: https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/wiki/Instances#third-party-nitter-services

Joejeeps posted these:


The below were posted by SIMJEDI:

Originally Posted By SIMJEDI:
List of live streams.

# Agenda-Free TV

# Al Jazeera English

# Associated Press


# Crannofonix (MultiCams)

# LiveNOW from FOX

# Reuters

# Sky News

# Source Global

# The Times and The Sunday Times

# YouTube Live (Israel + Palestine + Live Filter Search)
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Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:29:03 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Hillbilly62] [#1]
Israelis need to go on the war path for one final time.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:29:22 AM EDT
Palestinian air force doing a bombing run

Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:30:44 AM EDT
just go nuke theblack rock already and be done with all this
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:31:10 AM EDT
More serious news, the iron dome might have eaten shit.

Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:31:14 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Admiral_Crunch] [#5]
Hasn’t Israel been under attack for 50+ years?
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:32:06 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By odiedodi:
More serious news, the iron dome might have eaten shit.

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theyre gonna have a bad time oof
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:32:41 AM EDT
[Last Edit: guns762] [#7]
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:32:59 AM EDT
[Last Edit: fsjdw2] [#8]
So who is going to attack? Egypt is nowhere near the economic power It had 30 Years Ago.  Syria?!? Lol
Iraq? Jordan? They are the one moderately stable not  wingnut ruler in that area (though they have
One of most competent and best equipped militaries in region).

Added at 10am Saturday.
Apparently Palestine, wow that is ballsy. That is like a 75 lb 5th grader picking a fight with a grown man.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:33:54 AM EDT
[Last Edit: IdahoPCCinc] [#9]
Dear OP......

Over the past 20 years, there have been multiple days of 1000 or more rockets/projectiles being shot into Israel.

And tanks have gone into the Gaza strip multiple times.



EDIT.....Since last night when this seemed like the "typical" Hamas harassment....shit certainly has gone sideways and intensified to the point that Israel has declared war.

I think we can all agree that this is totally different from the previous decades of attacks on Israel and the situation has gotten extremely horrible for civilians and soldiers.

I hope that Israel can get the shit under control soon.

Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:34:01 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By odiedodi:
More serious news, the iron dome might have eaten shit.

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Well, that's bad.

Hopefully those things are not connected to an accessible network.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:34:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:36:35 AM EDT
[Last Edit: odiedodi] [#12]
Militant ground invasion also confirmed.

Not sure what they expect to get done with technicals and paragliders, but they're trying it.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:37:23 AM EDT
I'm going to make it either way this goes.

Israel should probably start making friends with its neighbors and stop sending out death squads to them.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:39:01 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By odiedodi:
Militant ground invasion also confirmed.

Not sure what they expect to get done with technicals and paragliders, but they're trying it.
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Israelites need to get it on.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:39:32 AM EDT
Prayers for those involved.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:40:43 AM EDT
Not our circus, not our monkeys, not our problem.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:43:11 AM EDT
Good footage of militants lighting up what I think was a cop car.

Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:43:31 AM EDT
well shit. Someone get the Fo rooster
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:43:47 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Hillbilly62:
Israelis need to go on the war path for one final time.
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I have been saying this for years. They need to lay waste on them, nothing short of biblical death and destruction. It's the only thing these fucking animals understand.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:43:50 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By MKSheppard:
Not our circus, not our monkeys, not our problem.
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Oh but in about 3 seconds our tax money will head that way like it's a supernova black hole because fuck US citizens.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:44:26 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By SuperStormBryan:
I'm going to make it either way this goes.

Israel should probably start making friends with its neighbors and stop sending out death squads to them.
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Can't make friends with people that want you dead .
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:44:33 AM EDT
Michael Buffer - Let's Get Ready To Rumble!!!
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:45:16 AM EDT
Oh good, more war
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:46:29 AM EDT
Is it that time of the year again? I remember the rooster!
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:47:16 AM EDT
They employed the ol' Mexican migrant strategy to great effect.

Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:47:31 AM EDT
[Last Edit: AzzFaceKillah] [#26]
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Originally Posted By SuperStormBryan:
I'm going to make it either way this goes.

Israel should probably start making friends with its neighbors and stop sending out death squads to them.
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Not a big history buff are you? It has no neighborly friends. Some pretend to be, but only so they don't get their shit pushed in.

ETA: Perhaps Texans should be more friendly with their neighbors to the south. Wait I guess y'all are, their coming in droves and nothing is being done about it. Enjoy Spanish being the primary language for you're children.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:49:25 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By gmtech:

Can't make friends with people that want you dead .
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Probably what the other side is saying.

I guess they'll just have to wait for a common enemy to come along, that's how countries normal get past things.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:50:50 AM EDT
I’ve got friends in Israeli cities near Gaza.  I can confirm that a shit shows has started around Gaza.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:51:19 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
well shit. Someone get the Fo rooster
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In for fo rooster!
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:55:06 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Hatari:

In for fo rooster!
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With luck Israel can handle this before Fo Rooster gets going .
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:55:24 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By odiedodi:
More serious news, the iron dome might have eaten shit.

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This would be bad news for us as much as them- it means our adversaries have been underestimated technologically or that they’ve been infiltrated or otherwise compromised
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 12:56:53 AM EDT
I wish them luck.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 1:00:40 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Hatari:

In for fo rooster!
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Battle Cock
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 1:00:53 AM EDT
Does this mean that all the liberal neighborhoods will be seen flying the Israeli flag?  

תהילה לישראל
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 1:03:38 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 1:04:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 1:05:19 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By gmtech:

Can't make friends with people that want you dead .
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I agree with you but its not like israel has its hands clean.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 1:05:44 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By SuperStormBryan:
I'm going to make it either way this goes.

Israel should probably start making friends with its neighbors and stop sending out death squads to them.
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Israel has the right of self defense just like you do.  If you are surrounded by enemies you need to send out death squads now and then to stop them.  Here is hoping that they just level Gaza this time.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 1:06:44 AM EDT
I guess Saudi Arabia / Iran wasn't happy about the result of the biden /  netanyahu meeting.

Link Posted: 10/7/2023 1:08:55 AM EDT
[Last Edit: odiedodi] [#40]
IDF just declared war. All branches are mobilizing.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 1:09:00 AM EDT

Link Posted: 10/7/2023 1:11:10 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Ozgur:

Israel has the right of self defense just like you do.  If you are surrounded by enemies you need to send out death squads now and then to stop them.  Here is hoping that they just level Gaza this time.
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Everone has the right of self defense. How do you feel about the israeli settlements in palestinian territory?
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 1:12:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 1:14:50 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By FloydGeneBallin:

I have been saying this for years. They need to lay waste on them, nothing short of biblical death and destruction. It's the only thing these fucking animals understand.
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The rest of the Muslim world would unite and exterminate every one of them.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 1:15:15 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By odiedodi:
IDF just declared war. All branches are mobilizing.
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Link Posted: 10/7/2023 1:15:37 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By ThrustMyStoma:
just go nuke theblack rock already and be done with all this
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Quoted for truth.
Often, cancers have to be cut out of a body to cure the illness. It is what it is.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 1:16:35 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By SuperStormBryan:
I'm going to make it either way this goes.

Israel should probably start making friends with its neighbors and stop sending out death squads to them.
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yes I always go pet the rabid dog next door.

you can't be fucking serious right?
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 1:16:49 AM EDT
FYI; the internet is filing up with AI generated images of IDF tanks on fire.

Use caution in posting unconfirmed sources of photos.........
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 1:17:16 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Ivan1:

Everone has the right of self defense. How do you feel about the israeli settlements in palestinian territory?
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Judea and Samaria are part of Israeli lands.
Link Posted: 10/7/2023 1:18:03 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Shootindave:
FYI; the internet is filing up with AI generated images of IDF tanks on fire.

Use caution in posting unconfirmed sources of photos.........
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Not sure if this is legit but appears to be:

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