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Posted: 4/1/2001 12:14:09 AM EDT
I felt sick when I saw this... I pick up my USP .45 Monday... seeing this... I want to cry.. no one shall EVER touch my baby... no one.

H&K fired a shot from a barrel in a USP containing a squib and the barrel only buldged a little bit.. guess it doesn't stand up to Jethro's okie magna port job...


"geeee.. that's a might purdy job there Bubba.. you sure you only used yer Black 'n Deck-her hand drill?"


"Yup Yup... sure did.. I done ported it."

Saw this at GlockTalk: [url]http://glocktalk.com/docs/gtubb/Forum13/HTML/017747.html[/url]

More pictures in the thread.
Link Posted: 4/1/2001 12:22:12 AM EDT

Man, I'm glad I sold off my HK USP 45, it's clearly a defective pistol if it can't take a little garage tech pistol smithing!

Actually, I sold my HK USP cause I couldn't hit anything with it, good user friendly design but compared to the level of skill I have with my ParaOrdinance P14 Limited, for me the HK USP just couldn't compete.

Guess I might end up trying out a Glock in 357Sig for my next handgun.
Link Posted: 4/1/2001 1:49:23 AM EDT
I'd beat this so called gunsmith over the head with this molested pistol after he did what he did... man that is sad.
Link Posted: 4/1/2001 2:12:18 AM EDT
he could of probably replaced the barrel and it would of been ok, just have huge holes in the slide
its my belief that 90% of the self proclaimed "gunsmiths" are NOT smiths at all and are NOT to be trusted

pay more and go to a professional shop, one who has been in the business for at least 20 years, and has MANY examples of there work to look at
Link Posted: 4/1/2001 2:32:38 AM EDT
Do you have this guys name and number?  He does some nice work.  [puke]

This guy should be shot!!
Link Posted: 4/1/2001 2:47:35 AM EDT
Read the thread from Glock Talk, he says where it came from at the bottom.
Link Posted: 4/1/2001 4:43:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/1/2001 6:18:58 AM EDT
I'm not a gunsmith but I play one on TV [:O] [}:D]
Link Posted: 4/1/2001 6:48:39 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/1/2001 7:47:53 AM EDT
I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night
Link Posted: 4/1/2001 8:25:18 AM EDT
Why in the world would anyone even want top port a USP?  Even shooting 45's is more than manageable.

My opinon - ANY porting done on ANY pistol is stupid.  If you can't deal with the recoil, get a smaller caliber.  Problem solved.

Link Posted: 4/1/2001 8:35:02 AM EDT
I agree with CMOS. That still doesn't release "Jethro" from his stupidity. What a goober! [:D] Milldude
Link Posted: 4/1/2001 10:36:17 AM EDT
There might be a reason to port it..

I'm a big guy and I like large bore guns. But I once shot a Glock in 9mm that was ported.

Sounded silly, but god damn!! This thing had NO recoil... I mean.. it just made noise. I could hold this thing in my teeth and shoot it. And when you have no recoil like that... and 15 rounds.. you just wanna empty the thing as fast as you can!

So I would treat a gun like that as if it were my Desert Eagle... a fun gun to play with it the range.

Now why do that to  great gun like a USP... I don't know..
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