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Posted: 5/11/2003 11:07:46 PM EDT
Sign up already!

There are 120 Users and 1003 Guests browsing the boards. (1123 Total Users)
1918bar, 45ACP_Marine, 610, another48hrs, AR-10, ar10er, ARDunstan, ARndog, az-gunner, AZPLINKER, BigMHoff, bishmich, BKinzey, Blankwaffe98, bldrunner, bnfore, brasspile, Breacher, bulldog896, CavVet, Chaingun, ColonelKlink, Confederate, Coopmandu, coyote3, danhits, David_Hineline, DoubleFeed, D-R, DrFrige, DsrtEgl50, Ellery_Holt, FAL_762, fatcat5, Francisco_dAnconia, Freakzilla, GackMan, Garand1911, Gloftoe, gojoe, gont, gschroeder78, Hank, hanko, heart_of_darkness, Heavy59, Hi-Vel, JCR, jerryboy, jmw, Juggernaut, Kalifornia, knightone, kpblade, LDAguy, legrue, longun45, LotBoy, LRdrvr, Macjedi, Magnus357, masi, Master_Blaster, mjs65, MMcCall, mmx1, Mnukedude, Morpheus, Mr10anahaf, msh, neeli, new-arguy, Nimrod1193, Noname, Numbersman, NYPatriot, Ozmodiar, Papertargets, PAPPYO, Pinetop, PK90, pogo, Pontius, pulpsmack, quarry_plinker, racebaiter, RAMBOSKY, raven, RichinCM, RickM, ryanb, SBPA, scottryan, SexualChocolate, sherm8404, sig-in-tx, Silence, skich, Spackler, sparkky, SPINNAKER, sr15, Stokes, Stray, tac45, TekChef, The_Emu, The_Macallan, thebeekeeper1, TheFNG, Thunderbolt, TigerStripe, VioLaToR, waitone, WhatRu, wichkans, Willmeister, Winston_Wolf, XeroSygnal, Yar1182
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 11:11:54 PM EDT
Sign up already!

There are 120 Users and 1003 Guests browsing the boards. (1123 Total Users)
1918bar, 45ACP_Marine, 610, another48hrs, AR-10, ar10er, ARDunstan, ARndog, az-gunner, AZPLINKER, BigMHoff, bishmich, BKinzey, Blankwaffe98, bldrunner, bnfore, brasspile, Breacher, bulldog896, CavVet, Chaingun, ColonelKlink, Confederate, Coopmandu, coyote3, danhits, David_Hineline, DoubleFeed, D-R, DrFrige, DsrtEgl50, Ellery_Holt, FAL_762, fatcat5, Francisco_dAnconia, Freakzilla, GackMan, Garand1911, Gloftoe, gojoe, gont, gschroeder78, Hank, hanko, heart_of_darkness, Heavy59, Hi-Vel, JCR, jerryboy, jmw, Juggernaut, Kalifornia, knightone, kpblade, LDAguy, legrue, longun45, LotBoy, LRdrvr, Macjedi, Magnus357, masi, Master_Blaster, mjs65, MMcCall, mmx1, Mnukedude, Morpheus, Mr10anahaf, msh, neeli, new-arguy, Nimrod1193, Noname, Numbersman, NYPatriot, Ozmodiar, Papertargets, PAPPYO, Pinetop, PK90, pogo, Pontius, pulpsmack, quarry_plinker, racebaiter, RAMBOSKY, raven, RichinCM, RickM, ryanb, SBPA, scottryan, SexualChocolate, sherm8404, sig-in-tx, Silence, skich, Spackler, sparkky, SPINNAKER, sr15, Stokes, Stray, tac45, TekChef, The_Emu, The_Macallan, thebeekeeper1, TheFNG, Thunderbolt, TigerStripe, VioLaToR, waitone, WhatRu, wichkans, Willmeister, Winston_Wolf, XeroSygnal, Yar1182
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Most won't cause they're DU spies that were commanded by the Imbroglio regime to gather intell (or lack thereof)!!
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 11:15:33 PM EDT
... Have you ever noticed that there is roughly a 10:1 post to view ratio?

... I really wonder who these people are.

[*] Shy folks[/*]
[*] Folks wanting to get into the sport and are just learning by reading.[/*]
[*] BB[/*]
[*] Passers by[/*]
[*] Snooping wives & GFs[/*]
[*] Regulars checking there post responses[/*]

... But it still seems really lopsided to me
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 11:15:41 PM EDT
I'm almost always browsing as a guest since this damn thing logs me out after 5 minutes repeatedly, (and I haven't read of a fix) I swear I've never been more angered by a forum in my life, lol...  So if I'm not posting I don't log in unless the board is too busy.

I would put away the tinfoil hat, most aren't "spies"...
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 11:19:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 11:27:18 PM EDT
One of my dispatchers is on here every night and never posts.  Hey Kevin, speak up!
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Yes Kevin, SPEAK UP.
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 11:30:04 PM EDT
Sign up already!

There are 120 Users and 1003 Guests browsing the boards. (1123 Total Users)
1918bar, 45ACP_Marine, 610, another48hrs, AR-10, ar10er, ARDunstan, ARndog, az-gunner, AZPLINKER, BigMHoff, bishmich, BKinzey, Blankwaffe98, bldrunner, bnfore, brasspile, Breacher, bulldog896, CavVet, Chaingun, ColonelKlink, Confederate, Coopmandu, coyote3, danhits, David_Hineline, DoubleFeed, D-R, [red]DrFrige[/red], DsrtEgl50, Ellery_Holt, FAL_762, fatcat5, Francisco_dAnconia, Freakzilla, GackMan, Garand1911, Gloftoe, gojoe, gont, gschroeder78, Hank, hanko, heart_of_darkness, Heavy59, Hi-Vel, JCR, jerryboy, jmw, Juggernaut, Kalifornia, knightone, kpblade, LDAguy, legrue, longun45, LotBoy, LRdrvr, Macjedi, Magnus357, masi, Master_Blaster, mjs65, MMcCall, mmx1, Mnukedude, Morpheus, Mr10anahaf, msh, neeli, new-arguy, Nimrod1193, Noname, Numbersman, NYPatriot, Ozmodiar, Papertargets, PAPPYO, Pinetop, PK90, pogo, Pontius, pulpsmack, quarry_plinker, racebaiter, RAMBOSKY, raven, RichinCM, RickM, ryanb, SBPA, scottryan, SexualChocolate, sherm8404, sig-in-tx, Silence, skich, Spackler, sparkky, SPINNAKER, sr15, Stokes, Stray, tac45, TekChef, The_Emu, The_Macallan, thebeekeeper1, TheFNG, Thunderbolt, TigerStripe, VioLaToR, waitone, WhatRu, wichkans, Willmeister, Winston_Wolf, XeroSygnal, Yar1182
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[b][red]HEY THERE I AM!!!! [/b][/red]
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 11:31:28 PM EDT
Sign up already!

There are 120 Users and 1003 Guests browsing the boards. (1123 Total Users)
1918bar, 45ACP_Marine, 610, another48hrs, AR-10, ar10er, ARDunstan, ARndog, az-gunner, AZPLINKER, BigMHoff, bishmich, BKinzey, Blankwaffe98, bldrunner, bnfore, brasspile, Breacher, bulldog896, CavVet, Chaingun, ColonelKlink, Confederate, Coopmandu, coyote3, danhits, David_Hineline, DoubleFeed, D-R, [red]DrFrige[/red], DsrtEgl50, Ellery_Holt, FAL_762, fatcat5, Francisco_dAnconia, Freakzilla, GackMan, Garand1911, Gloftoe, gojoe, gont, gschroeder78, Hank, hanko, heart_of_darkness, Heavy59, Hi-Vel, JCR, jerryboy, jmw, Juggernaut, Kalifornia, knightone, kpblade, LDAguy, legrue, longun45, LotBoy, LRdrvr, Macjedi, Magnus357, masi, Master_Blaster, mjs65, MMcCall, mmx1, Mnukedude, Morpheus, Mr10anahaf, msh, neeli, new-arguy, Nimrod1193, Noname, Numbersman, NYPatriot, Ozmodiar, Papertargets, PAPPYO, Pinetop, PK90, pogo, Pontius, pulpsmack, quarry_plinker, racebaiter, RAMBOSKY, raven, RichinCM, RickM, ryanb, SBPA, scottryan, SexualChocolate, sherm8404, sig-in-tx, Silence, skich, Spackler, sparkky, SPINNAKER, sr15, Stokes, Stray, tac45, TekChef, The_Emu, The_Macallan, thebeekeeper1, TheFNG, Thunderbolt, TigerStripe, VioLaToR, waitone, WhatRu, wichkans, Willmeister, Winston_Wolf, XeroSygnal, Yar1182
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[b][red]HEY THERE I AM!!!! [/b][/red]
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Can you prove it?
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 11:31:31 PM EDT
I'm almost always browsing as a guest since this damn thing logs me out after 5 minutes repeatedly, (and I haven't read of a fix) I swear I've never been more angered by a forum in my life, lol
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My life's story!

[b]15Fan[/b], I know you've probably heard this one before, but clear ALL the AR-15 cookies out of your browser before logging in next time – and I mean ALL of them. (There are some pesky ones with semi-obscure names sprinkled throughout your cookie list, so don't just look in the obvious places for them). I swear, I must have tried this 5 times before I finally got 'em all.
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 11:40:55 PM EDT
Well, I made the list.  I'm the one in all CAPS.  

The guests are my fans.  I've invited them.  They want to see what insight, knowledge and expierence I have to offer.  

Well, here goes.   [b]"BEER BUILDS BETTER BODDIES"[/b]  [8D]
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 11:45:15 PM EDT
Well, I made the list.  I'm the one in all CAPS.  

The guests are my fans.  I've invited them.  They want to see what insight, knowledge and expierence I have to offer.  

Well, here goes.   [b]"BEER BUILDS BETTER BODDIES"[/b]  [8D]
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Don't you mean [b]"BEER BUILDS BETTER BUDDIES"[/b]
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 12:25:03 AM EDT
they probably heard there was a cool BOTD thread and then when they couldn't find it, left without posting.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 1:04:02 AM EDT
Where the heck do you go to get the list of everyone signed on?  For months I've been seeing this list posted every now and then and for months I've been vainly seeking it.  ARRRRGGHH!!!  Whereizzit?!

Edited to say that I found it [:D]
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 1:06:43 AM EDT
Where the heck do you go to get the list of everyone signed on?  For months I've been seeing this list posted every now and then and for months I've been vainly seeking it.  ARRRRGGHH!!!  Whereizzit?!

Edited to say that I found it [:D]
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Its at the very bottom of the Board List page.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 1:35:15 AM EDT
Who cares if some people are browsing and not signed on or up?  Its a public site and open to anyone until it gets limited to signed on users.  The more the merrier I say.  Its a great way to impart knowledge onto people.
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