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Posted: 3/17/2001 11:19:57 AM EDT
Hope this Hasn't been posted before.

Gun Control That Works
Barry Farber
Monday, March 12, 2001
A weather reporter on radio many years ago won a prize and got a raise for predicting, "Snow, followed by little children with sleds."
In this more prosperous but less felicitous America the forecast has become, "School shootings, followed by endless debate over gun control and ignored warnings."

America is like a nation of alcoholics who wake up with terrible headaches and spend the rest of the day arguing whether to blame the soda or the ice.

America needs to be grabbed by the collar, shaken and told: "Look, big guy. You've had some epic innings. You saved the world from everything from fascism and communism clear over to polio, small breasts and noisy windshield wipers. You've given the world the incandescent light bulb, the telephone, the movies, the moon landing and too much else to remember, much less recite. You've given the world every communications device from the improved megaphone to instant e-mail.

"But somewhere, somehow, your genius got ahead of your goodness. Your population got trashy. As a people, you are not as good as you used to be. And you're getting worse."

The patriot hates to admit his beloved countrymen have gone trashy around him, but the honest American patriot today has no choice.

I'm tired of hearing gun-control advocates prattle about how hard it is to own a gun in Europe and that's why Norwegians, Swedes, Swiss, Finns and Danes don't kill each other the way we do. True, they don't, but it's not because they don't have guns and can't get guns. Their populations are simply more civilized, educated, disciplined and humanized than ours. If you were to parachute fully loaded handguns without safety locks down upon all those countries – one for each man, woman and child – you still wouldn't see an upward squiggle in their homicide rates.

In fact, in Switzerland every home HAS to have a firearm by law – part of its traditional national defense. In Israel uniformed boys and girls packing loaded Uzis are all over the place. People feel safer when they see them.

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