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Posted: 8/23/2017 2:51:07 PM EDT
The Greatest Generation fought the Nazis and later on, the communists.

The Baby Boomers fought the Communists.

Generation X fought the terrorists.

The Millennials are fighting for space spaces and cultural marxism.

How can I turn in any direction in this wicked generation and not be upset with how idiotic my peers are?
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:09:17 PM EDT
You can't.  Plan accordingly and fight them as you can.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:12:37 PM EDT
Which generation are you?
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:14:14 PM EDT
You could try speaking in Crazy Old Man talk.  You might fool a few people, but not genuine Crazy Old Men.

Crazy Old Men have earned the right to speak Crazy Old Man talk.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:15:32 PM EDT
I guess compared to non-MIL, the percentage is low. But there's a fuckload of millennial aged veterans OP, I was 18 when 911 happened and am on the upper end of the generation. As the wars dragged on, more and more younger people fought.

On the flip side of the coin with the Boomers fighting commies, you had the hippies and the old school antifa/SJW type of faggots. Big difference between today with all our 24/7 info tech.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:16:25 PM EDT
No, sorry.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:20:08 PM EDT
The Greatest Generation fought the Nazis and later on, the communists.

The Baby Boomers fought the Communists.

Generation X fought the terrorists.

The Millennials are fighting for space spaces and cultural marxism.

How can I turn in any direction in this wicked generation and not be upset with how idiotic my peers are?
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The millennial generation started in the early 80's making the oldest between 18-21 when 9/11 happened. Millennials have done the majority of the heavy lifting for the last 16 years since. Where the fuck have you been? Sounds like you should head down to the nearest nursing home and break out the lotion.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:21:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:26:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:29:14 PM EDT
You are comparing the present to how people choose to remember the past.  Gen X here, as things were unfolding we didn't know how they would turn out.  Things I remember of McVeigh blowing up a building, gun control, assault weapons ban, Rosie destorying Kmart and getting firearms removed from big box stores, more gun control, Bill Clinton and all the Gen Xers voting for him.  Then 9/11 and terrorism happened.  I also remember people willingly giving up their right to privacy in the name of safety and GW Bush who campaigned on fiscal responsibility spending money like a drunken sailor while creating new social programs and expanding the size and power of government.  All hope seemed lost as the liberals were winning in every direction.  It is only after the dust clears that the rose colored glasses get applied to the past.

Sure the SJW crowd is making huge noise right now and getting all the media attention.  Their 15 minutes will be over soon enough.  At the same time people are saying your generation is saving more money and resisting the government more because you all have seen the government fail the people repeatedly.  The SJW crowd is the Hillary supporters who are still bitter about losing.  History will not look too kindly on them.  There are many of your generation opposing them in a dignified manner.  

My advice is: "you are only young once, don't worry about the things that you can't control, embrace those of your generation that are like minded, and be the change that you want to see".  In other words get out there and make the things that you want to see happen, actually happen.  Simple things that you can start to do on your own to start making a difference are start a blog/vlog, start a youtube channel and discuss issues with other like minded people, get on twitter, start going to your local GOP county meetings and offer to help, go speak with your state legislators if you agree with them and ask how you can help.  

Taking action is how you change what is currently happening.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:35:18 PM EDT
The men who have fought in Iraq this century have mostly been Millennials. Figure mostly 18-22 year olds, starting in 03 through today, were born between 1981 and 1999. Millennials started being born in 1985. But tell me more about how Gen X has been fighting the longest war in our country's history.

And the Boomers invented socialism in America. Thanks.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:35:47 PM EDT
Actually I have seen that young white males - (16-19) have by and large taken the red pill, rejected indoctrination, and may turn out to be the most right-wing generation in American history. It's only the early 20s to 30s that are the liberal SJW types.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:35:48 PM EDT
Generation X fought the terrorists.

The Millennials are fighting for space spaces and cultural marxism.

How can I turn in any direction in this wicked generation and not be upset with how idiotic my peers are?
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uh........Millennials started in the early 80's (some say '82).....making the first ones around 18 in 2000.  Millennials have been fighting for 17 years.

Now if you hate young Millennials, blame their parents from the Gen X generation.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:38:20 PM EDT
Just identify was an 80 year old
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:38:58 PM EDT
The vast majority of those who have fought in Iraq and AFG are/were millennials.

I served with one of the MARSOC guys killed in the C130 crash before he was MARSOC. Millennial.

There's some turds, but there's some phenomenal humans too.

Simply: you're wrong.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:39:19 PM EDT
And here lies the issue with millennials having such a large span of birth years.

There is a subset of us millennials who were born between 1980-1987 that do not relate to Gen X nor younger millennials.

We didn't get participation trophies, we saw the towers fall on TV, We know what it's like to not have cell phones and have to use a land line, we remember DITTO machines, we remember the card catalog, we were also the first adopters of Facebook.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:39:28 PM EDT
Just tell your peers that you self-identify with a different generation, who are they to argue with you?
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:39:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:47:38 PM EDT
Well, since people decided to wait until the last year or two to make millennials born after 83 or whatever the heck it was due to cell phones in school being a deciding factor; I think we can make an in-between.

Generation Fuck You.

And no OP, that is not an insult to you, it is those who did not make the generation X cutoff flipping it to the Millennials.

I grew up as a middle schooler blasting Kid Rock and cruising around on my bicycle, then I shot at and blew things up in someone else's country.

Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:56:35 PM EDT
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And here lies the issue with millennials having such a large span of birth years.

There is a subset of us millennials who were born between 1980-1987 that do not relate to Gen X nor younger millennials.

We didn't get participation trophies, we saw the towers fall on TV, We know what it's like to not have cell phones and have to use a land line, we remember DITTO machines, we remember the card catalog, we were also the first adopters of Facebook.
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LOL. I was born in 96 and our family didn't get cell phones until I was in high school. Congrats for being the first to use facebook. You really beat us to the punch there.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 4:04:55 PM EDT
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LOL. I was born in 96 and our family didn't get cell phones until I was in high school. Congrats for being the first to use facebook. You really beat us to the punch there.
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I don't think you make the cut for Generation Fuck You, sorry.

see sigline for prereqs
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 4:09:21 PM EDT
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And here lies the issue with millennials having such a large span of birth years.

There is a subset of us millennials who were born between 1980-1987 that do not relate to Gen X nor younger millennials.

We didn't get participation trophies, we saw the towers fall on TV, We know what it's like to not have cell phones and have to use a land line, we remember DITTO machines, we remember the card catalog, we were also the first adopters of Facebook.
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This right here. I'm an 84 model, and really have nothing in common with X or what are called millenials. Recently I think they started calling us in betweeners "xennials".
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 4:12:35 PM EDT
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This right here. I'm an 84 model, and really have nothing in common with X or what are called millenials. Recently I think they started calling us in betweeners "xennials".
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Sounds too... icky and millennial-like
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 4:22:56 PM EDT
Lots of millennials fought in Iraq/Afghanistan.  I know plenty of young people that make a good impression.  Every generation has it's turds, that will never change.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:11:49 PM EDT
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LOL. I was born in 96 and our family didn't get cell phones until I was in high school. Congrats for being the first to use facebook. You really beat us to the punch there.
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And here lies the issue with millennials having such a large span of birth years.

There is a subset of us millennials who were born between 1980-1987 that do not relate to Gen X nor younger millennials.

We didn't get participation trophies, we saw the towers fall on TV, We know what it's like to not have cell phones and have to use a land line, we remember DITTO machines, we remember the card catalog, we were also the first adopters of Facebook.
LOL. I was born in 96 and our family didn't get cell phones until I was in high school. Congrats for being the first to use facebook. You really beat us to the punch there.
We had cell phones in the early 90s, bag phone and Zach Morris handheld. I had facebook when you need a .edu

Its actually very nice to be able to call home to see what's for supper when you are getting ready to leave your hunting lodge.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:12:25 PM EDT
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This right here. I'm an 84 model, and really have nothing in common with X or what are called millenials. Recently I think they started calling us in betweeners "xennials".
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And here lies the issue with millennials having such a large span of birth years.

There is a subset of us millennials who were born between 1980-1987 that do not relate to Gen X nor younger millennials.

We didn't get participation trophies, we saw the towers fall on TV, We know what it's like to not have cell phones and have to use a land line, we remember DITTO machines, we remember the card catalog, we were also the first adopters of Facebook.
This right here. I'm an 84 model, and really have nothing in common with X or what are called millenials. Recently I think they started calling us in betweeners "xennials".
That's a good start...odd name though, but fitting.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:22:34 PM EDT
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You could try speaking in Crazy Old Man talk.  You might fool a few people, but not genuine Crazy Old Men.

Crazy Old Men have earned the right to speak Crazy Old Man talk.
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Back in the day, we'd just wag our dicks at those we disliked and holler, "come suck this, you fucked-up faggot assholes!" 

Boy, those were the good old days!    
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:28:03 PM EDT
I spent a year in AFG with a bunch of "Millennials".  I thought that they were pretty cool
(And brave as fuck).
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:33:23 PM EDT
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Just tell your peers that you self-identify with a different generation, who are they to argue with you?
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My thoughts exactly 
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:47:08 PM EDT
The Millennials were in the real world long before everyone started talking shit about the millennials.

It isn't the millennials.  It's Obama's babies.  They were told they were special and lived in a perfect world for the last 8 years, and now their realizing that the real world isn't all sunshine and peppermint farts.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:48:41 PM EDT
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LOL. I was born in 96 and our family didn't get cell phones until I was in high school. Congrats for being the first to use facebook. You really beat us to the punch there.
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Congrats on being able to buy beer this year.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:19:55 PM EDT
That you think that disowning your generation is a thing is pretty pathetic. It's an imaginary divider between age groups with zero basis in reality. If you don't want to identify with them, don't. 
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:24:17 PM EDT
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The Millennials were in the real world long before everyone started talking shit about the millennials.

It isn't the millennials.  It's Obama's babies.  They were told they were special and lived in a perfect world for the last 8 years, and now their realizing that the real world isn't all sunshine and peppermint farts.
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that's going to be a shitty generational name to have.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:29:27 PM EDT
The Greatest Generation fought the Nazis and later on, the communists. The vast majority of them never saw an enemy, so clearly all were cowards

The Baby Boomers fought the Communists. They also established commie ideals such as welfare and social justice in our society, so they all must have been closet commies

Generation X fought the terrorists. A few did while the rest did nothing out of the ordinary, so they must all be terrorist sympathizers

The Millennials are fighting for space spaces and cultural marxism. Also fighting ISIS, being the bulk of the military, electing Trump, so they are all clearly the best citizens since the American Revolution

How can I turn in any direction in this wicked generation and not be upset with how idiotic my peers are?
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See how stupid this kind of thing is? The issue with this "Generation" crap is that it ascribes the accomplishments of an exceptional few to a wide swath of people. It's simple tribalism, just with age instead of race/ethnicity/geography/politics. 
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 10:01:45 PM EDT
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That's a good start...odd name though, but fitting.
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Discussion ForumsJump to Quoted PostQuote History
And here lies the issue with millennials having such a large span of birth years.

There is a subset of us millennials who were born between 1980-1987 that do not relate to Gen X nor younger millennials.

We didn't get participation trophies, we saw the towers fall on TV, We know what it's like to not have cell phones and have to use a land line, we remember DITTO machines, we remember the card catalog, we were also the first adopters of Facebook.
This right here. I'm an 84 model, and really have nothing in common with X or what are called millenials. Recently I think they started calling us in betweeners "xennials".
That's a good start...odd name though, but fitting.
Ironically, despite Ghostbusters (the original, not that abortion of a remake) being one of my favorite movies, my screen name on here is totally unrelated to the movie. It's a nickname I earned at my first try at college (epic fucking fail).
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 10:07:27 PM EDT
I guess Iraq and Afghanistan were a fucking cake walk huh op?

No real fighting going on there.

How old are you and what was your excuse for not getting in on either?
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 10:08:37 PM EDT
Stop identifying with a generation. Be your own person.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 10:10:10 PM EDT
Maybe you only know shitty Millenials OP, sounds like a "you" problem.
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