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Posted: 2/19/2001 12:26:13 PM EDT
I sure could use one every once in a while.
Am I just missing it?
[X] [x]
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 2:01:58 PM EDT
Other than a dictionary I have not seen one either. [:(] Sure makes it hard to read some of these posts!
Lynn  [uzi]
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 6:12:21 PM EDT
Ack!  If most of this board is run on code written by GoatBoy, I'd hate to have to ask him to write a spellcheck.  Considering that even M$ Word's spellcheck can be less than helpful sometimes, I imagine that writing a useful spellcheck might be extremely difficult.  Maybe some package out there could be plugged into the board code, but I'd hate to run some of these posts (filled as they are with all kinds of abbreviations and acronyms) through a spellchecker.  But then, that's just me.  [;)]
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 6:23:09 AM EDT
I also baaaa don't understand umbaaa why I
have to baaaaaa go back and forth from umbaaa public baaaa forums to industry baaaaa


It's all good though. baaa
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