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Posted: 3/4/2001 1:05:13 PM EDT
I recently got linksys and got both my PCs on the internet with it.
Soo, it is working for that. But, how do I set up the network and linksys so that I can share files from one PC to the next and how do I set it up to play games on my home network.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 1:20:44 PM EDT
Right click on Network Neighborhood and go to properties, make sure "Client for Microsoft Networks" is installed. If not.. install it.

Make all the computers have the same workgroup name (it helps find them faster) just browse the network from the network neighborhood. To share files right click on a folder and go to "Sharing" and put whatever files you want to share in the folder.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 1:35:41 PM EDT
Well, I did that on both machnes and still neither machine is showing up on the network.
where is it htat I can click on sharing? I clicked file and printer sharing in the properties section but that is it.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 1:42:33 PM EDT
Right click on say... your C drive, go to sharing and you can share out your entire drive. Or just right click on a folder and click on sharing.

I forgot..

Under the properties in your network settings make sure Client for MS networks is installed, File and Printer Sharing is installed, Net BUI, and of course TCP/IP

Installed theses services and protocalls and reboot.

Try then.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 1:49:51 PM EDT
Should probably define what Operating System you are running as well. I see here the assumption that you are running Windows98/ME but it would be different if the machines were different operating systems, such as Macintosh, or even NT. Under Windows you need to have the windows filesharing protocol installed in order for the sharing option to be present when you right click on the c drive, or whatever folder you wish to make visible on the network, which Frank the spank explained.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 2:34:09 PM EDT
One machine is windows ME and the other is Windows 98 second ed
I'm file sharing now. cool!
Will these two machines be able to play games with each other now?
What about the fire wall feature of linksys. Does any one know how to use it?
Thanks Frank for the advice
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 2:42:29 PM EDT
No problem. Sorry it took me a couple of posts to remember what protocalls you needed, hehehe

Basicly the games you play should find your LAN. I have the same exact setup and it runs like a dream. Like Counter Strike.. have one machibe be the server and have the other find it under the LAN games.

Fist thing you should do is update the firmware on your router.

Have fun!
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 2:47:40 PM EDT
If the linksys comes with a firewall option then yes you can set it up. If I were you I would read the manual on how to setup the firewall. Firewalls are not needed however, but if you are a security freak then look into it. I only set up software firewalls on my actual internet servers themselves, and keep in mind a firewall will not protect you from DOS attack. If you are just a common guy, then you don't need to worry about it.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 3:04:26 PM EDT
If you have an "always on" Internet connection and have file sharing enabled, you need the firewall.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 3:14:42 PM EDT
no you don't. I work as a computer systems and network administrator and we do use not only a firewall but a proxy as well. But at my home I have no firewall setup on my LAN, but only a software firewall on my actual UNIX server. I have never had a problem with anyone trying to hack my windows network and running the NetBui protocol is much more dangerous then having windows filesharing going on, as it has crazy exploits.

And in this case he was having trouble just getting filesharing going. Instructing him to have a firewall will be a large project for him to tackle as he will need to know exactly what ports to block and which ones not to block.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 3:38:53 PM EDT
He's already got a firewall setup.

The Linksys router has a built in firewall that is always on. Only way to turn it off is to put the port on the switch you are using on the DMZ host. And with the Linksys it only allows one port to be on it.

When I had just my DSL I ran Blacice and I got A LOT of pings from people looking for an open port. I feel a bit safer with my Firewall in place.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 3:45:53 PM EDT
For the LinkSys router, you can probably get by without a firewall. We were running MS Proxy and were subject to constant attacks. We tried Black Ice and others firewalls and finally decided MS Proxy is just to vulnerable so we dumped it. Now we use the LinkSys 8-port router with Zone Alarm on every client. It’s very easy to install and configure Zone Alarm, so it’s worth it just for the added protection.

But I would dump NetBEUI. Since he has to run TCP/IP to access the net, there is no need to run NetBEUI as well. Just configure the LinkSys as a DHCP server on the inside network and every client as a DHCP client. As long as you don’t use static IPs on the inside, the LinkSys is a piece of cake to configure.

LinkSys uses NAT, so it already offers firewall protection. It’s automatic – there is no way to configure the firewall option on the LinkSys other than the DMZ option as Frank suggested.

If you want to test how well the LinkSys firewall works before installing Zone Alarm, go to www.grc.com and run the Shields Up test. If the port scan fails and he reports your system as being highly secure, then you are probably okay. But for me, it's worth it to run Zone Alarm because once you've been hacked you get a little paranoid.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 4:05:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 6:15:24 PM EDT
Thanks everyone for your help.
the network part is working fine. I'm able to share files back and forth. It really was a piece of cake.
I wish I could get Delta Force Land Warriors to link up though.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 6:56:11 PM EDT
Duffypoo, that was a good analysis. Although NAT is not meant to be a firewall, does it not have the effect of acting as a firewall, at least in reagrds to the LinkSys router? And although NAT is vulnerable, is it possible to launch attacks from the LinkSys? If so, I'd like to know so I can beef-up my system to handle such attacks. Does what you say apply to the LinkSys or to proxy servers?

By the way, how do you find a host by IP if the host is a DHCP client?
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 9:44:33 PM EDT
This topic kinda reminds me of Saturday Night Live : Frank Burns - The Computerman
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 9:55:10 PM EDT

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