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Posted: 12/16/2022 12:49:07 AM EDT
A nephew is a captain in the army in Hawaii.  He's married with dependants and getting housing allowance.

He's going to be sent TDY back to states for three months and taking his wife and kid then back to Hawaii.

Curious, does he get additional housing allowance while on TDY or keeps getting the same?  I'm assuming he's keeping his rental on the island since he's going back.

I'm curious cause he's a pretentious sort and I want to see through his BS when he throws out how much he gets paid which he and the wife like to do.
Link Posted: 12/16/2022 1:21:48 AM EDT
Seriously you have nothing better to do????
Link Posted: 12/16/2022 2:20:23 AM EDT
No, nothing.
Link Posted: 12/16/2022 4:07:17 AM EDT
BAQ/VHA for his permanent station and per diem for whatever location while on TDY.
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