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Posted: 4/25/2001 3:14:23 PM EDT
I like how he says he is totally independent in his decision making, and no one tells him what to do.  Has he turned out liberal?  
Link Posted: 4/25/2001 3:53:21 PM EDT
With minor exceptions such as CCW and public stadium financing he is as liberal as they come. Which makes him a moderate in this state.

[puke][img]www.pioneerplanet.com/art/ventura.jpg[/img]   [heavy]
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 7:54:03 AM EDT
I don't remember how the whole thing went but he was being interviewed by someone and something about hunting came up and he started saying that he is a hunter and you havent hunted untill you have hunted man.  He said that he has hunted man and they can shoot back so he is a hunter.   Sorry I don't have the whole story I will try to find it.
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 8:00:34 AM EDT
Mn is a few miles from where I live so I will say this. I saw him on the local news a week ago and he was throwing sandbags for the floods and he said that the state reps should be there doing the same. they had the day off! this guy constintly steps on his dick but from my friends in Mn they say that he is doing a good job. if he would think about what he is about to say before he says it he would be the man. Ive seen bumper stickere that said our govener can kick your govener's ass!! I thought they were funny.
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 8:00:50 AM EDT
With minor exceptions such as ... and public stadium financing he is as liberal as they come. Which makes him a moderate in this state.
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I would consider public financing of a Stadium as Liberal.

A true conservative wouldn't spend public monies on a private enterprise such as a stadium.

Maryland just spent another $250 million on the Raven stadium, and this state about as far left as it gets.
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 8:04:46 AM EDT
With minor exceptions such as ... and public stadium financing he is as liberal as they come. Which makes him a moderate in this state.
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I would consider public financing of a Stadium as Liberal.

A true conservative wouldn't spend public monies on a private enterprise such as a stadium.

Maryland just spent another $250 million on the Raven stadium, and this state about as far left as it gets.
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true but there are a lot of plant closings, mines, exc. I think keeping the jobs on the iron range ( a term used to genralize the towns up north ) is more important that the Twins geting a new stadum
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 8:15:25 AM EDT
The rationale for public monies is the revenue that gets generated by the stadium once it's built.
I agree the stadium owners should foot the bill, but the .gov types see it as a form of investment.
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 8:21:49 AM EDT
The rationale for public monies is the revenue that gets generated by the stadium once it's built.
I agree the stadium owners should foot the bill, but the .gov types see it as a form of investment.
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would you pay to see a twins game?
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 8:27:41 AM EDT
Janus is right. Ventura has been liberal on almost every issue except for CCW and his most recent budget.  Thankfully he has put together a more conservative budget this time around than the republicans or dems.  

Although he says he supports ccw, he has been silent in the media about the issue.  He is as liberal as they come when you are talking about light rail (which he forced down our throats), building new roads, and most other issues.  

The first two years of his term I hated him, but more recently he has started taking a liberitarian view (like in his campaign) so we'll have to see what happens the next couple years before I put in my final vote.  If I had to say today I would say he is a pinko that calls himself liberitarian
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 8:55:17 AM EDT

I would consider public financing of a Stadium as Liberal.

A true conservative wouldn't spend public monies on a private enterprise such as a stadium.

Maryland just spent another $250 million on the Raven stadium, and this state about as far left as it gets.
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Jesse has said he will not sign any stadium financing bills.

He also has not delivered on any of his campaign promises.
-Return the entire budget surplus: only 2/3.
-Pass CCW: It makes it farther every year but still no go.
-Kill the Met Council: Not hardly
etc. etc.

He is one of the most two faced politicians around.
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 10:29:31 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 11:52:05 AM EDT
Originally Posted By DVD Tracker:
would you pay to see a twins game?
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Yes and have every year I go back to visit my relatives.  This year it's actually worth it.  [:)]
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I know, I'm friggin shocked by them...I wish the Pirates could pull a stunt like that.
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