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Posted: 6/3/2002 6:48:13 AM EDT
I wish I could draw this.

I have a picture, in my mind, of a newspaper cartoon with God, Christians, Jews, Hindus and Mohammed up in heaven looking down into Hell at Bin Laden and his followers.  Next to Bin Laden is Satan peeling a sticker with the word ALLAH from his chest and uncovering the word DEVIL.


[}:D] [:o)][%|]
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 6:59:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 7:21:31 AM EDT
Not to be a PIA, but maybe you want to reconsider that "Snipe a Muslim" sig line.

That's just the kind of talk that our enemies use to [bold]turn the rest of the muslim world against us.[/bold]
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LOL A little late for that Charlie!

M193: Fuck em, keep your sig line.
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 7:31:58 AM EDT
Not to be a PIA, but maybe you want to reconsider that "Snipe a Muslim" sig line.

That's just the kind of talk that our enemies use to turn the rest of the muslim world against us.
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Sorry man, change your name to "Clueless."  Muslims haven't used anything WE'VE said to hate us, they hate us for the Crusades, for being successful and for EVER having had set foot in the middle east as well as supporting the jews.  

Arabs only understand violence, lets see what happens if they are successful in hitting America again on American soil.  The government wouldn't be able to intern them in time for their own protection.  

M193, why the hell do you have a delusional pedophile standing next to jews, christians, hindus and god?  Heathen! [;)]

Hey Aimless, why don't you head your ass down to [url]http://www.clearguidance.com/forumdisplay.php?s=e27d5320173ccf412af5e26d97de9dda&forumid=11[url] start an account and start reading about what Muslims think about you and how they'd like to cut your throat and the throat of everyone you know.  Maybe then you'll get that PC attitude in check.  If I sound harsh, its because we won't be safe until the bad guys are dead.  You can't reason with an insane man, you put him and his followers in the ground.
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 8:00:45 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 8:21:38 AM EDT

"Snipe a muslim"? [rolleyes]

Link Posted: 6/3/2002 12:58:40 PM EDT
Baloney-there are plenty of muslims in this country that are patriotic hard working tax paying americans and-surprise surprise-they serve in our military.

What about the two guys down the street from me that came here and opened a gas station with money they had worked for years to save and now have about 10 people working for them and they work at least 60+ hours a week to try and make a living and get ahead? What have they ever done to deserve to be murdered?

And if you wanna go hunt down the punks from Clearguidance-more power to you, have fun. I couldn't agree with you more.

I still think that sig line is obnoxious.

Oh and calling me "Clueless" is kind of worn out, you can do better than that...[;)]

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Link Posted: 6/3/2002 1:02:27 PM EDT
Baloney-there are plenty of muslims in this country that are patriotic hard working tax paying americans and-surprise surprise-they serve in our military.

What about the two guys down the street from me that came here and opened a gas station with money they had worked for years to save and now have about 10 people working for them and they work at least 60+ hours a week to try and make a living and get ahead? What have they ever done to deserve to be murdered?

And if you wanna go hunt down the punks from Clearguidance-more power to you, have fun. I couldn't agree with you more.

I still think that sig line is obnoxious.

Oh and calling me "Clueless" is kind of worn out, you can do better than that...[;)]

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You are correct, and I have known a few of them.  I also don't think Islam is a religion of hatred, that is why my cartoon would have Mohammed in Heaven.

I just like to stir the pot sometimes.

Link Posted: 6/3/2002 1:03:22 PM EDT
I think they already hate us so the sig line cant hurt
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