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Posted: 4/20/2007 11:07:15 AM EDT
 I came out of a local shop on Wednesday around 6pm when I was waved down by a young woman claiming to be a journalist covering VA. Tech, and a clean cut Japanese guy. I had just stepped out into the parking lot after putting an Arsenal AK on layaway. The girlfriend and I approached them apprehensively. My first thought was anti-gun protesters. They introduced themselves, and said that they had been around the area since 8am asking locals their views on American gun ownership. We talked for a short while and exchanged numbers. They are both very friendly, and we agree to meet them on Thursday at a Wal-Mart a half hour away, closer to my house. We meet the two, and they are now with a Japanese camera man. They want gun footage for Japanese television. The three follow us to the house and ask to see where I keep my firearms. I have nothing to hide, so they follow me into the house, and I come out with the 590, Ruger P-89, Yugo SKS, and Romy AK. From my understanding, private firearm ownership in Japan is does not exist. The two Japanese men seem amazed at my modest little collection. They captured footage of me shooting the Ruger first, with the proper protection for all! Then, they wanted footage of me with the shotgun. So I loaded five shells of some Nobel Sport LE 00 buckshot and proceeded to shoot a 50 gallon drum 20 feet out. I let each of them fire the 9mm, but they only wanted a round each. I was then interviewed for around ten minutes concerning my thoughts on gun ownership, the shooting at VA. Tech, as well as what could have prevented it, how I thought it would affect my rights, and what my firearms are used for. The three reimbursed me $20 for my time and ammo, and they were on their way. They headed back to Blacksburg for a press conference. I received a call from the woman today and before they leave for Japan, she would like to film me at work to get a better sense of my day-to-day life. I will of course have to discuss this with my managers. A good time was had by all and it was interesting to see and hear the views of another culture. I only hope that the Japanese can understand that we aren't all nuts.
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 11:09:11 AM EDT

Japan is the land of airsoft mind you, so yeah, some people will be REALLY jealous!
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 11:21:49 AM EDT
It pains me to see Japan, once a proud warrior culture, become so soft. Once China gets their military built up, we, and Japan, will wish that they had been able to keep their warrior culture and their guns. With China on the rise, I can guarantee that they'll eventually need them.
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 11:22:11 AM EDT
I have noticed in the past year that they are crazy about airsoft. I also explained the Curio & Relic license to them, and how I am searching for a Japanese Arisaka rifle. They were surprised that I would want to collect these types of things.
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 11:25:40 AM EDT

It pains me to see Japan, once a proud warrior culture, become so soft. Once China gets their military built up, we, and Japan, will wish that they had been able to keep their warrior culture and their guns. With China on the rise, I can guarantee that they'll eventually need them.

My thoughts as well! The camera man pointed to a Romanian 75rnd drum, and exclaimed, " For AK-47?!". I nodded yes, and he said, "OH WOW!". I told him that the Chinese made 100 and 200rnd drum magazines. "The Chinese like having a lot of bullets apparently.", I said. He goes, "Oh man!".
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