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Posted: 5/4/2003 11:24:39 PM EDT
So I'm here studying. Take my headphones off to go make tea, and hear this guy yelling "FUCK! FUCK!" outside my building.

I figure, eh, finals week. Go into my bedroom to get a better look out my small window. I hear something break. Now it's odd. I hear more things being hit, more "FUCK!". So naturally I grab my .45, check chamber, check safety, and tuck it in my pants (holster is in the closet). I take a listen, sounds like one guy, nobody else. I figure, nobody else seems to be in danger. Plus, I don't have a permit to carry. I'd risk my ass if it sounded like somebody was in danger, but not my ass and a felony for property. The guy seems to move off. I stick my head out, and see the outside door is spiderwebbed.

So I call another apartment employee, who's been partying all night. He says to call the cops. I call the cops, dispatch says they have somebody over here already. I give my name and number. Emer. Maint. comes and another employee and a witness. Only the door seems to be damaged.

Well, the cops get the guy. Officer comes over to talk with us. Takes down my name, DOB, phone, etc. and the other witness's stuff.

Cop thinks the guy's on something. Turns out it took four officers to toss the guy into a squad car AFTER he punched in the window of one car.

I figure, if I had run outside immediatly (and probably stupidly), with how violent this guy appeared to be, and he'd been there, I probably would have ended up firing a round.

But with no permit, and with stepping back and taking the time to evaluate the situation, I think I took the better course of action. Plus, the good guys got the bad guy, with only the loss of a glass door, and a squad car window.

Anyway, that's my night, and I have a final at 1010. Hooray.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 3:19:54 AM EDT
Congratulations.  I'd say you combined firearms ownership with good judgment.  I carry most places I go and although I am prepared to use my pistol in time of need, I have zero desire to point it at someone and squeeze the trigger.  That doesn't mean I WON'T, it just means that if the situation allows I will use any other means to defuse it.  Good job.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 3:36:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 3:52:22 AM EDT
"When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail" That's why you must exercise good judgement as you did. Had a similar thing happen to me when I lived in an apt. Guy had the wrong address, guess he was looking for his girlfriend, after beating on the door, he left a box of her stuff on outside. I just sat on the bar stool inside, with Mr. Colt cocked & locked and figured if he comes thru the door, he's going to get a welcome he didn't plan on, he went away no damage done. No I didn't pick up the box to see what he left. I let the apt management take care of that.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 4:03:34 AM EDT
Sound judgement usually pans out as it did for you...good call.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 4:10:49 AM EDT
In that situation, I probably would have went outside loaded to see whats going on. Would have been a mistake. Good reaction.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 4:27:12 AM EDT
Pussy, you should have dropped his ass.
No, really you did very well.  You did the best thing, stayed calm and used your head.  Maybe you yankees aren't all bad after all.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 5:37:10 AM EDT
Way to use your head. Good job in my book.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 6:22:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 6:38:23 AM EDT
Outstanding decisions, actions, gun handling, and response!  nuff said.
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Ditto, but I don't think the permit would be an issue on private property, especially if you live there.....
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 6:40:56 AM EDT
You are a responsible gun owner.

I hope to have neighbors as responsible and level-headed as you.

Link Posted: 5/5/2003 6:57:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:00:57 AM EDT
You did right.  I had a similar situation here a few years ago.  Guy across the street was apparently off his medication and started screaming "FUCK YOU ALL!" in the street.  I loaded my shotgun but kept the doors locked.  About 5 of us called the cops.  They showed up in about 20 minutes [rolleyes] and took the guy away.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:06:13 AM EDT
Good job.   But ya confused me.  What the heck does the outside door is spiderwebbed mean?
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:08:13 AM EDT
That's to keep the bugs out, like a screen.

Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:28:23 AM EDT
Excellent judgement.  You definitely have common gun sense.  That sounds like a good NRA article.  You should send it in.
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I 2nd 82nd.........?  yeah, thats right....I think.  What he said!
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:42:37 AM EDT
[b]What the heck does the outside door is spiderwebbed mean?[/b

busted glass.

[b]I think a more responsible response would have been to have loaded a 30 round magazine into an AR and discharge it into the air while running around in the dark after him.[/b]


Link Posted: 5/5/2003 8:39:25 AM EDT
Good work.
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