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Posted: 12/28/2002 9:52:29 AM EDT
I was urinating in a stall at a popular restaurant when this big guy tried to squeeze in next to me in the next urinal.  I turned to give him some elbow room and ended up pissing all over the front of his pants.  He was pissed, but what could I do?  I was standing there with my rod in my hand minding my own business when he disturbed me.  I swear I could not stop.  I had just gotten out of the car after a long ride and I thought I would explode.

Not funny.  The f_ _ker wanted to fight.  I told him to piss off and walked away!  Hell I almost got it on myself trying to let the fu_ _er in!  Hey I didn't know he was the sensitive type!

Link Posted: 12/28/2002 9:56:28 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 10:01:58 AM EDT
If I cannot comfortably get in next to someone, I will hold it, I would rather not disturb another guy who has his piece in his hand, as I want nothing at all to do with it.
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 10:10:53 AM EDT
These urinals were divided with wooden panels.  They looked like stalls for christ sake!  You would think one would have a problem getting into trouble with this setup!  My point is I was so embarrassed I would have whipped my own ass if I could have!


Link Posted: 12/28/2002 10:20:35 AM EDT
I was urinating in a stall at a popular restaurant when this big guy tried to squeeze in next to me in the next urinal.  I turned to give him some elbow room and ended up [red]pissing[/red] all over the front of his pants.  He was [red]pissed[/red], but what could I do?  I was standing there with my rod in my hand minding my own business when he disturbed me.  I swear I could not stop.  I had just gotten out of the car after a long ride and I thought I would explode.

Not funny.  The fucker wanted to fight.  I told him to [red]piss off[/red] and walked away!  Hell I almost got it on myself trying to let the fu_ _er in!  Hey I didn't know he was the sensitive type!

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Funny. Too much information though :)

Muzzle Control!
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 10:20:36 AM EDT
No you did fine..

Its the big Oafs fault not yours.....

I would love to have seen it!
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 10:23:59 AM EDT
I was urinating in a stall at a popular restaurant when this big guy tried to squeeze in next to me in the next urinal.  I turned to give him some elbow room and ended up pissing all over the front of his pants.  
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So let me get this straight.  If you were facing the urinal, and he was facing the urinal, you would have to turn 90 degrees in his direction to piss on him.  At that angle it would have hit his leg.  So this also means he would have been turned at least 45 degrees in your direction.  (Unless he was on a stool and you were trying to piss between his legs.)  I hope you control yourself at the range.
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 10:37:07 AM EDT
Brings new meaning to the term "Whippin Willie"...
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 11:13:17 AM EDT
Like I always say, "It's better to be pissed off than pissed on."

Link Posted: 12/28/2002 11:27:10 AM EDT
I would love to have seen it!
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I bet you [i]wood[/i] Panama Red...
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 11:30:22 AM EDT
that's funny man!
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 4:06:46 PM EDT
That is why I [i]NEVER[/i] have a sword-fight.  I'll wait and hold it in until an appropriate pissing hole is open.

[b][red][i]Libertas an Mortis!![/b][/red][/i]
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 4:09:52 PM EDT
Remember, never point your penis at something you aren't willing to pee on.
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 4:13:22 PM EDT
dude, if someone pissed on me, thier would be no talking thier way out of it.
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 4:18:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 5:13:37 PM EDT
I don't want you to get paranoid or anything about this incident, but I think he "squeezed in" next to you to check you out![:D]
He wasn't looking down, was he?!?[:)]  If he was, he got what he deserved!
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 5:59:28 PM EDT
Too bad you weren't dumpin!
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 6:04:18 PM EDT
I stabbed a guy once for this. HELL NO I USED A KNIFE. before you ask
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 6:16:16 PM EDT
Remember, never point your penis at something you aren't willing to pee on.
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Link Posted: 12/28/2002 6:23:45 PM EDT
John Wayne said the worst part about being famous is when he'd be recognized taking a whizz in the men's room by the guy at the next urinal.  They'd invariably say "HEY! You're John Wayne!" and turn towards him while they were still urinating.
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 6:30:15 PM EDT

Link Posted: 12/28/2002 6:35:18 PM EDT
Ahhhh Yea! Tell us the truth! You guys where playing the 'Crossing The Stream' game.....[BD]
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 7:52:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 6:34:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 6:40:31 AM EDT
when penises are outlawed only outlaws will have a penis?!
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Correct. And Rosie O'Donnell.
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 7:29:53 AM EDT
Seems hard to do with the usual dividers unless you pissed on his feet.  

At sporting events they have those big long sink type things you wizz into.  You can probably easily piss on someone there.

Anyway, I think your lucky to get out of there without a scratch.  
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 10:20:20 AM EDT
I've had back splash at the urinals. Only got it on myself though.
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