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Posted: 6/13/2002 5:48:26 PM EDT
Cause if it weren't for the two of them sucking the liberals out of the other states then the whole country would suck. [;)]
Link Posted: 6/13/2002 6:08:25 PM EDT
Only if california blows west and NY blows east.
Link Posted: 6/13/2002 6:09:00 PM EDT
Hey, the post I was replying to dissapeared.
Link Posted: 6/13/2002 6:11:27 PM EDT
Post deleters... Have we no shame?
Link Posted: 6/13/2002 6:34:33 PM EDT
Not all of New York is liberal, just New York City. I'll be moving to Ithaca soon for college. Thankfully!
Link Posted: 6/13/2002 11:52:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/13/2002 11:59:15 PM EDT
SF, LA, any large city and a fair portion of the surrounding areas are liberal dung heaps.  Fewer and fewer spots in the state are still conservative.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 4:24:16 AM EDT

"What was that you said son ?"
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 4:35:57 AM EDT
Not all of New York is liberal, just New York City. I'll be moving to Ithaca soon for college. Thankfully!
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Ithaca is probably as liberal, if not more so than NYC. If you didn't already know that, get those transfer applications in the mail.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Better you're prepared for it now. You have my condolences.

Link Posted: 6/14/2002 7:40:59 AM EDT
Same out here.  San Francisco and LA are the two liberal areas.  Rest of the state is conservative for the most part.
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About 10 years ago in San Diego, Calif., my buddy's wife was caught with a Colt Detective Spl snubby in her glove box SDPD. She explained to officer that she kept it for self-protection and the PD guy actually said nice gun and be sure to keep it well oil, and let go! She actually used it to fiend off an intruder one nite. She did an all-niter at her company, and she sacked out for a couple hours in her car, then a wierdo pounded her windshield, she reached for "dick spl" and frightened the perp off.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 9:54:40 AM EDT
To paraphrase Woody Allen:

The only cultural advantage New York has over California is that you can marry your own daughter.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 3:57:15 PM EDT
SF, LA, any large city and a fair portion of the surrounding areas are liberal dung heaps.  Fewer and fewer spots in the state are still conservative.
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Orange County is still reasonably conservative. I'm pretty close to the OC / SD border and I have few complaints about the local mindset. I just wish we could secede from Sacramento. AND Los Angeles... let's just say that if the California were a human body, LA is where the enema would go.
Originally Posted by jz02
Not all of New York is liberal, just New York City. I'll be moving to Ithaca soon for college. Thankfully!
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I did my undergraduate work in Ithaca at CU -- beautiful area. Around the colleges, it's as liberal (if not worse) than NYC (where I was raised). But the rest of Tompkins County was pretty conservative. Just don't be a college puke -- hang out with the townies and it's actually pretty cool.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 4:22:59 PM EDT
[b] Retrodog Wrote:

I Love New York and California,Cause if it weren't for the two of them sucking the liberals out of the other states then the whole country would suck.  [/b]

If this statement were only true.......

I grew up in Vallejo, California, which is in the SF Bay Area, what a crap hole of a town. I hated that town, and the whole state for that matter. Right after graduation I went into the military, served, then got out. Upon getting out of the military I spent 3 months back in california, it was worse, so I left again, and moved to Oregon 10 years ago.

Know since California costs to much to live, all those liberal idiots are moveing north, and corrupting this state, I think it is time to move again, because Oregon is turning into a California, to many illegal mexicans sucking all the tax dollors up for free medical care and welfare, restrictive firearms laws, granted not as bad as California,Taxes, OH...dont even get me started on that. Our governor screwd up the budget( A LIBERAL IDIOTIC DEMOCRAT) and is  $800 billion dollors short in balnaceing the budget.( MAINLY BECAUSE THEY INCREASED THE SIZE OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT BY 18% AND DID NOT HAVE THE MONEY TO COVER THE INCREASE) Instead of cutting useless government buriocracies and programs, he wants to stick it to the tax payers and make us pay for the shortfall, especially since Oregon has led the nation with the highest Unemployment rate for months know. Oh and the news media is making a hay day of it to. The media is saying Oh look at this school and that school, and look at this firedepartment, and that police department needing to close down and lay off people because of budget short falls. To me a State government needs to take care of the essentials, which is public safety and education. You dont go cutting schools,police departments, and fire departments, you cut other worthless useless garbage.   I am thinking Alaska, Washington,Montana,Nevada,or Idaho for next place to live. ok rant over know.

So only if your statement were true, maybe we should build some kind of fence or something for liberal idiots to stay in those two states, and those two states only, since they like socialism, and communisms, that should just fit right up there alley.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 4:31:43 PM EDT
Our governor screwd up the budget( A LIBERAL IDIOTIC DEMOCRAT) and is  $800 billion dollors short in balnaceing the budget.( MAINLY BECAUSE THEY INCREASED THE SIZE OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT BY 18% AND DID NOT HAVE THE MONEY TO COVER THE INCREASE) Instead of cutting useless government buriocracies and programs, he wants to stick it to the tax payers and make us pay for the shortfall, especially since Oregon has led the nation with the highest Unemployment rate for months know.
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I concur, Kitshaber is an assclown.

That is all.
Link Posted: 6/15/2002 7:07:06 PM EDT
Not all of New York is liberal, just New York City. I'll be moving to Ithaca soon for college. Thankfully!
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I hate to tell ya, but Ithaca is quite the little liberal enclave. However, the original posters theory is far from correct; I have met plenty of liberals in states across the country.
Link Posted: 6/15/2002 7:31:57 PM EDT
If it wasn't for NYC, NYS would probably be pretty republican. When Hillary was elected, she only won NYC and about 7 counties upstate. She didn't even win Long Island.
Link Posted: 6/15/2002 7:57:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/15/2002 8:15:37 PM EDT
MinuteMan3 have you seen Ashland,OR lately.
Its starting to look a lot like a mini Berkeley.
Well it about time to wall the border off and put the gun turrets in. HMMMM maybe we can turn Kali into a giant prison. You know like that movie escape from New York. Ya that would work....
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