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Link Posted: 1/29/2012 12:23:21 AM EDT

I can't believe you're still here.

Click ignore, highly recommended.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 12:24:06 AM EDT

If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.
That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.
I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!
Romney actually has the history of banning guns, has stated support for such as recently as his last prep for a presidential run.   You are blind if you think you can trust him to appoint anyone who is supportive of our rights.

Then the game is over.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 12:25:03 AM EDT
It won't matter what I do at that point. The 11 electoral votes of my state will go to the Republican nominee.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 12:26:53 AM EDT
I encourage people to donate money to the NRA-ILA.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 12:30:14 AM EDT




If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.

That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.

I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!
Romney actually has the history of banning guns, has stated support for such as recently as his last prep for a presidential run. You are blind if you think you can trust him to appoint anyone who is supportive of our rights.

Then the game is over.
the problem is for the last couple of decades we haven't been playing to win the long run, we have been winning battles while losing the war.  We have continued to vote for any piece of shit with an 'R' that they feed us.  We failed to vote our principles and now the Republicans truly think a choice betweeen mittens and gingrich is what we want.  

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 1:14:01 AM EDT
Nope. Gary Johnson (LP). Reluctantly, but it's the most moral choice, and one vote won't matter in the long run anyway..
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 2:54:18 AM EDT
only democrats should be dumb enough to vote for third parties

I generally don't vote for members of weird religious cults and romney vs obunga is a lot like marlbro vs marbro light BUT a lame duck obunga would be worse than he is now and worse than romney

Newt is pretty much the way to go at this juncture
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 3:17:31 AM EDT

I could stomach Gingrich, but no way on Romney.

RON PAUL 2012!!!

It doesnt matter how many times I read it, the part in red still cracks me up

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 3:22:16 AM EDT

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 3:29:23 AM EDT
Honestly I'd almost rather vote D, if for no other reason than to see the Republican party be destroyed so an actual conservative party can take its place. I'm tired of voting for their shitstain candidates that have no business pretending to be a conservative. Still though... I could never vote for Obama, so I'm not sure what I'll do.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 3:31:18 AM EDT

Yes I will.

And "R" pres with an "R" House and Senate will be preferable to many other things that can happen.

The pres can't spend money. He can't pass any laws. Better any "R" than a "D."

An "R" house and senate would be vastly more desirable. An "R" prez of any kind would only top it off.

Vote for the house and senate.
The problem with your logic is that if Obama is in office the 'R' congress would interfere with everything he tried, with Romney in there he will support the same policies as Obama only he will do it with the support of an 'R' congress.

Valid point, except you're forgetting, king barry DGAF about no congress.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 3:32:18 AM EDT
I don't vote for gun-grabbing socialist shitstains, sorry.

If the Republican party wants my vote, well, they could try running a conservative.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 3:32:35 AM EDT
Look at Piccolo's latest blog. He states that he isn't voting FOR anybody, but AGAINST the guy in office. That is my position. I believe a weak, bad incumbent is much preferable to a strong, bad incumbent. And at least Romney has to pretend to coddle the gun lobby.

"The difference between bad and worse is much sharper than that between good and bad." –– RAH
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 3:46:55 AM EDT
I will vote red.  Like I always do.  Just to help  keep the map of our county red.  

We have alot of counties in Il.  Most are red , a few are blue.   The few blue  rule and make my vote just a peep.  

kinda meant map of our state.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 3:48:31 AM EDT
Yes I will... while weeping for all of us and our children and grandchildren.

Obama needs to be ejected, period.


I won't like it a bit, but Obama simply must be defeated.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 3:53:08 AM EDT
Fuck no.  At least with Obama he admits he is a socialist...  Romney won't even look you in the eye and tell you that.  

Nailed it .

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 3:57:45 AM EDT
This thread is proof 2 that the modern conservative is out of touch with reality.

Being a Republican doesn't mean shit and Romney is a perfect example of this.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 3:58:46 AM EDT

Maybe 2016 I'll vote R. But I won't promise anything. If they put up another turd, I'll just abstain.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 4:07:58 AM EDT
I will not vote for Rotteney under any circumstances. I'm a former MA resident. I have strong personal disdain for him. I can't get myself to vote for someone that I really would like to punch in the nose. Rotteney will say anything he thinks his potential voters want to hear. He's a liar, a cruel man, and lacks the quality character traits to be a trusted leader. Rotteney will sell out anyone to further his personal gains. He's not conservative at all and has no right calling himself a Repblican.

I understand that people think not voting "R" is a wasted vote in the effort to oust Obummer. But this "Anyone but Obummer" mantra is why we get a$$holes like Rotteney posing as conservative candidates. And people jump all over it to vote against the other guy.

The Republican party is a sham and they no longer have my support. That could change if an actual conservative is nominated. The Dems lean far left and the "R"s are leaning halfway left of center and going further every national election.....

Oh, and down with Obummer, but Rotteney is not the solution.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 4:15:47 AM EDT
I'll only cast my vote for a candidate who represents my interests.

I wouldn't vote for Romney anymore than I would Obama.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 4:15:48 AM EDT
anybody but 0bama!

I'd vote for Nixon if he was on the ballot
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 4:24:33 AM EDT
No.  I don't want to throw away my vote.  I'd rather my vote at least make a statement.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 4:30:15 AM EDT
No.  I don't want to throw away my vote.  I'd rather my vote at least make a statement.

Remember you said that if Obama gets reelected.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 4:36:54 AM EDT
I am voting against Obama. As in the last election, I may not be voting for the candidate
I am voting for, I am voting against Obama.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 4:37:47 AM EDT

I could stomach Gingrich, but no way on Romney.

RON PAUL 2012!!!

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 4:40:03 AM EDT
No, I'm sick and tired of voting against someone.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 4:40:15 AM EDT
If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.
That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.
I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!

In observing last week’s reactions to former Speaker Newt Gingrich by the Republican establishment, I can only surmise that their objective is not to win the Presidency in 2012, but to maintain the status quo of the elite ruling class.  Winning the Presidency would be a plus, but not particularly important to the Party.  I truly believe that should this result in the re-election of BHO, there would be no concern by the Republican leadership for the future of the United States.  They have theirs and to hell with the poor bastards paying the freight.  Why else the vicious attacks on the former Speaker when the stated objective of the process is to let the voters decide who their leadership should be?

Should Romney be elected, he will be at best, no more than a place holder for the next socialist to enter the White House.  My expectation is that he would further expand the reach of government, even as Bush II did.  

Do not take this missive as an unqualified endorsement of the former Speaker, but unless we find a strong leader who is willing and capable of reversing the socialist trend of the last century, the country that we grew up in will not exist for our descendants.  

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 4:41:27 AM EDT
anybody but 0bama!

I'd vote for Nixon if he was on the ballot

And yo'd deserve what you got.

Look, guys, Obama has us in a fire and you Romney-Zombies are trying to talk us into a frying pan. The cold, hard truth is that either one burns you up. Forget that. I'm striking out for the cooler. Maybe they're a beer left in it; I'm hot.

Ron Paul '12.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:04:02 AM EDT
Fuck no.  At least with Obama he admits he is a socialist...  Romney won't even look you in the eye and tell you that.  

Nailed it .

Sincerely, when has Obama admitted, as a presidential candidate or as President, "I am a socialist?"  (I honestly don't watch "the news" and I don't live here.  So, if this has been a topic....)  

If the proof is presented I'll go something like "Well, OK; whatever," but if there is no proof of it, a lot of––too much of––the lamentation herein is just .  

The Left don't care what's wrong with their party.  <––––––––––––- Read that a couple more times.  Let it soak in.  Figure it into every political strategy you consider, especially after the nominee is selected.  

We can't heavily promote a conservative candidate for President because the poll data shows that voters don't want that.  <––––––––––––- Read that a couple more times.  Let it soak in.  Figure it into every political strategy you consider, especially after the nominee is selected.  

It's the peaceful stage of the war against Leftism that we're in now, where our votes are our weapons.  Two potential enemy are before us: One says "I am a socialist," and the other says "Oh no, I'm really not one," and we don't "shoot" the one who is the clear enemy?  What bigger fish could we fry in the next presidential election?

I'm try to cover the "one's a liar" and the "I want a real conservative candidate" tacts together here of course.  .  

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:19:15 AM EDT

I could stomach Gingrich, but no way on Romney.

RON PAUL 2012!!!

It is attitudes like this that will put Obungo back in and just wait to see what he will do then when he doesn't have to face re-election for a third term.

As bad as Romney is, he will still want a second term and he is smart enough to know how many MORE people are looking at politics and maybe smart enough to know not to do anything too stupid or he will not get that much desired second go around.

Not the best choice by far but much better than who we have now.

People, make your protest points somewhere else and not on this issue.  Get Obama out of there and take it from that point.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:21:23 AM EDT

I could stomach Gingrich, but no way on Romney.

[div]RON PAUL 2012!!!

It is attitudes like this that will put Obungo back in

It's attitudes like this that will put a liberal gun-grabber back in office. Guaranteed.

Both wings are attached to the same old gun-grabbing, big-government-healthcare bird.

Ron Paul '12.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:22:45 AM EDT
This is a new and interesting thread subject....
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:26:22 AM EDT
Honestly, these days it seems to be a race between which is worse; Newt or Romney.  I'm not under any illusion that this country would suddenly be better of with Newt or Romney than with Obama.  What's going on in all levels of government isn't due to the people in office, but rather a direct reflection of the people who elect them.

The Republican party basically took two of the better candidates (Cain and Johnson) and threw them aside, and the other good candidate, Paul is getting bashed and ignored for no good reason.  The fact that we are on course to have the Republican party either nominate Newt or Romney is a pitiful disgrace.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:28:01 AM EDT
If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.
That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.
I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!

With an 'R' like Romney in the WH, I'd rather BO win and just get on with it. Zero can go full speed ahead with his commie wet dream and maybe just maybe Americans will finally wake up and find their spines. Things will have to get worse before they get better and we regain anything remotely resembling the country as it was founded..
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:29:11 AM EDT

I would hold my nose and do so in a vote against Barry.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:31:47 AM EDT
Nixon is a fine example of a why R and D is irrelevant. He created the EPA, the Endangered Species Act, OSHA, he implemented price controls, he hated guns, got us off the gold standard, ramped up the drug war and was a corrupt piece of shit.  I see stark similarities between Nixon and Newt/Romney.  People like to bash the Carter years, they sucked, but the Carter years were a result of the Johnson/Nixon/Ford era of huge  government.

Replacing Johnson with Nixon didn't do anything good for this country.  Neither will replacing Obama with Newt.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:32:19 AM EDT

If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.
That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.
I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!
Romney actually has the history of banning guns, has stated support for such as recently as his last prep for a presidential run.   You are blind if you think you can trust him to appoint anyone who is supportive of our rights.

You are blind if you think Mitt would be worse than anything out of an unchecked 2nd term for obama

Mitt might be last on my list of candidates, but he is miles above an obama 2nd term.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:33:02 AM EDT


honestly, probably.

Yep.  In the end, any of these guys are better than Maobama.  Especially for the SC nominations.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:34:38 AM EDT




If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.

That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.

I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!
Romney actually has the history of banning guns, has stated support for such as recently as his last prep for a presidential run. You are blind if you think you can trust him to appoint anyone who is supportive of our rights.

You are blind if you think Mitt would be worse than anything out of an unchecked 2nd term for obama

Mitt might be last on my list of candidates, but he is miles above an obama 2nd term.

at least with Obama the republicans in congress would fight tooth and nail.  With Romney you would have the R's supporting his socialist agenda.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:36:47 AM EDT
Hell yes. Duh.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:37:58 AM EDT
Of course.

Anyone but Obama, and no third party has the slightest chance.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:43:32 AM EDT
This is a new and interesting thread subject....

I honestly think I've captured most of the issue in the post before this one and I think it's simply and well presented there....so it'll probably be ignored.

I try objectivity in page-long posts; I try it in a couple of sentences and it's usually ignored because objectivity is rare in the media we're exposed too.  It seems people don't even recognize it when it stares them in the face.  

What's going on out there in politics is the grouping of our biases into parties; it's why the media are so important.  Us conservatives are trying to put "the right" person in the office through a popularity contest.  There ain't no voter qualification out there, people!  It's a free-for-all.  To demand any party to endorse a candidate the voters don't want is.......  

Leftism is the stampeding of suckers.  Everybody's vote counts the same.  Leftism is the mortal enemy of democracy, republic or not.  History is virtual proof of our vulnerability.  I predict the next great document of humanity to be written––thats Teir-I, like Maga Carta and US Constitution––will recognize and address it.  It'll be written some way that knows about 15% of the population has enough sense to matter in politics but also that those 15% cannot run rough shod over the other 85%, and if the 85% run rough shod over the minority, we (us 85%ers) are going to be worse off in the long run, and it'll lead to war.....bla bla bla.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:46:40 AM EDT
Of course.

Anyone but Obama, and no third party has the slightest chance.

My arguments are presented for debate––along with rhetoric readers might find interesting.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:52:19 AM EDT

If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.
That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.
I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!
Romney actually has the history of banning guns, has stated support for such as recently as his last prep for a presidential run.   You are blind if you think you can trust him to appoint anyone who is supportive of our rights.

You are blind if you think Mitt would be worse than anything out of an unchecked 2nd term for obama

Mitt might be last on my list of candidates, but he is miles above an obama 2nd term.

And you've lost your little mind if you think I'm voting for Romney.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:52:22 AM EDT
I'm voting for the conservative.  If there isn't one, then no vote.  

I know, I know.  This means it is like voting for Obama.  But how can you expect different results if you keep voting for the "lesser of two evils".  

Time to shake up the power structure, force the hand of the moderates and give a leg up to the conservatives, grass roots Republicans and the Tea Party.

No Pain, No Gain

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:57:10 AM EDT
I might have to use vice grips to hold my nose but yes.  Third party votes will ensure that commie in the White House gets free rent for another 4 years.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:57:26 AM EDT

honestly, probably.

Yep.  In the end, any of these guys are better than Maobama.  Especially for the SC nominations.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 5:58:01 AM EDT

If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.
That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.
I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!
Romney actually has the history of banning guns, has stated support for such as recently as his last prep for a presidential run.   You are blind if you think you can trust him to appoint anyone who is supportive of our rights.

You are blind if you think Mitt would be worse than anything out of an unchecked 2nd term for obama

Mitt might be last on my list of candidates, but he is miles above an obama 2nd term.

And you've lost your little mind if you think I'm voting for Romney.

Did I state that somewhere
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 6:00:19 AM EDT


If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.
That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.
I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!
Romney actually has the history of banning guns, has stated support for such as recently as his last prep for a presidential run. You are blind if you think you can trust him to appoint anyone who is supportive of our rights.

You are blind if you think Mitt would be worse than anything out of an unchecked 2nd term for obama

Mitt might be last on my list of candidates, but he is miles above an obama 2nd term.

at least with Obama the republicans in congress would fight tooth and nail.  With Romney you would have the R's supporting his socialist agenda.

Really? The R's in Congress are just going flip 180 degrees on all their stances because Mitt is in the WH?

If obama wins, that means the dems will likely pick up more seats in Congress as well.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 6:00:40 AM EDT

If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.
That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.
I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!
Romney actually has the history of banning guns, has stated support for such as recently as his last prep for a presidential run.   You are blind if you think you can trust him to appoint anyone who is supportive of our rights.

You are blind if you think Mitt would be worse than anything out of an unchecked 2nd term for obama

Mitt might be last on my list of candidates, but he is miles above an obama 2nd term.

And you've lost your little mind if you think I'm voting for Romney.

Did I state that somewhere

It's sort of implied in this thread.

If the Romney-zombies would drop him and get behind Paul, we could have a candidate worth voting for.

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