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Posted: 6/5/2002 11:04:43 AM EDT
The older I get the more I just wish we would leave each other the heck ALONE!

What business is it of mine if my neighbor drinks on a Sunday?

Why should I care if he fires up a joint?

What difference does it make if he chooses to not wear his seat belt? to eat red meat? to read dirty magazines? to teach his kids God is a fairly tale? to teach his kids that God is the Creator?

I saw an ad from the "State of Texas" describing how they would crack down on seat belt violations!  Big deal if someone wants to go head first through a windshield let Darwin's Law prevail!

Link Posted: 6/5/2002 11:08:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 11:16:45 AM EDT
Don't sound like any liberal I know. They are ALWAYS telling me what is and isn't OK.

But you do sound a tad Libertarian. But thats ok cause liberals hate Libertarians.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 11:18:19 AM EDT
Red Goat,
That's not becoming a liberal, that's becoming a Libertarian.
I feel the same way, I don't care *what* the morons want to do, as long as they leave me the heck alone!
Keep their ridiculous morality or lack of it to themselves.
LESS govt. interference and bullsh!t laws, not MORE.
Darwin rules!
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 11:20:01 AM EDT
You sound like you may be turning into a 'classic liberal', not the abomination that is liberalism today.

You may be safer saying you're turning into a libertarian- You'd have to hide less from your fellow board members.

Just don't turn into a liberaltarian - a liberal who calls himself a libertarian - for an example, see bill maher.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 11:20:20 AM EDT
Welcome to the of land Libertarians .

Card carry member since 1997 .
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 11:30:41 AM EDT
Libertarian, that sounds ALOT better.  

Where do I sign up for the card, Mortech?


PS post 1000!!!
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 11:33:36 AM EDT
Libertarian, that sounds ALOT better.  

Where do I sign up for the card, Mortech?

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I'm not Mortech and stop calling me surely.  Or something like that.

PS post 1000!!!
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Link Posted: 6/5/2002 11:42:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 11:48:11 AM EDT
Huh, I first read that as "Librarian."

Too bad, you could've read a lot of books.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 12:01:53 PM EDT
I am a Libertarian but I don't agree with two of their political stances. I don't think drugs should be legalized (with the exception of pot) and I don't agree with opening the borders.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 12:03:29 PM EDT
I am a Libertarian but I don't agree with two of their political stances. I don't think drugs should be legalized (with the exception of pot) and I don't agree with opening the borders.
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Yeah, those are pretty much my hangups with the libertarian party too.

Link Posted: 6/5/2002 12:05:28 PM EDT
I would suspect that many people at ar15.com are, at least ideologically speaking, libertarian. The problem is that the political party by that name can't get their act together. Unfortunately, that means that the ideology doesn't go much beyond the theoretical.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 12:14:41 PM EDT
I heard the Libertarians leader on Hannity the other day. He was and is a raving lunatic. You might want to check into what they really believe in before you go calling yourself a Libertarian.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 12:20:51 PM EDT
I don't think drugs should be legalized (with the exception of pot)
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I think people who [b]abuse[/b] any mind altering substance deserve whatever misery they get. But I've been known to have an occasional drink (by [i]any[/i] definition, alcohol is a mind altering substance) after a hard day at work. And my having a beer or two doesn't seem to affect anyone else. Funny that. That's a big part of the rationale behind the legalization of drugs. If someone lights a joint in their living room and giggles, what the heck do I care? If he gets behind the wheel of a crosstown bus, then I have an issue.

The social decay caused by drug abuse is a larger issue. But it's mostly my problem because government has made it my problem by taking my money to support all kinds of nonsensical programs to say that we'll take care of you if you decide to ruin your life because you have no self-control. If his/her drug abuse causes him to lose his/her job, spouse, family, health, etc., don't make it my problem and I won't care what he does. Once we allow (force?) people to take responsibility for their own lives, it won't be my problem anymore. I fully support anyone's right to destroy their own life -- as long as it has no impact on my life. Selfish. You betcha. But it's Darwinism in action.

and I don't agree with opening the borders.
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Prior to 9/11, I would have disagreed with you on this. The Libertarian (party) notion of open borders makes sense when you balance it against the idea that there would be no reason for immigrants to come here unless they intended to work. And immigrants who want to work and contribute to our society are, generally speaking, a good thing. The "traditional" problems of illegal immigrants would be reduced because people wouldn't come here for free healthcare and welfare handouts -- as they wouldn't exist under a purely libertarian (ideology) system. But since loose borders allowed two buildings in my old home town to be reduced to rubble, all bets are off on this one.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 12:20:54 PM EDT
I heard the Libertarians leader on Hannity the other day. He was and is a raving lunatic.
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Still a hell of a lot better than the repigs and the demoncrats.
Let's try someone that wants to dismantle the Fed., make taxes illegal, abolish all welfare, legalize all guns and get the hell OUT of our lives.
I am not crazy about the open borders either, but exactly how different would this be than what we already have?
At least there would be no welfare waiting for them.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 12:28:59 PM EDT
I heard the Libertarians leader on Hannity the other day. He was and is a raving lunatic. You might want to check into what they really believe in before you go calling yourself a Libertarian.
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He's part of the reason I call myself libertarian (small "l" and as an adjective), not a Libertarian (capital "L" and a noun).

What does the party believe? A reduced Federal government. Individual responsibility. Free-market economies. Reduced taxes. Strict criminal sentences. Hassle free civilian gun ownership. Ultimately, a stricter adherence to what the Constitution intends. Tough to argue with that.

But with a public presence that makes Libertarian look bad, it's a party that's not particularly effective.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 12:29:24 PM EDT
Well, [b]TheRedGoat[/b], it may not simply be an 'either or' choice.

Take me f'rinstance. A card-carrying Republican with libertarian views on most issues.

Like [b]bunghole[/b], I am not in bed with the Libertarians on 'unlimited, unrestricted immigration' nor with a complete elimination of the drug laws.

To me drug usage is a [u]medical[/u] issue and should be dealt with as a medical problem.

Drug dealers should be dealt with as one would deal with shady pharmacists or script-happy physicians.

I'm not libertarian enough to support same-sex marriage either!

Eric The(libertarianRepublican)Hun[>]:)]  
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 12:30:45 PM EDT
The only problem I have with this is when the stupid choices others make end up costing me money.  Tax dollars, insurance rates and legal fees are ways we all pay for others rights to be stupid.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 12:38:27 PM EDT
The only problem I have with this is when the stupid choices others make end up costing me money.  Tax dollars, insurance rates and legal fees are ways we all pay for others rights to be stupid.
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But the point of libertarianism is that the stupid are responsible for their own choices. So under a purely libertarian system, an idiot's actions won't affect your wallet.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 12:38:43 PM EDT
Well, [b]TheRedGoat[/b], it may not simply be an 'either or' choice.

Take me f'rinstance. A card-carrying Republican with libertarian views on most issues.

Eric The(libertarianRepublican)Hun[>]:)]  
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Eric, you have "libertarian" views on maybe one or two issues, Democrat views on about a dozen, and Republican views on the rest.  You might as well just call yourself a Demopublican, or maybe a Republicrat.  It would be more intellectually honest.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 12:47:26 PM EDT
The only problem I have with this is when the stupid choices others make end up costing me money.  Tax dollars, insurance rates and legal fees are ways we all pay for others rights to be stupid.
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But the point of libertarianism is that the stupid are responsible for their own choices. So under a purely libertarian system, an idiot's actions won't affect your wallet.
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Well said.  In this regard, I believe in Libertarianism as a pipe dream but I'll stay republican as the best, current, real world alternative.

Think Libertarian
Vote Republican
and most importantly....
Vote often!
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 1:02:44 PM EDT
Well, [b]TheRedGoat[/b], it may not simply be an 'either or' choice.

Take me f'rinstance. A card-carrying Republican with libertarian views on most issues.

Eric The(libertarianRepublican)Hun[>]:)]  
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Eric, you have "libertarian" views on maybe one or two issues, Democrat views on about a dozen, and Republican views on the rest.  You might as well just call yourself a Demopublican, or maybe a Republicrat.  It would be more intellectually honest.
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The Gauntlet has been thrown down.....Quick! Get the beer & popcorn!!
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 1:03:23 PM EDT
Post from 71-Hour_Achmed -
Eric, you have "libertarian" views on maybe one or two issues, Democrat views on about a dozen, and Republican views on the rest.
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OK, wise guy, let's hear about my 'Democrat views on about a dozen' issues.

And while you're at it, explain your own views on each issue so I can see what my answers [u]should[/u] be![:D]
It would be more intellectually honest.
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As [u]you[/u] always are, right?

Eric The(Anxious)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 1:09:15 PM EDT
One thing to add to this: one of our best congressman is Ron Paul, Republican from Texas. He was a former Libertarian presidential candidate.

The Libertarian Party is more ideologically consistant than the Republicans. However, they also don't have any power. But it is a mistake to assume that the Libertarian Party defines libertarian theory. Libertarian theory is in fact classical liberal theory, and it is both very consistent and very rich.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 1:11:17 PM EDT
Man, what a relief.  When I first saw the topic I thought you were turning into a librarian.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 2:03:33 PM EDT
I heard the Libertarians leader on Hannity the other day. He was and is a raving lunatic. You might want to check into what they really believe in before you go calling yourself a Libertarian.
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Perhaps you would be a "raving lunatic" if you had words placed in your mouth and called to be on a show concerning a political move you had no personal envolvement with. Not to mention that dick Hannity cutting in all the time so you cant get your point accross. Liddy is better.

Harry Brown is NOT! the "leader" of the Libertarians. He is a politician who supports Libertarians philosophies, but is not a sole embodiment of them.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 2:05:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 2:57:30 PM EDT
Man, what a relief.  When I first saw the topic I thought you were turning into a librarian.
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 My thought, exactly!!  Initially, I thought: "What the hell was that all about!?"
Then, I thought: "Maybe he had drunken too much on Sunday ( about 15 to 18 beers) that he see a revelation of becoming a libarian. I hope the pay is better than teaching."
 Anyway, I'm glad you are not changing profession, bro.[:D]
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How much I had to drink?  Who me?

As I recall, there was this crazy guy sitting next to me matching me beer for beer...

At least I wasn't so drunk that I could not even catch a fish...  hehehe!


Ps.  I am NOT turning into a librarian!  ROFLMAO

Link Posted: 6/5/2002 3:13:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 6:59:08 PM EDT
Welcome to the of land Libertarians .

Card carry member since 1997 .
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card carrying since 99
been thinking the libertarion way since i could think [:D]
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 7:02:33 PM EDT
the thing is before we open the borders we first must get rid of Welfare,reinstate the second ammendment and many other things. therefore the only people coming in will be here to work and not get a free ride.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 11:18:25 PM EDT
I heard the Libertarians leader on Hannity the other day. He was and is a raving lunatic. You might want to check into what they really believe in before you go calling yourself a Libertarian.
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I heard the Republican leader, John McCain on a talk radio show the other day. He was and is a raving lunatic. You might want to check into what they really believe before you go calling yourself a Republican.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 12:15:10 AM EDT
I heard the Libertarians leader on Hannity the other day. He was and is a raving lunatic. You might want to check into what they really believe in before you go calling yourself a Libertarian.
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I'm always ashamed to admit that I voted for his sorry ass during the 2000 election.  But then again, we all knew George W. was going to take Texas.  I just never expected him to sell out as bad as he did.  While governor here, he was known for his bi-partisan work, and got a lot of things acomplished, but since 9-11 he's playing dead when it comes to domestic issues, and that's a shame.

Then again, politics is simply the business of getting elected or getting re-elected.

Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas...
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 12:23:48 AM EDT
I heard the Republican leader, John McCain on a talk radio show the other day. He was and is a raving lunatic. You might want to check into what they really believe before you go calling yourself a Republican.
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As the 2000 presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party, he is most definitely their most visible face man when it comes to media.  And yes, he is a stark raving nut job.  Browne publicly advocated doing nothing in the wake of 9-11, which is enough to make me realize my vote was truly wasted.  Isn't the protection of the citizens one of the powers authorize to the federal government in the Constitution?  Lord only knows what Nader, Gore, or Browne would have done on that fateful Tuesday in September.  Frankly, I don't care if some people think he is dumber than a bag of hammers, or if he's made some mistakes since the WTC tragedy, but I'm damn glad Bush is in office and not one of the other three clowns.

And as far as McCain's gutless carcass goes, he's nothing more than a socialist in Republican clothes.

Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:13:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:18:31 AM EDT
"Live and Let Live"

or is it......

"Live and Let Die"
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