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Posted: 3/23/2001 1:35:02 AM EDT
As NRA members will know, an NRA packet just arrived in the mail that has two postcards that they want you to send; on the Bush and one to Heston.

I am not sending the Bush card because, frankly, it congratulates him on a good job of protecting our rights.  I do not know of any ambition he has to repeal any laws, or pass bills repealing them.  I do not know of any gun law he has full-heartedly opposed in Texas, either.

If the card said,"Congratulations on winning the presidency.  Us Americans are counting on you too make the second amendment relevant again, and to get these ridiculous laws off the books".

What do you guys think?
Link Posted: 3/23/2001 1:50:40 AM EDT
Well it is like that "new school" kind of accomplishment, much like outcome based education. As long as they say or appear to be doing something then it is to be commended as if something was actually accomplished.
Link Posted: 3/23/2001 1:51:20 AM EDT
I haven't looked in the mail for a few days, so I've not looked the package over.

How about sending Dubya a letter anyway, one that is hand written, verbose, and clearly outlines your expectations of him to carry out his Oath of Office...every bit of it!  And while you are at it, send one to Heston and LaPierre that highlites their eagerness to thank someone for not doing a DAMN thing to right the wrongs done to the Constitution.

The rest of us should do the same!  I'll put mine in the mail tomarrow!

Semper Fi
Link Posted: 3/23/2001 2:10:56 AM EDT
Sounds like a plan.  I hope at least one of us can make it articulate enough for it to actually reach GW, if that is at all possible.
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