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Posted: 2/28/2001 9:10:11 PM EDT
My dad is ex-army, wwII 101st airborne , paratropper, D-day and all the good stuff.  I have an extra desert BDU field jacket, I'd like to set up for him with Army patches and badges.  He has a CIB, jump wings, was a pfc, a saw combat with the 101st.  Does the Army have desert subdued patches??? If so where can I get a few?  I was in the Air Force and have no Army style patches.
Link Posted: 2/28/2001 9:16:01 PM EDT
Try, www.supertrooper.com

I know they have had them in the past & I have an orderform for them at work, I will check tomorrow.

Link Posted: 2/28/2001 9:47:26 PM EDT

I see you are in Wa....any chance near Ft Lewis area? (Tacoma) I KNOW most military decorations can be picked up at area surplus near bases for dirt cheap....and Dry Cleaners near posts will usually sew on name tags....eib..etc....I 'think' your whole list is available as sew ons...

Good Luck troop.....

GREAT gift 4 dad!
Link Posted: 2/28/2001 10:25:29 PM EDT
Lonegunman, from a fellow Screaming Chicken what regiment was your father in. I was in the NO SLACK! Battalion 327th.

Link Posted: 3/1/2001 4:57:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 5:57:32 AM EDT
No desert subdued, just the standard subdued are used. At least that's what is used on Sinai deployments.
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 3:40:51 PM EDT
Thanks guys, my Dad was in 501st/F company from 1942 to 1945, North Africa to support an outfit that got chewed up(I am not sure of the specifics) ,jumped in Normandy and Holland.  Bronze Star w/OLC, Purple Heart w/OLC and a few campaign medals.  He is a member of the Airborne Assoc. and still hits a reunion a year.  Any help finding the correct stuff for the Desert field jacket is appreciated.  
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 5:54:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 10:56:44 PM EDT
 There has to be one current army guy on this damn board who has seen desert bdus with all the crap sewn on them.  NOT A SINGLE one of those GI crap peddlers responed to my e-mail.
 This is a no bullshit request, I don't need army crap for myself, I have a room full of AF crap to pick through.  If anybody has the correct patches, I'll buy them or trade for them.  Drop me a note.
Link Posted: 3/6/2001 3:15:46 AM EDT
First point, units that don't wear the desert subdued stuff most likely just couldn't figure out how to get them, or didn't bither to try.

Second point, you will often not have luck dealing with companies whose major market is wannabe Mall Ninjas. Then again, most real soldiers can just go on post or to one of many off post places. The trick is to find one that sells by phone or internet, caters to actual military, and SHIPS.

I have the answer to your question (minus the 101st patch - not even sure they make a desert subdued for them - Matt Daugherty: Do they? If so, you got any buddies that can secure one from the local area?)
The place you need to look is as follows:

Link Posted: 3/6/2001 5:31:03 AM EDT
Did your Dad request the desert BDU's?  If not, you might look into just getting him another feild jacket. I have a neighbor that was in the 101st in DS so I'll ask him what he has.

I know that alot of units just sewed the green stuff on the desert pattern.

One thing to keep in mind. He has two combat jumps so he will want the jump wings to indicate this with two gold stars on the suspension lines. This is known as mustard stains.

Also try these guys

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