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Posted: 5/30/2002 4:14:39 PM EDT
I was looking to put together some sort of SHTF gear setup, but lack the necessary knowledge to put something together that will be appropriate.

I guess I'm looking at some type of "load bearing vest" plus some type of pack system for enough ammo and supplies for about 2-3 day?  I don't know what is realistic, so forgive my obviously naieve requirements.

Anyone have something similar?  Or have any suggestions?  Thanks.
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 5:02:09 PM EDT

everything you need for SHTF days.

Link Posted: 5/30/2002 5:23:11 PM EDT
Try the Load Bearing Gear section of Lightfighter's board. Lots of great info there.


Also, if you decide to buy check out his online store at [url]www.lightfighter.com[/url]. I've done business with Brad at lightfighter and he's top notch...
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