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Posted: 6/12/2002 3:28:17 PM EDT

Heard this gal on the radio and she ROCKS.  Go Jesus!

Take the quiz to find your personal Savior!


Here Advice page.  For all of you sinners.


A sample letter:

"I am a medical doctor from Ireland and a catholic, I think of myself as being equal with everyone else in the world, except you. You are lower then me and the rest of the world. So I ask you this question: Why not kill yourself? And allow everyone else to have a nice life. Do not even dare to answer the question by saying the world needs you or some philosophical crap like that. I have a very strong feeling that no one will reply to this and that the real Betty Bowers will never even read this. But remember to treat people as you would like people to treat you. Jesus said that and you have appalling mannerisms towards almost everyone in the universe, so what does that say? I'm sure you will find a way of answering this without having to really answer it. Twist it all you like, I know the real answer but you will never. You will die soon and God will punish you for what you have done to humanity! Please see the light before you die, everyone (even you) is entitled to that.

Someone who really pities you for being so ignorant,"

Her Reply:

"Dear Person Whose Brain Would Fit Comfortably In a Leprechaun's Skull:

How a backward bog like Ireland ever produced sharp minds like Joyce, Wilde, Beckett and Yeats is surely a mystery, but horrid circumstance must provide the crucible for great thought. In which case, you are either living an extremely comfortable life or, most likely, are simply amusingly stupid.

I realize that you probably think that irony has something to do with metallurgy, but did it dawn on you that people might interpret your "golden rule" admonition coupled with an invitation to suicide as a cry for self-annihilation? While your justifications for such are patent and plenary, kindly do not burden me with your convolutionary desperation, dear.

Before I close, I wish to say that I admire you for being honest enough to admit that you have left neither Ireland nor the Catholic Church. To be born to either is an excusable circumstance; to remain shows an inexcusable lack of judgment. Most would not be so forthright with their egregious shortcomings and I applaud your candor in this regard, dear.

So close to Jesus that the other 2/3 of the trinity have been sneering and making bad Yoko Ono jokes."

Link Posted: 6/12/2002 3:34:41 PM EDT
She said I was going to burn in hell. [:(]
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 3:36:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 3:37:10 PM EDT
She said I was going to burn in hell. [:(]
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Honesty is the best policy.

Link Posted: 6/12/2002 3:39:56 PM EDT
The damn bitch said I was going to hell as well.
And I know better.
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Actually she refers to it as " [b] B[/b]ringing [b]I[/b]ntegrity [b]T[/b]o [b]C[/b]hristian [b]H[/b]omes"

'Nuf-Sed, she calls 'em like she sees 'em...

Link Posted: 6/12/2002 3:51:19 PM EDT
Shiiiiiat....  Clicking that link would be going to hell for me...

Fundies are so amusing...  Especially the smart ones...

Link Posted: 6/12/2002 4:21:17 PM EDT
I think I'm going to hell too. See ya all there.
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 5:46:21 PM EDT
LMAO  That's some funny shit[:D]
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 5:47:33 PM EDT
See ya'all there![}:D][flame][}:D]
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 5:58:42 PM EDT
HAHAHAHA I am a Jew, we all go to heaven...there is no hell for us!
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 9:44:21 PM EDT
Yeah but Wind, we ain't so sure there's a heaven either.  The Talmudic rabbis never could come to a final decision about it, which is why their final instructions were,in essence, to work to make this life as close to heavenly as possible,a nd not to worry about what came after. [:D]
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 10:03:39 PM EDT
Yeah but Wind, we ain't so sure there's a heaven either.  The Talmudic rabbis never could come to a final decision about it, which is why their final instructions were,in essence, to work to make this life as close to heavenly as possible,a nd not to worry about what came after. [:D]
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Oh, ye of little faith. [:D]
Jesus is Jewish AND a Christian.
EVERYBODY wins with Jesus![;D]
Link Posted: 6/13/2002 4:28:56 AM EDT
Saw the link to "Landover Baptist"...the "Onion" of the religous sites.
Link Posted: 6/13/2002 4:36:42 AM EDT
Like divdoc says -

"Born once, die twice.

Born twice, die once."

And its well said.

Link Posted: 6/13/2002 4:54:22 AM EDT
it's been my general experience that, with rare exceptions, just about every self-proclaimed "christian" thinks he's better than everyone else. it's also been my general experience that they're mistaken.

pride is a sin and humility is a virtue, but sin wins most every time.
Link Posted: 6/13/2002 4:54:22 AM EDT
Check out this site.
Landover Baptist: Where The Worthwhile Worship
[url]http://www.landoverbaptist.org/[/url] [:D]
Link Posted: 6/13/2002 4:55:35 AM EDT
The Great Spirit is angry , I guess I have to go on another dream quest to purge myself of her evil influence . Are there any lovely maidens who wish to help me on my quest [;D]
Link Posted: 6/13/2002 5:05:58 AM EDT
it's been my general experience that, with rare exceptions, just about every self-proclaimed "christian" thinks he's better than everyone else. it's also been my general experience that they're mistaken.

pride is a sin and humility is a virtue, but sin wins most every time.
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The Apostle Paul, who wrote, via God's direction, over 20% of the Bible, reagarded himself as "the chiefest (worst) of sinners."

Granted, he ahd been responsible for the murder of countless Christians under the direction of the chief priests, but he hade the above statement AFTER he had been saved by God's grace, WHILE he was writing the Holy Scriptures.

Given that we haven't written a SINGLE verse of Scripture, we Christians would be wise to adopt the humility of Paul.

(Which is NOT to say that we shouldn't stand adamantly firm on the precepts of the Word of God. THAT is a distinction those who feel condemned by those delivering the precepts of God's Word OFTEN fail to make. It IS possible to be BOTH humble AND dogmatic on the truths of God's Word.)

Link Posted: 6/13/2002 9:27:03 AM EDT
Since I'm a Locomotive Engineer it looks like I'll be driving the train to hell with a lot of great passengers in the back...BTW...I'm bringing my black rifle  [}:D]
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