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Posted: 3/13/2001 10:33:04 AM EDT
The wife and I have been busy trying to have a new house built and decided last night to take some time off and treat ourselves. We ate dinner at a local restaurant that also serves as a quasi bar but neither of us had anything to drink other than tea. As we walked on to the parking lot I noticed a group of men drinking just off to the side of where the cars were parked. (No big deal. Just a group of people smoking, joking and having a good time.) As I approached our car I discovered that there was a car that was blocking us in, preventing our getting out. I casually asked, to the group in general if someone could please move the car....nothing threatening, accusitory or argumentive. One of the group said, [i]F*** you.[/i] and the group took no action to move the vehicle. Again thinking it no big deal I responded over my shoulder as I was opening the wifes door, [i]Yeah, can y'all just move the car?[/i]
More from feeling rather than actually seeing him I "felt" one of the men rush in my direction. As I turned I realized he had a very large knife in his hand and was approaching rapidly. I began to draw my weapon....but for a brief moment hesiated....perhaps because it still seemed as though they were just having a good time and were not [i]that[/i] dangerous. As the asshole passed by me I side stepped and used my "weak" (non gun hand) to simply push him past me. When he turned he saw my half drawn gun and with big eyes started saying, [i]"
It ain't no thing man. It's just plastic. I was just f***ing with ya." He then (very, very carefully!) tossed the "knife" on the trunk of the car I was no standing next to.
I was, naturally pissed and the adrenaline was pumping. I grapped the wife and stepped back into the restaurant and asked the clerk to dial 911. Within two mintes there were four patrol cars on the scene. "Knife boy" was hauled up against a patrol car where the "knife" was recovered from his belt. The knife, it turns out, was in fact plastic like those used in training.
The long and short of it is he was charged with first degree assault, I am still pissed, the wife (I think) pissed her pants and there are some really stupid people in the world.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 10:44:13 AM EDT
You should have dropped him!
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 10:56:09 AM EDT
It's dumb s**ts like this that get their asses shot.  Then the media says "another un-armed person the victim of gun violence".  Never bring a knife to a gun fight, especially a fake one.  Great job at some SERIOUS restraint BTW.  Just glad it all worked out ok.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 10:56:10 AM EDT
What do people think when they do these things? What would posses them to do something that MAY get them injured or KILLED! Stupidity.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 10:58:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 11:10:39 AM EDT
Job well done!!!
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 11:17:13 AM EDT
Handled like a true professional.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 11:21:35 AM EDT
Nice job.. I don't think I could have handled it that well.

Link Posted: 3/13/2001 11:22:11 AM EDT
Good Job! Glad no one was hurt. I bet that A-hole wont f- with anyone like that anymore.  Incredible restraint, must have been very nerve racking.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 11:26:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 11:30:49 AM EDT
Very nice. I was stabbed before and have a nasty fear of puncture wounds now, dont know what I woulda done. I do know 'dropping' a man with a plastic knife would have you answering some pointed questions. It seems that you did the right thing. Who knows he may have learned a valueable lesson, people change. You gave the boy a second chance.
Atta boy
Gold star
Pat on the back
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 12:34:40 PM EDT
Reminds me of a black actor in Hollywood who was shot and killed when he pointed a replica Desert Eagle at a cop.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 1:10:38 PM EDT
anyone seen the fake knives kids can buy? all nice and plated in reflective tin to give it a "Real" look. in his situation its kinda hard to see fake from real at night with only parkinglot light to see by, and both a real knife and the fake tinplated plastic jobs being reflective. how can a judge say "well you should have know it was fake" problem with this is its all subjective after the fact it occurs.
could he or could he not know it was fake? not sure what i would have done in his place. never can be until you are in his place. Hindsight is 20/20.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 1:37:00 PM EDT
Yeh Ill bet he about pissed his pants when he saw that you had a gun. As for the restraint the British say it best. Good show jolly good show chap.  [sniper]
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 1:48:17 PM EDT
Great job GunSlinger!!!
I myself wouldn't have shot first.  I'd rather not.  I'd do the "cop" thing "[b]DROP THE KNIFE, GET ON THE GROUND, DROP THE KNIFE, DROP THE KNIFE!!![/b]" Then, if he had moved towards me BANG...
The showing of force plus the time to let him drop it or keep saying "its a toy!!" would save both of you...

Link Posted: 3/13/2001 2:25:53 PM EDT
Kudos Gunslinger.  Great job of maintaining control under those circumstances.  
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 2:55:52 PM EDT
Good restraint, I wish something like that would make the news....
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 3:37:06 PM EDT

Danm good job gunslinger.
I don't think that situation could have been handled any better.

I'm very happy to hear you and your wife are fine.  
Hope I never have to get into a situation like that, if I do, I will keep in mind your ability to keep cool.

thanks for sharing that with us[:)]
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 5:00:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 5:08:29 PM EDT
Gunslinger - Good going!!

You obviously remembered the first rule of gunfighting, and the perp did not:
Bring a gun.

Very seriously I am glad you and your wife are alright.

No scum in the world is worth a major injury to my wife, or me.

Encounters like that are very upsetting - I know.  It beats the alternative.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 6:05:53 PM EDT
Admiral performance.[:)] And four wheeldrive, big tires, low gears, V-8 power, heavy framemounted steel bumper = move it yourself [;)]
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 6:56:04 PM EDT
I thought for sure this was going to be McUZI's thread
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 7:22:18 PM EDT
way to control your self. perhaps a good course of action would be scaring the sheet out of him with a drawn weapon. after he pisses his pants remove you magizene, clear the chamber, and give him a gangsta style pistol whippin sure wo work out your anger. maybe thats not such a good idea. in fact disreguard all i just said

OH BTW of what ethnic group did these upstanding citizens belong to.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 7:33:28 PM EDT
Great Job, Just imagine what could have happened if they had not seen the presence of a gun. could have been rough
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 6:18:30 AM EDT
Great reaction under duress!

I appreciate the real incidents ya'll share as opposed to the 'what would you do?' senarios.

Thanks and great job!
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 6:30:40 AM EDT
People can tell you all day long what "they wuddah done"...adrenaline very powerful drug..you handled it perfectly because you protected yourself your wife and it turned out just fine.... with the good Lord watching over you guiding your steps
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 6:33:40 AM EDT
Hey atleast you didn't piss your pants and shoot your eye out kid,  LOL
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