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Posted: 6/14/2002 10:07:38 AM EDT

With all the god debate going on these days on the board, it's no wonder why more people have been killed in the name of / in the course of following their god(s)than by any means...

Faith is defined (by Webster's) as the "...firm belief in something for which there is no proof...", then does this not validate [b][i]ALL[/i][/b] belief systems?

- And no, even though I am atheistic I'm not trying to be an [i]agent provacature[/i] or a [:K]

Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:14:00 AM EDT

With all the god debate going on these days on the board, it's no wonder why more people have been killed in the name of / in the course of following their god(s)than by any means...

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Actually, teh existence of debate here disproves your theory.

It PROVES strongly opinioned people can maturely discuss hotly debated topics WITHOUT anyone dying.

Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:19:43 AM EDT

With all the god debate going on these days on the board, it's no wonder why more people have been killed in the name of / in the course of following their god(s)than by any means...
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Actually, teh existence of debate here disproves your theory.

It PROVES strongly opinioned people can maturely discuss hotly debated topics WITHOUT anyone dying.
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Except that we're generally not debating them within weapons range of each other. [:D]
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:26:31 AM EDT
Actually, the existence of debate here disproves your theory.

It PROVES strongly opinioned people can maturely discuss hotly debated topics WITHOUT anyone dying.
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I bet there are some Serbs & Bosnians, Isrealis & Palastinians, Hindus & Muslims, Catholics & Protestants...(I deleted the eleven examples after these for the sake of bandwidth preservation) that might disagree with you on that.

Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:29:34 AM EDT
From what I saw of our members at the BRC, they would safe the weapons[0:)] , put them on the ground, pour a big stiff drink, and then REALLY go at it! [50]

That there could be a group of people that big, and all of the same mind and attitude, tells me that there a lot of Spirit filled people around here.  As a cop P3, I am sure you pretty much see the worst of people generally.  Now, doesn't the fact that there can be so many 'good' people in one place, in a world so full of evil, spark your curiosity?
I really believe that people are inherently evil, and most times the goodness you see in some people is a reflection of the Spirit in them.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:29:49 AM EDT
I bet there are some Serbs & Bosnians, Isrealis & Palastinians, Hindus & Muslims, Catholics & Protestants...(I deleted the eleven examples after these for the sake of bandwidth preservation) that might disagree with you on that.

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Religion is JUST an excuse. They'd kill others even without religion.

"Religion" (which generally I despise) is a beleif system intended to make one feel good about themselves (self-righteousnes) and to be able to claim God is on your side when your self-righteousness eventually collides with someone elses.

But don't confuse spiritual beleif with religion.

Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:38:35 AM EDT
Does: "I know that nobody really knows agnostic, but also spiritual" count? Or do I need more medication? [:)]

Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:39:35 AM EDT
Religion is JUST an excuse. They'd kill others even without religion.
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Ehhhhh, (P3 conceeds) in most cases we would agree on this.

One nagging question, then: the Crusades were fought over what, exactly?


P.S.: added poll
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:42:43 AM EDT

One nagging question, then: the Crusades were fought over what, exactly?


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Land and power.

The Arabs took it, greedy individuals who just so happened to be in the Catholic church wanted it back.

Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:42:59 AM EDT
Does: "I know that nobody really knows agnostic, but also spiritual" count? Or do I need more medication? [:)]

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[size=6]For this, "Spiritual" will be restricted to those not believing in any manner of organized religion / belief system, and "Religious" will refer to those who follow a formal belief system.[/size=6]

Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:46:21 AM EDT
Except that we're generally not debating them within weapons range of each other. [:D]
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LOL!! Good one.

As for me, I'm an atheist.

Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:48:52 AM EDT
i have firmly held opinions, but i admit i dont know. agnostic.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:53:14 AM EDT
Land and power.

The Arabs took it, greedy individuals who just so happened to be in the Catholic church wanted it back.
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So, then, an alterior motive of religion is about power and dominance over others not sharing those beliefs of the dominate religion?

Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:56:13 AM EDT
i see we're already mincing words about what exactly "spiritual" and "religious" mean. might it be useful to ask
() christian
() muslim (probably not a popular choice today)
() jew
() hindu
() buddhist
() wiccan
() atheist
() agnostic
() ba'hai
() zoroastrian
() other (specify)
then we can ask what flavor; sunni, shiite, sufi, catholic, orthodox(greek or russian), lutheran, anglican, episcopal, methodist, baptist, pentecostal, mormon,,,
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 11:03:52 AM EDT
i see we're already mincing words about what exactly "spiritual" and "religious" mean. might it be useful to ask ......
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Not enough room.

Link Posted: 6/14/2002 11:23:58 AM EDT
The Pope is working in his office one day when a very excited priest comes rushing down the hall, robes flying.

"Padre! Padre! I have news!" the priest pants as he skids into the room.

The Pope looks up patiently from his work and asks, "What is your news, Father?"

"Jesus is back! He's coming here right now! What should we do?! What should we do?!"

The Pope smiles and picks up his papers and a pen and answers, "Look busy."
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 11:26:34 AM EDT

So, then, an alterior motive of religion is about power and dominance over others not sharing those beliefs of the dominate religion?

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I think the PRIMARY motive of the religions which have engaged in war was power and dominance.

This to me explains the superior nature of Chrsitianity (defined as teh teachins of Jesus Christ, as further expalined by His twelve apostles)

Chrsitianity DOES mandate the spreading of the Gospel, but NEVER is it to be by force. Its is ONLY to be done as a free will discussion.

This is why I have problems with outlawing abortion, or banning drinking alcohol, etc etc etc.

God never intended that people obey Him under force of law. The Old Testament and the ehistory of the Jewish peoples recorded in teh OT prove this. Only free will obedience is pleasing to Him.

Link Posted: 6/14/2002 12:13:51 PM EDT
I think the PRIMARY motive of the religions which have engaged in war was power and dominance.
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Very true to this day and moment: look no further than Southwest Asia!!!!!!!!!!

This to me explains the superior nature of Chrsitianity (defined as the teachings of Jesus Christ, as further explained by His twelve apostles)
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Superior = popular? I thought that the eventual adoption of Christianity by the Roman Empire led to the prolific spread (by force)of that specific religion.

Chrsitianity DOES mandate the spreading of the Gospel, but NEVER is it to be by force. Its is ONLY to be done as a free will discussion.
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By word and in concept, perhaps. But in execution (no pun intended) there was the Spanish Inquisition (convert or be purified by the flame of Christ), Salem Witch Trials (in league with the Devil & must die), the obliteration of the culture's and belief sysytems of most of this planet's indigenous peoples (convert or kill the "heathens")... This is just the tip of the iceberg.

This is why I have problems with outlawing abortion, or banning drinking alcohol, etc etc etc.
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100% agreement with you. Piety has no place in politics.

God never intended that people obey Him under force of law. The Old Testament and the history of the Jewish peoples recorded in the OT prove this. Only free will obedience is pleasing to Him.
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I wish more people practiced this...

Link Posted: 6/14/2002 12:22:01 PM EDT

Superior = popular? I thought that the eventual adoption of Christianity by the Roman Empire led to the prolific spread (by force)of that specific religion.
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Chrsit said "If they hated me, imagine how much more they are gonna hate you." Christianity that makes Chrsit central to its teachings will never be "popular."

Oliver Cromwell's  edict that Chrstianity would be the official religion of the "Holy Roman Empire" did more to destroy Chrsit-centered Christianity than prolly anything I can think of.

By word and in concept, perhaps. But in execution (no pun intended) there was the Spanish Inquisition (convert or be purified by the flame of Christ), Salem Witch Trials (in league with the Devil & must die), the obliteration of the culture's and belief sysytems of most of this planet's indigenous peoples (convert or kill the "heathens")... This is just the tip of the iceberg.
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This explains why we MUST look to Christ, not to man. just becasue men use guns to murder DOES NOT make the gun evil. Just because people poorly "execute" the teachings of Chrsit DOES NOT make them bad.

100% agreement with you. Piety has no place in politics.

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Just for clarities sake, piety MUST EXIST in the life of the individual politician. MANY of our founding Fathers proclaimed that a republic can NOT exist long with it.

But as enforceable public policy, God never intended piety to be mandatory under penalty of law. And God is the One who CREATED government.

Link Posted: 6/14/2002 2:58:40 PM EDT
Just for clarities sake, piety MUST EXIST in the life of the individual politician.
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I misunderstood you. Here we will disagree. IMVHO, our (okay, any) elected official MUST put his/her own personal belief system aside when leading to effectively lead all peoples. Personal life? No problem.

MANY of our founding Fathers proclaimed that a republic can NOT exist long with it.
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True, yet many other FFs did not subscribe to this...

But as enforceable public policy, God never intended piety to be mandatory under penalty of law.
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Then why the heated debate about removing the 10 commandments from courthouses? This is a stickler for me as I believe that the law should not and cannot be allowed to be influenced by any belief system.

Gman, what is your take on my comment about faith in my first post?

BTW, it's been very nice discussing this touchy subject with someone who doesn't foam at the mouth when some infidel dares to ask questions. [:D]


P.S.: the poll is interesting, albeit non-scientific...
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 4:29:31 PM EDT

I misunderstood you. Here we will disagree. IMVHO, our (okay, any) elected official MUST put his/her own personal belief system aside when leading to effectively lead all peoples. Personal life? No problem. {/quote]

What I'm talking about is the personal piety that would keep a Bill Clinton from shagging the hired help. Or lying boldfaced to the nation. Or a Marion Barry from snorting coke and getting professional sexual favors for money.

Or keep a public official from taking a bribe.

Without that type of personal piety, a republic cannot long exist. THAT is what the FF pretty much universally agreed upon, to my reading.

Then why the heated debate about removing the 10 commandments from courthouses? This is a stickler for me as I believe that the law should not and cannot be allowed to be influenced by any belief system.
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I think some people see a symbolism in the 10 Comm. The fear (one which I share) is that in getting rid of them, a nation is getting rid of God. If I could be assured that tho the symbol is gone, its principles would remain, then no big deal.

The reality is, the more a nation BY FREE WILL CHOICE adheres to Scriptural principles, the more God can bless that nation. But the reverse is also true - the more that nation deliberately says "God you are not welcome here", the more that nation will decay and collapse. That is happenning before our very eyes.

The mandate for the Chrsitian is to tell the world "If you leave God, He WILL leave you. And the consequences of that will be more than you can bear."

Gman, what is your take on my comment about faith in my first post?
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I'll go back and read it, and address it separately.

BTW, it's been very nice discussing this touchy subject with someone who doesn't foam at the mouth when some infidel dares to ask questions. [:D]

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Unfortuantely, and to my and other Christians shame, its not always done in this fashion, tho Christ has commanded us to do so in this manner.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 4:38:39 PM EDT

Faith is defined (by Webster's) as the "...firm belief in something for which there is no proof...", then does this not validate [b][i]ALL[/i][/b] belief systems?

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Scripture defines faith as the "substance of things that are hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen."

ONLY ONE faith system can actually be valid and true, because there is only one concrete reality in which we live.

Either the Christians got it right, or teh Muslims, or the Hindus or the atheists, etc etc. ONLY ONE is right, everyone else is wrong.

Faith is NOT the basis that can PROVE scientifically anything to be true. Else it wouldn't be faith - it would be fact.

All beleif syatems are based on faith (even evolution) making them equally VIABLE, but NOT equally valid. Only one is valid.

Personally, I've found Christ has never failed me. Men will fail. Religion will fail.

Scripture states that God "rewards those (allows them to find Him) who diligently seek after him"

I can't prove to you or anyone else that Christianity is valid, and all teh others are false. All I can say for sure is if you diligently seek after God, you will be found of Him.

Link Posted: 6/14/2002 5:16:51 PM EDT
Garandman, you and XxSlasherxX are two members here that truly live and post by your faith. You do not alienate others from your Christianity by embracing cruel, mean spirited views and forcing them on others as part of your beliefs.
You two, above most others I have seen here, do more to give Christianity a good name again than all of the shrieking, howling, arrogant name-callers will ever hope to accomplish.
Those that cast stones at others, and then justify it in the "name of Jesus", are part of the problem these days, and provide a good source of anti-Christian sentiment.
I may not BE Christian, but thank you, G-Man and XxSlasherxX, for showing me that there ARE still good Christians left in the world.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 7:10:11 PM EDT
Now here's a poll with results.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 7:22:38 PM EDT
Speaking of XxSlasherxX... I noticed how he does not really get involved in "these" threads. I spoke with him at length over the telephone one time... one damn (pardon) fine fellow IMO. I wish we would see more of him here in the forums.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 7:33:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/15/2002 9:05:22 AM EDT
What I'm talking about is the personal piety that would keep a Bill Clinton from shagging the hired help...
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We agree on this, but I would dare say that this would have exponentially more to do with ethics and morals, rather than piety.

I think some people see a symbolism in the 10 Comm. The fear (one which I share) is that in getting rid of them, a nation is getting rid of God.
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[b][i]Your[/i][/b] God. Your statement, while perfectly reasonable to the followers of your faith symbolizes the "Deo-centrism" that I find disturbing. While not intentional, it projects an air of self-righteousness, even indignation.

Slightly out of place, but, to further illustrate: "yes, all are welcome into the kingdom of Heaven - but only if they follow [i]our[/i] ("the") specific interpretation of the Good Book. Those that do not are damned, doomed, screwed, blued and tattooed..."

What about the myiad of other people who follow a different belief system - this country is here for them, too, even though the very nature of your faith procludes the inclusion of the others.(I realize that your religion forbids even the regognition, let alone the validity of other belief systems...)

Link Posted: 6/15/2002 10:31:35 AM EDT
Scripture defines faith as the "substance of things that are hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen."
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Hmmmmmm... "evidence of things not yet seen"?

ONLY ONE faith system can actually be valid and true, because there is only one concrete reality in which we live.
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Okay, then, by inference, yours is the only "correct" faith, and everyone else is wrong - but this view is shared by every other christian sect...

Either the Christians got it right, or teh Muslims, or the Hindus or the atheists, etc etc. ONLY ONE is right, everyone else is wrong.
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How do you know that your's is the correct one? I would expect you to answer that it's the one you were raised with, or the one you chose.

All belief systems are based on faith (even evolution)...
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Oh, boy. Another topic entirely. Would the disinterested (read: objective) observer conclude that faiths are rooted in their respective historical mythologies, whereas evolution is based in fact and supported theory?

Link Posted: 6/16/2002 3:32:49 AM EDT
I practice no particular religion, if you look around you see that at certain levels, organized religion is more corrupt than politics. I'm sorry but it is the truth.I dont fault anybody for their beliefs. if thats what does it for you go for it. I'm happy your happy. but I have seen the corruption first hand, people think it's OK to take advantage and even steal from people because the do it in the name of the lord. and I wasn't too cracked up about how long it took the catholic church to descide on the "zero tollerence" for child molesting priests. HELLO, that should not even been a question. treat them the same way all child molesters should be treated. (I wont go into gory details) I'm not saying everybody involved is corrupt, but more and more I am beginning to see it.

Link Posted: 6/16/2002 4:57:24 PM EDT

[b][i]Your[/i][/b] God. Your statement, while perfectly reasonable to the followers of your faith symbolizes the "Deo-centrism" that I find disturbing. While not intentional, it projects an air of self-righteousness, even indignation.

Slightly out of place, but, to further illustrate: "yes, all are welcome into the kingdom of Heaven - but only if they follow [i]our[/i] ("the") specific interpretation of the Good Book. Those that do not are damned, doomed, screwed, blued and tattooed..."
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Well, it would we WRONG of me to waste your time telling you of Christ if I weren't SURE He was the ONLY way to GOd, the ONLY way to Heaven.

Logically, its an either or proposition. EITHER the Hindus are right, OR the Chrsitians are. EITHER the Muslims are right, OR teh Chrsitians are. We can't BOTH be right. Its more the nature of the question, than the attitude of the answer.

But you wouldn't be the first person to tell me (and other Christians )that we appear arrogant in being SOO CERTAIN the we have the RIGHT, the ONLY way. I can understand this, so I try to take any offensive words I use out of it, because as Christ told us, His message is offensive enuf without me adding to the offense.

But like I say, it'd be pretty silly of me to be "selling" something (and sacrificing my own wants and desires) for a faith that I wasn't SURE of.

What about the myiad of other people who follow a different belief system - this country is here for them, too, even though the very nature of your faith procludes the inclusion of the others.(I realize that your religion forbids even the regognition, let alone the validity of other belief systems...)

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AGAIN, that's why I'm against just simply codifying Christianity, and making it the law of the land. Two reasons - (1)  God doesn;t want it done that way, and (2) we have a good example of what that will produce - in Islaam.
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 5:07:40 PM EDT

Hmmmmmm... "evidence of things not yet seen"?
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Well teh classical example would be "Heaven." I beleive in it, even tho I've never seen it. "Faith" is that thing / substance / "evidence" that enables us to beleive in something we have NOT seen, JUST LIKE we HAD seen it.

Okay, then, by inference, yours is the only "correct" faith, and everyone else is wrong - but this view is shared by every other christian sect...
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COrrect. That's what makes it faith in them, and faith in us. We just have DIFFERENT faith.

How do you know that your's is the correct one? I would expect you to answer that it's the one you were raised with, or the one you chose.

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Now you've struck the heart of the matter.

DOn't take this wrong, as I mean no offense by it.....

[b]But Jesus Christ is more real to me than you are[/b]

How can this be??

Primarily by my exposure to and reading of His Word, the Bible.

Written over 2,000 years, in numerous countries, by dozens of authors, it contains not a single error or contradiction.

Tho men have made concerted efforts to destroy it, it stands strong.

COuntless millions have died for it.

And most importantly to me....

It has an answer for every question I've ever had. In reading it, I have met face to face with the wisdom of God. It meets my needss in the darkest of circumstances.

While I've not made a detailed study of every other religious writing out there, I see no need to. I've met God thru His Word - anything else would be a let down.

But don't take my word for it. Its a journey you'll have to make for yourself. I'll help in any way I can, but you have to set out on the journey to seek God. Scripture promises God will reward you for that journey.

Link Posted: 6/16/2002 5:10:02 PM EDT
Hannah -

Kind words, but I am undue your kindness.

ANY good in me is to the credit of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Left to my own devices, I'd be among the worst.

Link Posted: 6/16/2002 5:18:02 PM EDT
Written over 2,000 years, in numerous countries, by dozens of authors, it contains not a single error or contradiction.
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No errors or contradictions?

[b]Genesis 6:19:[/b] And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.

[b]Genesis 7:2:[/b] Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.

So, did God clarify his earlier command or change his mind?  2 or 7, 2 or 7, 2 or 7...

Link Posted: 6/16/2002 5:59:40 PM EDT
No errors or contradictions?

[b]Genesis 6:19:[/b] And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.
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These pairs were to repopulate the earth

[b]Genesis 7:2:[/b] Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
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Some of these extra pairs were for sacrifices.

So, did God clarify his earlier command or change his mind?  2 or 7, 2 or 7, 2 or 7...

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See [b]Genesis 7:6[/b]
Noah was 600 years old at this time, I sure it did't hurt to tell him twice.

Link Posted: 6/16/2002 8:36:27 PM EDT
Quoted: Written over 2,000 years, in numerous countries, by dozens of authors, it contains not a single error or contradiction.
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Woah, Nelly!!! without getting into a long post / counterpost duel over this statement, there are many that I have personally found, and many more already listed.

I find that these are overlooked, glossed over, conveniently ignored, or explained away by the followers of Christianity.

Countless millions have died for it.
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Why does god allow all of the suffering?

It has an answer for every question I've ever had. In reading it, I have met face to face with the wisdom of God. It meets my needss in the darkest of circumstances.
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(No flame) I am jealous of that peace of mind your faith gives you. I wish that I could find that.

(Still no flame) Tangent thought: Perhaps that is what Marx meant by religion being the "opiate of the masses." -Asshole that he was...

It's a journey you'll have to make for yourself. I'll help in any way I can, but you have to set out on the journey to seek God.
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I am genuinely flattered by the offer, but no. I have chose a different path.

Link Posted: 6/16/2002 8:46:54 PM EDT
Why does god allow all of the suffering?
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Becouse we choice that.
Thats freewell.
If he stopped all suffering what would we learn?
What would we be?
Why do WE allow it?


Link Posted: 6/16/2002 8:50:53 PM EDT
Why does god allow all of the suffering?
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Becouse we choice that.(suffering)
Thats freewell.
If he stopped all suffering what would we learn?
What would we be?
Why do WE allow it?


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Link Posted: 6/17/2002 5:22:03 AM EDT
ANY good in me is to the credit of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Left to my own devices, I'd be among the worst.
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therein lies a problem. many people do not suffer this deficiency, and are capable of distinguishing right and wrong without divine intervention.
according to most "christians", they are going to burn in hell.
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 5:30:18 AM EDT
therein lies a problem. many people do not suffer this deficiency, and are capable of distinguishing right and wrong without divine intervention.
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According to Scripture, we ALL suffer this deficiency. Some will be worse than others, but ALL will be sinful. Yes, the unsaved can distinguish right and wrong, but the unsaved is incapable of choosing right on a consistent basis.

Thesaved are empowered by God to make that choice.

(This is simply intended as a re-statement of Scriptural teaching, NOT meant to convince anyone, or even engender futher debate)

according to most "christians", they are going to burn in hell.
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Actually, if it were up to me (a "Christian" ) I wouldn't prolly set such a high standard (mostly cuz I can't in my own power live up to it myself)

But then, it ain't up to me.

Link Posted: 6/17/2002 8:45:13 PM EDT
Quoted:If he stopped all suffering what would we learn?
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Tell me, what is to be learned by watching your child waste away from cancer?

What is to be learned from genocide (those commited by both god and man)?

What would we be?
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Why do WE allow it?
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Short answer? Because we are genetically predisposed through billions of years of evolution to pass on our genes (and, at the societal / cultural level, memes) using any means necessary.

Link Posted: 6/17/2002 8:55:59 PM EDT
Isn't is strange, religion is established to set a moral guideline to separate humans from barbaric sub-humans for the most part, to build nations and advance mankind as a whole. THEN WHY DO MORE PEOPLE DIE IN THE NAME OF RELIGION THAN ANY OTHER WAY !!!
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 9:29:30 AM EDT
Isn't is strange, religion is established to set a moral guideline to separate humans from barbaric sub-humans for the most part, to build nations and advance mankind as a whole. THEN WHY DO MORE PEOPLE DIE IN THE NAME OF RELIGION THAN ANY OTHER WAY !!!
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Isn't it strange, the Second Amendment was written to GUARANTEE the right of the citizens to firearms of common military useage, such that "a government of the people, by the people and for the people would never cease from the earth.". THEN WHY DO THE ANTIS USE IT TO CLAIM ONLY THE STATE AND NATIONAL GUARDS HAVE A RIGHT TO WON FIREARMS!!!!!

The MISUSE of an ideology is NOT, I repeat NOT, ANY indication of the merit of that ideology.

Think now:

Satan hates God, God teaches morality and standards via religion, Satan gets people to commit all types of horrible acts, FALSELY CLAIMING their religion commands them to do it.

Gee, maybe Satan is just getting hateful, miserable people to hijack religion in order to give it a bad name, so that Satan can discredit God's moral and standards???

No one would fall for that tired, old, well-worn trick, would they????


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