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Posted: 5/25/2002 10:24:48 AM EDT
I found a stash of berrys in the woods by my house.
Link Posted: 5/25/2002 10:26:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/25/2002 10:28:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/25/2002 10:29:00 AM EDT
Blackberries?  I love blackberries!
Link Posted: 5/25/2002 1:48:24 PM EDT
Paging Falcon2.    Paging Falcon2.

Send me an e-mail.  I tried your ev1.net address and I keep got an invalid address message.
Link Posted: 5/25/2002 1:55:50 PM EDT
Falcon2, That reminds me of when I was growing up and we lived out in the country. There used to be wild raspberries,blackberries and strawberries all around the 10 acres we lived on. My brother and I used to sit out in the field eating berries till we got our fill. Our Doberman used to eat them right along with us. I sure miss those days[:)]
Link Posted: 5/25/2002 1:56:14 PM EDT
My bride could make you a cobbler out of them there berries that would make you piss on a fresh out of the oven apple pie.......

No wonder I'm so fat....
Link Posted: 5/25/2002 1:59:05 PM EDT
Man those look good!
Link Posted: 5/25/2002 2:10:45 PM EDT
Cobbler Baby!!!! Hot blackberry cobbler with Breyer's Vanilla Bean on top.
Link Posted: 5/25/2002 2:15:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/25/2002 9:58:21 PM EDT
We got it good in Texas.
Link Posted: 5/25/2002 10:07:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/25/2002 10:19:46 PM EDT
We used to have those at our house in So. Cal when I was a kid. I grew up eating jams, jellies, and pies made from them. Love 'em!
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