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Posted: 3/15/2001 4:04:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/15/2001 4:46:51 PM EDT
I can't believe the nerve of those pricks!!!!

Those jerk-off's should be paying you.  Tell those pricks there is no free ride!!!!

Somewhere down in the TOS I was looking for the punchline.


Mindspring/Earhlink isn't pulling that crap.  At least not yet.

I suppose they also want 15% of your gross pay?

I'll be back later to read the rest.
Link Posted: 3/16/2001 1:13:41 AM EDT
Yep, they suck.

I cancelled them last year aafter I had had enough of their crap.  Funny thing,  they billed me for an extra year of service last month.

Make sure you get the name of the rep you talk to after you cancel.

Ya get what you pay for....
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