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Posted: 6/16/2002 9:16:39 PM EDT
Negro attacks white people based on race.  Throw the book at him, per hate crime laws.


Link Posted: 6/16/2002 9:30:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 10:35:41 PM EDT
Oh, it'll be a hate crime all right. The liberals will hate that he got caught!
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 10:44:38 PM EDT
Black people cant commit "hate crimes" those are reserved for when we want to nail "Whitey"
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 11:18:49 PM EDT
Hey More_Cowbell,
Is your user name in any way related to the SNL episode with Christopher Walken and the skit about BOC?
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 4:38:06 AM EDT
Funny this story's not get any news coverage.
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 4:50:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 9:02:17 AM EDT
Negro attacks white people based on race.  Throw the book at him, per hate crime laws.


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Perp was claiming revenge for "thousands" of years of repression. Thousands? I think he is only 34. Go figure.
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 9:13:03 AM EDT
Negro attacks white people based on race.  Throw the book at him, per hate crime laws.


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Perp was claiming revenge for "thousands" of years of repression. Thousands? I think he is only 34. Go figure.
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Maybe he was like the great big guy from "The Green Mile", and lived for centuries, but was all angry and mean instead of saintly and kind like the guy in the movie... [rolleyes]
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 9:18:00 AM EDT
Funny this story's not get any news coverage.
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It was on Fox News this morning.
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 10:17:18 AM EDT
Too bad the guys head was only grazed. The ESU should ditch those MP-5s and get something with more coconut penetrating power like M4s!
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 10:18:51 AM EDT
If this is the right story, I think the guy got subdued by two young females.

Yeah same story.  The report I saw said the guy was upset over having AIDS and that his wife died of Aids also.
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 10:24:44 AM EDT
If this is the right story, I think the guy got subdued by two young females.

Yeah same story.  The report I saw said the guy was upset over having AIDS and that his wife died of Aids also.
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The note read ``Tell the boys in blue I won't be easy.''
What a pussy.
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 10:25:07 AM EDT
If this is the right story, I think the guy got subdued by two young females.

Yeah same story.  The report I saw said the guy was upset over having AIDS and that his wife died of Aids also.
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OH YES!  The black perp is the real VICTIM!  You saw that coming didn't you?
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 10:25:21 AM EDT
If this is the right story, I think the guy got subdued by two young females.

Yeah same story.  The report I saw said the guy was upset over having AIDS and that his wife died of Aids also.
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The note read ``Tell the boys in blue I won't be easy.''
What a pussy.
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Of course, it was New York, so there is no way of telling if they were really women ;)
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 12:06:19 PM EDT

People, people, people!!!

You've all fallen for yet another [b]Internet HOAX!![/b]

This is NOT a true story!

It is a FAKE and a FRAUD!

First of all, guns are outlawed in Manhattan so this man could NOT have shot ANYONE! Sheeesh!!

Second, this man was a "black man". He could NOT have been racially motivated - HE is the VICTIM of racism HIMSELF!! DUHH!!
Blacks CAN'T be racists. Don't you people ever listen to Michael Moore or Jesse Jackass?!

[b]You've all been duped!![/b]

This is America, blacks can't be racists, they never attack whites without provocation and NO ONE is in ANY danger of being shot in New York -  They have GUN LAWS THERE!!!

Link Posted: 6/17/2002 1:09:56 PM EDT

People, people, people!!!
[b]You've all been duped!![/b]

This is America, blacks can't be racists, they never attack whites without provocation and NO ONE is in ANY danger of being shot in New York -  They have GUN LAWS THERE!!!

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Funny, funny stuff.

Republicans: Democrats that have been mugged(???)

This should add a few Republicans and otherwise 2nd Ammendment supporters to our numbers.
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 1:16:23 PM EDT
Remember this:

The attack took place in a "Wine Bar".

What self-respecting man hangs out in a wine bar?  No beer, no liquor.
It's a good thing those chicks were there.
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