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Posted: 3/22/2001 3:11:10 PM EDT
moo  mooo Moo MOO MMMMOOOOOO

I just couldn't pass this up.
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 5:24:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 5:32:42 PM EDT
Two cows are standing in a pasture eating grass. The first one says "What do you think about all this mad cow disease going around?" and the second one says "What do I care???? I'm a tractor!!!!!!"
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 5:38:25 PM EDT
Well since we're on the topic.  And I also apologize in advance for all who are offended.(not really)  Everyone knows why they call it Mad Cow Disease.

PMS was already taken.[}:)]


Link Posted: 3/22/2001 5:42:31 PM EDT
mad cow disease, huh? hey, pass me another burger.
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 5:58:40 PM EDT
Is it dangerous to have sex with a farm animal now?
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 7:18:07 PM EDT
No, just to eat-it-out!!!!!!!!  HAHAHAHAHAHA

Link Posted: 3/22/2001 8:22:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 9:18:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 10:20:48 PM EDT
Mattja, ewe is a baaa'd boy! LOL!!![8D]
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 10:54:16 PM EDT
Speaking of Mad Cow Disease, here's an excellent book on the subject, from an author a lot of us know:

Link Posted: 3/23/2001 2:37:02 AM EDT
Mattja, ewe is a baaa'd boy! LOL!!![8D]
View Quote

I showed it to my boss and he said, "Sheep? What's wrong with you people? In Greece, we use goats" he he
Link Posted: 3/23/2001 4:12:23 AM EDT
Well, I personally think that MOO this mad cow thing is just a ploy by the MOO "One government" clan to cause us to have to start sharing MOO agricultural taechnology. I personally have seen the black helicopters flying over the areas MOO where the infected MOO animals were found MOO. I have also MOO noticed several MOO contrails and crop circles MOO in MOO the area MOOOOOOO   MOOOOOOOOOOOO.....

Link Posted: 3/23/2001 4:47:28 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/23/2001 5:03:31 AM EDT
A real case of Mad Cow disease [url]http://www.stickdeath.com/madcow.html[/url]
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