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Posted: 6/16/2002 9:17:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 9:26:12 AM EDT
Depends on what you're trying to gain/accomplish by networking your two computers.
The easiest way is buying a network HUB($19ish) and two normal, straight-through (as opposed to cross-over) network cables.
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 9:28:13 AM EDT
The simplest thing is to buy a router (or switch).  This device will connect to your NICs with standard ethernet cables and actually serve you out IP addresses via DHCP.  A decent one can be had for under $100.  A cheaper ($30) solution is to buy a hub.  Then you can manually assign IP addresses to the two computers.  I have to run now, but I or someone else will post details if you're interested.
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 9:31:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 9:32:31 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 9:36:09 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 10:02:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 10:15:48 AM EDT

Computer #1
ip  <-----------[b][/b]
subnet <--- [b][/b]

comp #2
ip <---- [b][/b]
subnet <-- [b][/b]

i had them both set up for client for microsoft networks.
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Should work now.
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