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Posted: 6/5/2002 9:41:52 PM EDT
Well, what way do you do it? Slung? By the "handle" on top? SAS style?


Link Posted: 6/5/2002 9:44:20 PM EDT
You must buy very big pants and walk slow.

But I still don't think it's the best carry gun.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 9:46:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 9:50:07 PM EDT
Since 1994 I became a fan of handle carrying. Bill Klinton did not know why an AR15 needed this, so I'm trying to enlighten him(commie-pinko-fuck)
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 9:50:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 10:02:08 PM EDT
British ready--muzzle pointed down and forward with the butt tucked under the strong shoulder.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 2:53:56 AM EDT
Tac sling in an HK-style "low ready."
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 3:01:34 AM EDT
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That's funny if you're talking about the rifle, however, perfect if your talking about the AR pistol. [;)] As for me I carry my AR in an aluminium case.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 10:28:39 AM EDT
How do you carry your AR-15?
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Personally, I like carrying mine locked and loaded..[;)]
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 1:37:53 PM EDT
....with my hands [:D]
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 1:39:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 1:50:09 PM EDT
I just put on a really tight belt, and carry it in IWB, down my leg.

Its a flattop w/A2's so the tighten nobs on the sights dig into my side when I sit.

Other then that, she carries just fine.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 1:54:56 PM EDT
Though i have a sling on my AR for shooting, I rarely "sling" the gun, especially about this time of the year, because between shooting the thing and the general temperature, it becomes an "Arizona Branding Iron". I usually carry it by the handle when I'm walking over to inspect/change targets. Years ago when the movie "Silverado" came out, there was a scene that struck me deeply. The one where Emmett (Scott Glen) is in the desert shooting the Henry and his Colt. He empties BOTH, and a bad guy steps out of cover and says, "You're empty, mister". I ain't EVER gonna let that happen to me. I may have a tailgate full of empty guns, but one of my hanguns ALWAYS stays loaded and on my hip (most often the Beretta) and the AR with a 30rnd mag ALWAYS makes the trip to the targets with me. Wanna try and steal my guns while I'm away from my truck? You'll have to cope with 30 rnds of .223 and 15 rnds of 9mm from me.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 1:56:02 PM EDT
WTF is "SAS" style?
is that with the butstock on the outside of the strong arm?
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 5:09:14 PM EDT
Slung across the front of my body.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 5:13:34 PM EDT
Since 1994 I became a fan of handle carrying. Bill Klinton did not know why an AR15 needed this, so I'm trying to enlighten him(commie-pinko-fuck)
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I like you[:I].......you said,pinko  HU HU HU HU
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 5:13:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 5:25:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 5:30:18 PM EDT
To the range:
Soft Case.

When all hell breaks loose:
Slung & LOADED.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 5:34:36 PM EDT
I carry my rifles over my right shoulder ala "sling arms." If I need it in a hurry, I reach behind me with my right hand, grabbing the back of the stock and pulling it forward and up, sort of flipping it into position.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:11:38 PM EDT
what? no option for "gangsta style"??

Depends on mode I'm in. (like we all go running around town locked and loaded?)

I've got a Giles sling on my carbine all the others are just regular...oops, one has the 'top sling' kit on it.  those are all muzzle down.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:26:37 PM EDT
African Carry, because it looks so peaceful and harmless, But the slap is ungodly fast, and will take a guy with a holstered pistol 9 times outta 10.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:32:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 7:56:04 PM EDT
Inside my "Eagle" bag.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 8:48:08 PM EDT
WTF is "SAS" style?
is that with the butstock on the outside of the strong arm?
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SAS troopers say that they love "the ArmaLite", but see no need for the handle on top. A rifle should ALWAYS be carried by the grip in a combat situation. (Finger out of guard, and thumb on safety most likely.) When you get jumped you need to return fire [b]NOW[/b], not when you get the rifle off your shoulder and make it ready to use...


Link Posted: 6/6/2002 9:08:57 PM EDT
Da trunk....
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 10:08:43 PM EDT
OH!! neat ... all of these cool ways to carry your AR.... where are all of you guys snooping around with your rifle,,, not down main street?!? oh,, just thru the woods, must be those mutant ninja rabbits your afraid of!

Get a life, no one carries an AR!

I have yet to see an LEO carry one except in movies or swat video.

How do you dream about carrying your AR might be a better question...wannabe's
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 10:12:25 PM EDT

There are military/LEO members of this forum. And many of the military members (at least) are called upon to carry their weapons. Also, do you just put yours in a case to hide in the closet? Or are you a [:K]? I have NEVER had a sling on my AR-15. Just my choice. If your choice is to hide your "evil" guns away, then you probably use a different system...


Link Posted: 6/6/2002 10:20:04 PM EDT
I like African American style fool.
Down the back uh my draws.
And I holds it sieways when I shoots it.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 10:52:04 PM EDT

I carry it by the bayonet lug with my pinkies while keeping a close eye on the evil bore, just like my hero!
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 10:52:34 PM EDT
I carry it by the bayonet lug with my pinkies while keeping a close eye on the evil bore, just like my hero! [img]http://www.justright.com/images/al_in_nam_full3.jpg[/img]
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If ever there was a good time for a ND.....



Link Posted: 6/6/2002 11:01:53 PM EDT
Ditto gamesniper: I carry by the handle and always carry a full mag out to check/change targets. My range's shooting stations are located less than 30 feet from a main highway. A guy could pull his vehicle in and empty my table in a matter of minutes... far less time that it would take me to run 200yds to stop him.
Link Posted: 6/7/2002 3:17:24 AM EDT
OH!! neat ... all of these cool ways to carry your AR.... where are all of you guys snooping around with your rifle,,, not down main street?!? oh,, just thru the woods, must be those mutant ninja rabbits your afraid of!

Get a life, no one carries an AR!

I have yet to see an LEO carry one except in movies or swat video.
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I did on Monday night-it was an M16A2 carbine. Maybe not everyone else on this board has a "safe" profession or works in an office. Not to mention the fact that .223 caliber weapons, for the same reasons that everyone here likes them a lot, are probably the most popular "new" law enforcement weapon in the country and are probably deployed at most agencies in the country.
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