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Posted: 4/29/2001 11:21:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 12:02:41 PM EDT
F world gov't.

Where you from in WI doc?
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 12:58:04 PM EDT
Not as long as we have the will and means to resist.
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 3:46:45 PM EDT
Oh, yeah.  World Government is probably enevitable, but not in our or even our grandkids lifetimes.  But the basis is there, we already have a world culture (dominated by Americans) and a world economy (dominated by the United States as the biggest economy in the world) so the form of government will eventually conform to the economy, as it has allways done throughout history.  

One guess who will probably dominate the world government when that happens.

Remember the current government of the United States was created because the old Articles of Confederation was not working to secure the economy.  It was economic concerns that brought Colonial elites first to Annapolis and then Phillidelphia.  The UN Charter is almost a carbon copy of the old US Articles of Confederation except for the unique organization of the Security Council.

Really World Government isnt a bad idea, but weither or not it would work in practice depends on who is in control and what the rules are.

If the World Government had a Constitution like that of the US -or even better like Switzerland's- and was a true Federal Republic, would you really have anything to complain about?
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 3:50:50 PM EDT
What is better about Switzerland's Constitution?
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 3:53:08 PM EDT
The Cantons have much greater autonomy than US States do.  And they have the resoposibility to bear arms not just the right.
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 3:58:13 PM EDT
Not if I and others like myself can help it!

We should fight this move with every breath.  Contunue to educate others to the danger of such a move.  Continue to let those who represent us in government know that we oppose the US moving in that direction.

If all else fails - to arms and either turn back the tide or die fighting like free men!!

The Sniper
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 4:09:16 PM EDT
The Cantons have much greater autonomy than US States do.  And they have the resoposibility to bear arms not just the right.
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The Swiss cantons recently passes a law that court rules and procedure are to be standardized.  I'm pretty sure that at least three of the cantons have severely restricted or outlawed the FA firearms ownership outside of the military thing.  Getting a CCW is a real bitch in the Swiss cantons, unlike the "shall-issue" stuff here in 32 (at my last count, maybe it's even more) of the United States.

What kind of autonomy are you speaking about?
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 4:12:20 PM EDT
If you believe Revelations, yes.

Link Posted: 4/29/2001 4:32:44 PM EDT
Yes, it is.  There are 2 main resons for this eventuality:

1) ignorance of the population
2) apathy of the population

I do agree that it will take several generations for this to ocurr, but make no mistake, it will.  I will happen for the same reason that we have such ridiculous laws now like affirmative action, some of the gun control laws, hate crime laws, etc. - because the opportunistic politicians can do just about anything short of removing people's TV, car or household (see #1 and #2 above).

As governments become more socialist, and the power base becomes more tightly focused at the higher levels (see #1 and #2 above), the slippery slope we're on now will become even steeper, to the point of being unrecoverable (by that time we will not have our precious guns).

Always remember one important thing about governments and societies, be aware not of the current position but more importantly the direction we're heading.

It's not pretty folks (see #1 and #2 above).

Link Posted: 4/29/2001 6:05:30 PM EDT
There will be a NWO.

Look at how many people like Star Trek and crap like that.
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 6:40:56 PM EDT
100 years from now, everyone in this world will be BROWN...........[smoke]
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 6:46:24 PM EDT
I hope not in our life time.
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 7:40:55 PM EDT
It would seem to be inevitable but national governments around the world have a lot of work to do in bringing laws and social issues onto the same path.
For many nations around the world this would likely be a good thing. Not for us I'm afraid.
Can you say: Trilateral Commission
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 7:44:17 PM EDT
Originally Posted By dr jarhead:
It would seem to be inevitable but national governments around the world have a lot of work to do in bringing laws and social issues onto the same path.
For many nations around the world this would likely be a good thing. Not for us I'm afraid.
Can you say: Trilateral Commission
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                                             "Sure...i knew you could".....i`m right with ya` on that one bud..........[chainsaw]
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 2:47:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 9:47:59 AM EDT
there is no reason to fear the "new world order" as we have had the "old world order" for so long nobody really sees it anymore.  if the new world order  is not a disctraction and really is something to contend with, then the OWO will fight it.

however my feeling it's just another ruse to keep people looking the other way.  i think the example of the most logical explaination of what is really goin on here is an episode of 'star trek voyager' which 1st aired in march of 1998.  it was a double episode called 'the sun of blood' or something like that.  aliens had taken over the voyager and put everyone one on the holodeck into a computer simulation and erased their memories.  as they character would get killed for the pleasure of the aliens, they would just get sent back into the simulation (reincarnation ?).  the aliens could see each other and the humans would try their best to be like 'them' as they were more glamorous or more powerful.

i we look back into the history of man, the egyptian civilization seemed to come out of nowhere with engineering advances we do not posses.  they also broght an entire system of government and taxation and beaurocracy.  yes we went from gathering berries to pyramids in 250 years?  our technological advancement and population growth have been like a rise of the stock market from a dow of 800 to 10,000 in a blink of an eye....  ah well, never mind no one would believe it anyway

Link Posted: 4/30/2001 1:54:11 PM EDT

power corrupts and absolute power corrupts aboslutly!!

i would'nt want anykind of world government. not even if it seemed libertarian in outlook!!
not even a "right-wing" world government!!!!

power should always be divided to avoid the ambitions of evil men, espicially politicians.

articale 29 section 3 of the UN bill of human rights does not gaurantee an inalienable right. the UN can take away any of your rights if the interfere with its aims and goals. the UN believes that a right is granted by government. it can therefore take it away, because it is government. a world government will springs out from the UN.

power dividing lib out...
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 2:18:22 PM EDT
I think the only way there will ever be a true one world government is if aliens attack!!  We'll stop arguing amongst ourselves to fight them off. If we survive that, we'll get back to the bickering soon enough.

There are too many differences socially, religiously, and economically for any true global govt. to be effective. Hell, look at us in the US - we have only trivial differences between races, and yet our own govt. has trouble being effective at keeping the peace. The only reason for the peace in this country is we are free and we are not totally broke!
Oh yeah, and most of us are somewhat civilized.
Not so in most of the rest of the world....
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 2:22:59 PM EDT
As long as there are individuals in power that hold greed above national sovereignty and loyalty to one's country, there will always be possibility of a one world government.
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 2:54:02 PM EDT
I seem to be out numbered here, but I believe it is not only possible, but probable, and very soon. There are only a few things needed, and many of our own citizens are helping to bring it about with their support of the UN, EU, global trade, and such.
We signed a  treaty in '67 to downsize are military to a size that would not pose a threat to a UN standing army or to any of our regional neighbors. All nations in the UN have done this. We are "policing" the world every time the UN wants to get rid of some "tyrant."
The US Senate has voted down (so far) a treaty to bring the U.S. into the International World Court, in which, a citizen of a country could be tried in another country, no jury, just a panel of judges, no appeal, no bail, no right to face an accuser. This has not passed yet, but I just recieved an email stating that we may have been "signed on" already without congressional approval.
There is much talk of global taxation. Whether it is on airfare, income, sales tax, what ever, it will be to finance the UN. (we alredy pay this in taxation that goes to support the UN and every war that they wage that American troops get sent to.)
Global legislation is being passed in the form of treaties. (Don't sit there and say our politicains won't let that happen). GATT, NAFTA, Global Warming Accord, Bio-diversity. (check out how many UN global heritage sights are right here in OUR country)
Don't take anyones word for it, check into it.
Global legislation, global army(ask Michael New)and global taxation. And we just stick our heads in the sand and hope that all these things we hear about are just stories.
Will there be world govornment? There already is!
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 3:03:12 PM EDT
We signed a  treaty in '67 to downsize are military to a size that would not pose a threat to a UN standing army or to any of our regional neighbors.
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Public Law 7277
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 5:54:13 PM EDT
I seem to be out numbered here, but I believe it is not only possible, but probable, and very soon..... Global legislation is being passed in the form of treaties. (Don't sit there and say our politicains won't let that happen). GATT, NAFTA, Global Warming Accord, Bio-diversity. (check out how many UN global heritage sights are right here in OUR country)...........
Will there be world govornment? There already is!
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Buzzworm - right dead on the money. I agree with you 100%. I think we could be there is 2 or 3 years or less if everything fell into place "correctly" to allow it to happen.
The primary obstacle is the United States being so powerful.  Hmmmm.  

Does that mean we are headed for trouble as a nation?
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 6:12:58 PM EDT
Nothing wrong with World Government, as long as it is Pax Americana, with a President like George Patton to keep the riff raff in line and producing oil. [;)]
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 6:23:41 PM EDT
The Council on Foreign Relations - devoted to one world gov''t.  The Trilateral Commission - devoted to one world gov't.  Club of Rome- devoted to one world gov't.  Bilderberger Group - one world gov't.  GATT - one world economy.  the UN - one world gov't.  If you think that there is no effort toward globalism, you are deceived or incredibly stupid.  The major obstacles to globalism are 1. The globalists are not united in purpose or deed, too much infighting.  Conspiracy is too strong a word, shifting alliances is more like it.  2. The US, Israel, and Switzerland are still universally armed.  I suspect that the SHTF within my lifetime. (I'm 46.}  
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 6:33:44 PM EDT
Maybe I am an optomist, but I don't see it unless aliens attack.
1)Too many third world dictators do not want to lose power.
2)If you were a UN trooper, would you risk your life keeping peace in Rwanda?
3)The UN can't even keep their own peace keepers safe.
4) Religious intolerance would doom any union. There is no way Islamic nations would allow infidels to rule over them again. There would be revolts all over the world.
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