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Posted: 5/15/2003 4:56:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 5:08:58 AM EDT
Write them... dont let them think they are going to get your vote....  They dont know how you will vote so make them work for it...

Call Whitehouse 202-456-1111
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 5:19:41 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 5:29:01 AM EDT
Aside from writing letter and voting, what else is there?  If you feel strongly about it, then run for office or start your own political party.  

Outside of those things I'm afraid I am at a loss as to what you can legally do to those who wish to threaten your freedoms.  

In the end, I think it's the Democrats who are going to threaten our 2nd Amendment rights.
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 5:30:58 AM EDT
There's that uninteresting "March on DC" idea....

Link Posted: 5/15/2003 5:33:29 AM EDT
[size=5]aside from writing letters[/size=5]
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Okay.  The only "control" you have over your representatives are:
1. Votes
2. Contributions ($)
3. Communication (letters, etc.)

You have ruled out letters, even though most of us think this is our best hope of relaying our concerns to them.

That leaves votes and money.  Do you support your reps with money?  Probably not.  Most citizens do not.  And you can't threaten them to withhold money because you don't want to write letters.

So that leaves votes.  But who else can we vote for?  Hillary Klinton?  Do you really think that will help us?

Sorry, but communication (letters) and the threat of withholding money for their re-election are our best weapons.

So if you don't want to consider communication, you will have no influence on the process.

I, however, will continue to write lots of letters.

Link Posted: 5/15/2003 5:33:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 5:38:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 6:37:04 AM EDT
In the end, I think it's the Democrats who are going to threaten our 2nd Amendment rights.
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So Republicans, who are supposed to be on our side, get a pass when they stick it in and break it off? A betrayal is even worse than getting the shoes put to you by someone who was at least up front about being against you in the first place.
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Okay I guess I'm out of the loop here, but how have the Republicans "stuck it in and broke it off"?  I'm going to continue to vote Republican.  You want to vote the other way then fine.  I still believe the Democrats pose more of a threat to firearms ownership in the United States than the Republicans.  
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 6:45:33 AM EDT
Okay I guess I'm out of the loop here, but how have the Republicans "stuck it in and broke it off"?
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86 Manufacture Ban
89 Import Ban
Patriot Act
Homeland Security
"I support an extension of the Assault Weapons Ban"

You want to vote the other way then fine.
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What do you mean "the other way?"  There are more than two options.

Link Posted: 5/15/2003 6:47:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 7:08:14 AM EDT

You want to vote the other way then fine.
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What do you mean "the other way?"  There are more than two options.

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Well, actually old buddy, there isn't.  Only votes for Democraps or Republicans actually "count".

You doubt this?  What happened when many "conservative" people voted for Ross Perot?  They put Bill Clinton in office, that's what they did.  A vote for anyone except a Republican only helps the Democraps.

I know many on this site don't like to hear "Vote for the lesser of two evils", but that is the only choice we really have.

We have to deal with reality.  I don't particulary like it that there is only a two party system, but there it is.  And my vote will [b]always[/b] be to keep Democrats out of office.

They are [b]much, much[/b] worse then the vast majority of Republicans.
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 7:14:47 AM EDT
You doubt this?  What happened when many "conservative" people voted for Ross Perot?  They put Bill Clinton in office, that's what they did.  A vote for anyone except a Republican only helps the Democraps.
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That was a strange race...Perot dropped out, then at the last minute jumped back in.  If he would have stayed in it the whole time, he probably would have won, but he scared people off by bailing on them.

There are other choices.  I know it's unpopular to say so, but it's true.
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 7:38:45 AM EDT
Calling time and time again helps.  be sure to call and send a thank you whenever they vote your way.  Every time I have done that, the secretary has paused for a moment and then finished.

Contribute campaign hours to legislators who have protected our rights.  Let them know why you are there.  if enough gun owners did that, you would probably start to see a big swing away from siding with every gun control bill.
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 8:01:23 AM EDT
Is this alice in wonderland?

Since when have Democrats been so pro gun?
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 8:48:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 8:50:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 10:47:54 AM EDT
I did answer you in my original post.  I think that your sources of recourse are in voting and writing letters.  I don't believe there is anything further (with the exception of running for office or starting your own political party) you can do to affect the lawmakers and the decisions they make.  

Link Posted: 5/15/2003 11:18:11 AM EDT
Have White_Horse call the ATF on them.....
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 12:30:00 PM EDT
Well back in the revolutionary war days, the tories would get tarred, feathered, and run out of town. Nowdays aiding the enemy by violating the Constitution should be punished under the penalities of treason.
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 12:40:49 PM EDT

Remember how all the Mormons went to Utah. How about all the gun owners go to one State. Im voting for Wisconsin or NY.
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 1:00:47 PM EDT

You doubt this?  What happened when many "conservative" people voted for Ross Perot?  They put Bill Clinton in office, that's what they did.  
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Actually, there's real doubt that this is true.

Perot appealed more to moderate Democrats than to the average Republican,  so if you were to ask all those who voted for Perot who they'd have voted for if Perot hadn't been an option,  I think you'd find that most of them would have voted for Clinton.

I had my eyes opened to this fairly recently.

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