See, the problem with all of this, is that there are multiple opinions on what each law means. The total amount of words in the California Penal Code that dictate items in regards to guns total over that of the New Testament. Now, think of the New Testament, and think about how hard it is to interpret some of that (even ignoring Revelation).
I personally have corrected FFL dealers on occassion in regards to various topics. Even the CA DOJ officers are rumored to say stuff like "I don't know how to interpret it, how can I expect the citizenry to interpret it" when it comes to certain laws.
I [i]THINK[/i] that the FFL dealer can ship to any location. An FFL dealer can receive from any location, so long as he is not importing.
There is another option... drive it down here to So Cal, and spend a few bucks on going to Disneyland! :)