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Posted: 1/25/2001 11:35:39 AM EDT
For the last day or so I have had problems getting the site to fully load. Everything still works but the loading blue bar at the bottom takes a long time to load.

Any body else having this problem? I dont think it`s my confuser cause it acts normal with other boards.
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 11:41:29 AM EDT
This site actually loads 10x faster the the old one for me. The old one loaded like a 28.8 modem on my T1 at work and worse on my cable modem at home. Have not had any problems with anything so far.
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 11:46:23 AM EDT
I've noticed today it is loading slower (but way faster than home, er, I mean the old site) and it clicks after it loads and I'm reading.

Then I have to double click to get back.

But everything works fine on other sites.
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 11:49:46 AM EDT
Yes this site loads faster than the old one but the blue bar still gets to about 95% then stops. everything works but the blue bar wont go away. Go away blue bar, go away.
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 1:51:14 PM EDT
It`s getting slower and weirder. Now it wont come up at all and I gotta 'stop' and try again.
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 2:00:35 PM EDT
I've found that once I've logged in that it goes ahead and loads.  But faster than when I'm not logged in.
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 2:06:23 PM EDT
I take back the previous post.  I am full of Sh!t.  
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 4:43:22 PM EDT
i have had problems while loading.  sometimes everything is all jumbled up and refresh doesn't help.  anyone else have this problem?
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 6:18:25 PM EDT
No I dont get that. It looks and acts fine. Just the damn blue bar.  
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 6:53:14 PM EDT
Same here guys. It loads pretty fast for me, but that damn blue bar just won't finish loading. Just hit "stop" and it goes away.
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 7:04:01 PM EDT
Ah hah, that does work.
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