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Posted: 4/7/2001 6:05:56 PM EDT
I would like to think that these guys are pro gunners, seeing that they are about the only ones who run a regularly scheduled show about guns.  They seem to celebrate guns and their history, and that is good.

But sometimes there are comments that bother me...like Smart guns are being made so "guns don't shoot the wrong people".  Also, Roger Mudd has said that congress refuses to "take the next step", and make backround checks at gun shows mandatory.  

What kinda feeling do y'all get from these people?
Link Posted: 4/7/2001 6:16:02 PM EDT
I think they are probaly representing both sides fairly.
Link Posted: 4/7/2001 6:19:43 PM EDT
I think it is pro, but if they don't include some BS they will probably get sh!t for it.  I did notice Rogers tone at then end, and the BS about 'refusing to take the next step."  
Link Posted: 4/7/2001 6:24:26 PM EDT
FWIW, Jeff Cooper's granddaughter, Amy Heath, a shooter and pro gun person in her own right, has recently been hired by the History Channel as an assistant producer. Now, if you have to ask who Jeff Cooper is...
Link Posted: 4/7/2001 6:24:32 PM EDT
PRO! There is way to many gun history topics to be anti. They use lots of facts and common sense in there programing.
Link Posted: 4/7/2001 6:35:10 PM EDT
Its the "Revisionist" history channel...... they called the AR-15 the choice of todays military and todays criminals about 60 minutes ago 8:30 PM CST
Link Posted: 4/7/2001 6:36:41 PM EDT
I am glad they hired Amy maybe she can boost "Scout" sales
Link Posted: 4/7/2001 7:44:54 PM EDT
Detractors and nitpicking aside I think they are trying to be impartial and accurate. History should have NO bias. Notice I said "should."
Link Posted: 4/7/2001 7:47:26 PM EDT
Detractors and nitpicking aside I think they are trying to be impartial and accurate. History should have NO bias. Notice I said "should."
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he right you know plus he know lots bout guns
Link Posted: 4/7/2001 7:47:39 PM EDT
That's an excellent question stubbs. I honestly don't know. But doing hour long shows on "the history of the gun" makes me think "Pro". The only other shows on that channel I watch are war related, and there isn't any "anti" in them.
AR is the choice of a certain class of professional criminals. So what? A good professional, no matter what his morals, will always go with quality equipment, and get it, no matter what law prohibits it.
Link Posted: 4/7/2001 8:00:39 PM EDT
9divdoc, I heard them say that the AK is the choice of criminals, but I did not hear them say that the AR15 is.  Price alone makes the AK more the choice of criminals and the AK is used a lot more in crime than an AR.  In fact I very rarely, if ever, hear of an AR being used.  I asked an LEO friend today how many times he took an AR off a bad guy and he said that once in 15 years and it was just confiscated in a drug raid and was not actually being used.  I always considered the History Channel as being pro, but I too was bothered by Roger Mudd's comments at the close of 'Guns of the Century'.
Link Posted: 4/7/2001 8:24:04 PM EDT
I think the programming is but some of the narrators ride the fence. [sniper]
Link Posted: 4/7/2001 8:29:57 PM EDT
Roger Mudd is a New World Order Scum Bucket and the shows would be oh so much better without the hypocritical whining, subtle anti-2nd Amendment Jabs and self promotion that the likes of a Roger Mudd engages in.

I'm going to the History Channels' home page and see if they have an E-mail section and if they do I'll fire off a memo to them stating basically, the firearm series is Great, just lose the Muddy Pig--Free Men don't need this self-righteous propaganda from that Goofy Looking Trash Talking Bum-Bastard.....so there!
Link Posted: 4/7/2001 10:41:33 PM EDT
I never noticed if the channel is pro or anti gun because whenever I get to see it they are always running some crap about the nazis.
Link Posted: 4/7/2001 11:25:42 PM EDT
I hate Illinois Nazi's.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 2:31:46 AM EDT
Oldschool...I have observed the History channels "liberal bent" in other areas what I consider more sympathetic treatment of the vietcong then I would be inclined to report
..but I heard them comment that the AR15 was the gun of choice for the military and criminals next time it comes on I will again listen...they did a great job on Stoner I thought and it was about time he got some of the recognition he deserves...When I was a kid (a million years agot) our history books mentioned the contribution of Browning and Garrand..not anymore where would we be without them.so I was glad to see Stoner finally mentioned...I guess I should be gratefull for any press covering of the Vietnam war perhaps I am a little more sensitive than needs be to the media covering the era of the Vietnam war and veterans...but then I think I do have just cause in being watchful and suspicious...it just never made me too popular at university parties....hehehehe
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 2:35:53 AM EDT
I am good friends with the producer of the "History of the gun" programs and the owner of Grey Stone productions, Creg Haffner. He is quite pro gun. I don't know about the history chanel itself.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 3:22:19 AM EDT
I enjoy the historychannel for the most part I very much enjoy the subject of history
(my wife said to tell you especially if there are pictures :) shes got a sense of humor)
Cant say that the History Channel is "pro gun" the outdoor channel is History Channel just reports "History"... its just my opinion that I feel given the reporting of some of the historical events Ive been directlly involved in were slanted a little too much to the left for my tastes...some others that were with me on the very same operations may feel differently about how these events are reported like I said its just my opinion and they are a little too much to left for my tastes but they still beat the hell of the rest of "whats on tv" for the most part
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 5:33:52 AM EDT
Yes I heard Mud mention that the AK47 was the weapon of choice for criminals.  Why did he feel that adding this lie was needed. AW's only account for someting like 2% of crimes. Thats ALL AW's. So the statement is obviously false. The rest of the show is about history but the commentary is apparently about politics.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 5:34:29 AM EDT
Maybe they are a typically liberal-owned media outlet that is responding to the market.  I do not remember ever seeing so many "Tales of the Gun" [i]before[/i] GW was elected.

As far as I'm concerned, the more the better.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 5:50:41 AM EDT
I hate Illinois Nazi's.
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"It's 106 miles to Chicago. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses."

"Hit it!"

Link Posted: 4/8/2001 6:05:52 AM EDT
[left]This is B.S; every gun seems to be the
choice of criminals, i swear; first the AK47 now the Ar15, now the 50BMG; now get this imagine a gangbanger holding up a convenience store with a BMG! Diane Freakinstiegn of Cal had said this about the BMG. now there pushing laws so we have to purchase a 5 year license just to own any simiautmatic rifle? Why! collect revenue. we are being fucked by
Everyone! ive even get this from so called gun owner's telling me i don't need and ar15 etc! screw this BS.[/left]  
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 6:14:49 AM EDT
IMHO, I 'think' teh NAZI thing is massive footage, facts, and records about an engagement that ALLL sides have interests in...

I saw Mud the liberals anti comments, he can KMA...

The thing I noticed, They rantd and raved AR & AK, saying the AK was on every battlefield, I disagree, I think the right arm of the free world is on more battlefields than AR+AK's, AND the last 10 minutes was a Colt commercial, with gun fantasy about the future, I was waiting for the FN to come on in the last 10 minutes...

I hope Amy can set them straight, THEY NEED SOME TECH HELP!!!!!

Link Posted: 4/8/2001 3:23:51 PM EDT
...I guess I should be gratefull for any press covering of the Vietnam war perhaps I am a little more sensitive than needs be to the media covering the era of the Vietnam war and veterans...but then I think I do have just cause in being watchful and suspicious...it just never made me too popular at university parties....hehehehe
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Good point 9divdoc...the draft dodging punks who called us baby killers and burned the flag are now in senior executive positions at the major media companies. Sympathetic treatment of the VC would not surprise me. Maybe we should issue an apology? [puke]
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 4:49:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 5:02:22 PM EDT
 The History Channel is owned by one of the major networks, and as such we should be surprised that TOTG is even on the tube.  9divdoc you are ABSOLUTELy correct, do not trust the media, They are part and parcel of this One World Govt thing......
 It is not a 'conspiracy theory, it is a PLAN!!
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 7:41:04 PM EDT
....we should be surprised that TOTG is even on the tube
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Absolutely true Paspecops...And hey, I ain't looking a gift horse in the mouth. Didn't catch the episode where the alleged comment about AR being the favorite weapon of criminals was made, but then don't catch that many of these shows. Ones that I have seen have been great. Might even plant a seed in the fertile young mind of a boy/girl who is unfortunate enough not to have a member of the "gun culture" as a relative. Then they can start their own family tradition some day. As for the media in general, absolutely agree with you..bunch of vultures, brain washing PC commandoes. Which is why the fact that TOTG is even aired is so surprising and the only breath of fresh air I've seen on the drivel that is TV these days.
Link Posted: 4/8/2001 8:06:48 PM EDT
I actually do enjoy the history channel and look forward to some of their history shows on the evolution of the gun.  However I am far from PC and am very bias on this issue.  I do like the comparissons between us and our rivals because it has always been a race for superiority in the past and present.  I do think that most of us who visit this site can figure out the BS(PC) from the rest of the show.  We live in a PC world unfortunately, but I hope most of us can see past this.  I am happy that that the History channel is airing this show!!![grenade]
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