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Posted: 4/22/2001 11:17:15 PM EDT
I recently submitted my AR15 to the police station because they freakin changed the law on me without letting anyone know... They required AR15 owners to submit some additional documentation in year 2000 otherwise it makes it illegal to own.  Well, I didn't know about it till last month... so I took my gun to the police station, the cops were impressed with the gun and was wondering why I was turning it in... THEY DIDN'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT THE LAW! WTF!?
Well, I did what the law told me to do... I was so upset for a long time.  Anyways, I was wondering what similar rifles ARE legal?  Its so retarded... California that is...

Thanks for reading my venting.
Link Posted: 4/22/2001 11:26:08 PM EDT
YOU TURNED IT IN!?! Oh man, that sucks!!!

Did you know you could have sold it to an AW dealer or taken it out of state to store or sell?

I don't believe it. No way!
Link Posted: 4/22/2001 11:30:08 PM EDT
This is not intended as a flame but...

I assume you're talking about SB-23.

Thats is why its important to be a member of the National Rifle Association and/or the California Rifle and Pistol Association.

Information about SB-23 has been made available to members of these groups AT LEAST a year prior to its enactment.

If you are unaware of these bills [now law] you won't have any idea who wants to take away your rights.

You are allowed to sell the weapon to a California "Assault Weapons" dealer [check with the DOJ to find one] or you could take it out of the state to either 1)store it there [which is what I would do] or 2)sell it.

I don't know what else to tell you, I wish you were able to take it out of state but if you've turned it in, then its no longer in your hands.

I feel badly for you!
Link Posted: 4/22/2001 11:38:13 PM EDT
After reading your post I had to take a few deep breaths and calm down.

You need to go to the CA DOJ website and do some research to find out whats legal now. No ARs' or AKs' or variants of them can be sold or imported into the state, even if you remove the "evil" features. You can buy or build an FAL but you gotta remove the pistol grip, kinda tough to shoot, but it can be done. You can do the same to other rifles. It's very complicated but all is not lost, yet.  
Link Posted: 4/22/2001 11:46:39 PM EDT
Yeah, I really liked it too.
I got it the in December of 1999 just before the new AR law went into effect, I thought that was all there was to it... you know what sucks even more than everything?  I didn't even get to shoot it yet!!  It was a Olympic Arms CAR-15, I was always too busy working to have time to take it to the range and stuff.  I guess this is what I get for not keeping myself informed...  I can't believe that Americans are allowing the government to take away their rights to own guns...  I'm a half Japanese half American and a citizen of both countries, but I totally believe that guns in the hands of the just and wise should not be illegal.  I'll probably hang out on this site more often to see what kind of people AR owners are. :)
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 12:02:30 AM EDT
  Please stop, you're killing me! Never fired? I bought one of my AR's just before the ban also, they were gouging us hard then! The stores couldn't keep AR's in stock.
  As to the registration mix up. I work w/several people who knew about the ban and went out and bought lower recievers just before the cutoff date. They also assumed, incorrectly, that it was registered when you purchased it. I mentioned the registration requirement to them about one month before they were due, and they knew nothing about it. The DOJ did a very poor job of advertising it. I only saw the ads very late at night, and only on the History Channel.
  Maybe you should check with a lawyer. See if you can prove that, due to minimal advertising and little to no publicity you, and others, were uninformed and were caused, through negligence, or inaction on the part of the CA DOJ to unknowingly commit a crime.
  I wonder who has your rifle now?
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 12:30:08 AM EDT
[i]Ignorance of the law is no defense.[/i]

Hey Kenji!

Did you not think about selling it out of state?
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 12:35:42 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 12:36:26 AM EDT
Ken... dude...

Ok everyone.. just keep telling yourself they are gonna oil it... and store it. Just store it...

No they won't chop it in half... no they won't melt it down...

dear god... [:(]

Why do I feel sick?
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 12:48:57 AM EDT
they are gonna oil it... and store it. Just store it...

No they won't chop it in half... no they won't melt it down...

they are gonna oil it... and store it. Just store it...

No they won't chop it in half... no they won't melt it down...

they are gonna oil it... and store it. Just store it...

No they won't chop it in half... no they won't melt it down...

they are gonna oil it... and store it. Just store it...

No they won't chop it in half... no they won't melt it down...

Link Posted: 4/23/2001 1:04:38 AM EDT
Why not do what 99% of Californians did, which is nothing? Just store it or leave it at a relatives house out-of-state?
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 4:18:34 AM EDT

they are gonna oil it... and store it. Just store it...

No they won't chop it in half... no they won't melt it down...

they are gonna oil it... and store it. Just store it...

No they won't chop it in half... no they won't melt it down...

they are gonna oil it... and store it. Just store it...

No they won't chop it in half... no they won't melt it down...

they are gonna oil it... and store it. Just store it...

No they won't chop it in half... no they won't melt it down...

Link Posted: 4/23/2001 7:46:01 AM EDT
  You stated that ignorance of the law is no defense. What if the CA DOJ declared that folding knives, legally purchased and capable of being used as weapons, were required to be registered with the state. Then they didn't advertise the fact that you could be arrested for possessing one. Yeah, I know you don't fill out paperwork on knives, but you get my point. As I stated in a previous response, a lot of people assumed that the state and federal paperwork WAS registration. Seems like the dealers should maybe inform their customers of the requirements.

For all you living outside CA, get 'em while you can.

And please, if you know someone who did not register, please tell them their options!

Link Posted: 4/23/2001 7:58:06 AM EDT
"After reading your post I had to take a few deep breaths and calm down."

Indeed.  The room is spinning round and round...

This is the most incredible post I have read on here.  Wow!
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 8:26:23 AM EDT
To say the least, advertisement of these new laws were lacking.  I heard that maybe $125k was allocated and was run by the state, which would be a big wast.

I can't believe you turned the gun in instead of either transferring it out of state or to a "AW dealer".  
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 9:19:51 AM EDT
Sorry to hear about this kenjiMR. :(

At the very very worst, if you just had to turn it in. All they would have recieved from me was the stripped lower reciever. That's all that is required to turn in (if you had to). I would have kept the upper intact and stripped all the lower parts off the un-registered reciver. That way all your out is the cost of replacing the reciever (if you move out of the 'occupied state').

Maybe you can go back to the Police station and get you upper and bolt assembly back??

Link Posted: 4/23/2001 2:43:29 PM EDT
Originally Posted By operator error:
  You stated that ignorance of the law is no defense.
View Quote

Not my opinion but a [i]fact[/i].  And for the record, I don't agree with said [i]fact[/i].  

People get shafted all the time when new laws take affect and no one knows about them.  

Don't they have to disclose all new laws and make them known to the public one way or another?

What if the CA DOJ declared that folding knives, legally purchased and capable of being used as weapons, were required to be registered with the state. Then they didn't advertise the fact that you could be arrested for possessing one. Yeah, I know you don't fill out paperwork on knives, but you get my point
View Quote

I get your point.  

Hopefully someone at Bladeforums or Knifeforums would let the word out if that ever happened.
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 5:48:53 PM EDT
I don't know what say. I only wish that you have checked all the options that is available before doing what you did.

Link Posted: 4/23/2001 5:53:33 PM EDT
Oh and by the way the SL8 is not legal in Ca. It is covered by SB23 under characterics so if you have one don't turn it in this time. You can sell it to an AW dealer or out state.
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 10:51:23 PM EDT
dont worry it wont be destroyed, it will go into the property locker, and either get used by the SWAT team, or used for press conferences to ban more guns

i would definetly go the PD and try to get the gun back, at least the upper and sell it for $500

having an unregistered AW is only an infraction for the first offense, after your arrested and cited the DOJ will allow you to register the gun

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