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Posted: 2/19/2001 11:18:08 AM EDT
I got to the last page of this mag and found a part that pissed me off. (March 2001, Gun Thoughts).
In the last paragraph, Jan Libourel- Editor, writes:
"More modern firearms like th HK mp5, M16, FAL, etc., are no doubt excellent things to have if you are fighting a war or if you are a SWAT cop, but their semi-auto counterparts have never held any appeal to a peaceful soul like myself, although I fully support the right of law abiding to folk to own them if they wish." (No typo)
Now I dont care what his preference in firearms are, but I dont like the words 'peaceful soul'  in his little speech. Am I being too sensetive?
I dont think I will renew my subrcription if they dont retract that, or at least make it sound better. I see his disclaimer at the bottom but I dont like it.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 11:31:34 AM EDT
He probably could have simply said that they're not his style, rather than using language that would imply that people who owned them were less than peaceful.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 11:37:45 AM EDT
Why don't you tell them how you feel about it first?  Maybe they'll straighten it out.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 12:34:43 PM EDT
"Peaceful Soul"????
WTF is that? [>:/]
I can't remember a time when I would have refered to myself as a "peaceful soul".
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 12:36:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 2:20:32 PM EDT
Why don't you tell them how you feel about it first?  Maybe they'll straighten it out.
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Of course.
I emailed them a couple of days ago and have heard no reply.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 2:34:26 PM EDT
this is just another example of someone "thinking" they are better than others.
i chalk it up to ignorence.

their doo doo smells rosy, while mine stinks ?
i don't think so.

its just one reason i am not a member of ISRA anymore.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 2:35:07 PM EDT
Screw him.

The entire notion that one need be a non-peaceful soul in order to enjoy modern rifles is the antethisis of every notion that we as law abiding gun owners have clung to.

He needs to go.

Link Posted: 2/19/2001 3:02:44 PM EDT
Screw him.

The entire notion that one need be a non-peaceful soul in order to enjoy modern rifles is the antethisis of every notion that we as law abiding gun owners have clung to.

He needs to go.

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Amen, Well said.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 3:19:45 PM EDT
There's all types out there.  Shall and all ways will be.......unfortunate.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 3:55:01 PM EDT
Jan Liberal?  Who cares WHAT he has to say?
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 3:57:46 PM EDT
Anyone got a goat they could loan him?
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 4:20:43 PM EDT

Screw that Bull****.

If the Editor of a Peterson Gun Publication justifies the position of the anti gunners (i.e-Only Non-Peaceful People own modern rifles) in a gun related magazine, that is bad ****ing news. It can be used as ammunition against us in the whole nonexistent "gun control debate".

Libourel MUST GO!
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 4:41:47 PM EDT
Think McUzi is on target. Moreover, editorials are oppinions. Fuck him and his.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 4:49:35 PM EDT
I don't know guys....his comments seem a bit odd, being he put the Tromix 50AE Sledgehammer AR-15 on the Cover of the April issue.  He ran a 7 page article on the thing.  You'll see it on the newstands in about 3 weeks.

Tony Rumore
Tromix Corp
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 4:52:33 PM EDT
Oh, sure. The asshole will use images of AR's to sell mags.
He was even so kind to state that he thinks "people should be allowed to own" AR's, and the like.

But the whole point is, an Editor of a gun magazine dosen't need to be connotating violence with guns in general (Or in this case, a particular type of gun).

Screw Jan.

Link Posted: 2/19/2001 4:59:51 PM EDT
Ya, he should take out his seXual frustration on a goat and not us peace loving American "modern rifle" owners.

Oh I forgot, he allegedly blew them all away in France.[:O]
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 5:05:56 PM EDT
A gun is a gun whether it is an ar or a bolt action.When you pull the trigger it fires a round.Whether you prefer to own a semi auto or bolt gun that is up to you.that writer should keep his preference to himself if he doesnt like your favorite gun.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 5:13:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 5:14:24 PM EDT
Ya, divert your subscription to SOF.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 5:15:58 PM EDT
Anyone got an e-mail for Jan?

I'd really appreciate it.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 5:42:34 PM EDT
Oh just leave the old guy alone. Tastes change as you get older. I used to be a spray & pray guy, AK's in both hands with 75 round drums, now I own Match M1A's. ;)
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 5:50:52 PM EDT
Oh just leave the old guy alone. Tastes change as you get older. I used to be a spray & pray guy, AK's in both hands with 75 round drums, now I own Match M1A's. ;)
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Spray and pray?

Dude, I can swat 15 4 foot steel poppers with 15 shots at 100 with my Polytech. In under 10 seconds to boot! To imply that users of modern rifles are inherently lacking in thier marksmanship abillities is pretty out there.
(Don't get me wrong. I prefer the 14 to the 16 too!.)
I just think that Jan was treading a prety thin path when he suggested that one must be "non-peaceful" in order to shoot modern rifles.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 6:56:34 PM EDT
Relax.  I think he just gets paid by the word.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 11:52:56 PM EDT
Petersons parent company may be dumping Peterson Publishing!

The clamour by analysts and shareholders for Emap to sell the US side is extraordinary, considering what a short time it has been part of the group. Mr Hand was heavily criticised for paying too much for Petersen, US publisher of 110 magazines including Motor Trend, Hot Rod, Sport, Teen, Hunting, Guns and Ammo, Skin Diver, Stereophile and Dirt Rider, which now form the core of Emap US. The group had been outbid for Petersen by its own management only three years earlier, but it was Mr Hand's first big deal. He insisted it was an essential ticket to the US market, describing the two companies as "twins separated at birth".

(long URL-watch the wrap)
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 12:13:10 AM EDT
speaking of peaceful souls, does anyone recall the last time they saw an unarmed "Peace-keeper" on CNN? I swear they carry more hardware now than I did while I was still active Army...heh.  [;D]
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 1:36:48 AM EDT
I am a very peaceful soul, and I hate war. Really hate it. War is hell, is horror, is destruction.
But I like military history, I like, in all this horror, the bravery of people that, against odd cinrcumstances, succeeded to show the best of themselves.
And I like to shoot with AR15, Garands and so on. To shoot to paper targets has nothing to do with war, unless you are a bunch of people that believe that God is ono your side, an for this you are shooting paper targets wishing with all your self to replace it very soon with a human being for the most variuos reasons: different religion, race, political ideas, and so on.

There is no technical reason to justify the assertion made by this man on the gun review: to shoot with a Garand, with an M16, or with an old Mauser k98 or a Anschutz in .22 lr. requires the same basic tecnique. People that can responsably own and drive different kind of cars, can own and shoot different kind of firearms.

Anyway, the good thing in the article of mr. Libourel is that, at the end, he said that he has a different tastes in firearms matter and, anyway, he supports the RKBA.

PaoloAR15 - a peaceful soul

should be UNTOUCHED the right to defend property and life. As ONU stated (yes... United Nation) in their Human right declaration, art.3, anyone has the right to security...
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 4:48:06 AM EDT
Of course, maybe Libourel and his type do actually represent the majority perspective, and our failure to gain their sympathy is why our political interests are eroding by the minute.

Look at us, for chrissakes.

Look at the dumbass threads that sometimes make their way to the light of day.  Some of my favorites:

Who Will Stand With Me?!?!

When Will TSHTF?!?!



Has the Revolution Started?!?!

Opinions on "Social Rifle"?

Which Is The Deadliest Bullet?


Don't forget the entire thread discussing the wisdom of having an internet name that would strike both terror and grudging respect into the heart of any ADD-afflicted 5 year old.  Variations on the themes of:

Sniper, Killer, Shooter, Disembowler, UnreconstructedConfederatePOW, etc.

Just what impression are we making?  We sit here bathing in self-righteousness, amongst the roaring accolades of a mutual admiration society while the rest of the world is passing us by.

I am afraid unless we suffer a paradigm shift, all is lost and soon.  If we can't convince Jan Libourel and his type that we're not a bunch of black-pajama wannabe security guards, and that we are the peaceful soul type, then we are tilting at windmills; and our own windmills at that.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 5:40:29 AM EDT
I'll go along with at least some of what Cible said.  We do have a public relations problem and a lot of the threads and screen names we choose do nothing to correct that problem.  Hell, I'm probably as guilty as any in that respect.  Where I differ with Cible is that I'm no longer sure that the problem is correctable.  We've been demonized to the point where it is no longer possible for us as "assault weapon" enthusiasts to make a comeback in the public eye.  Other gun owners aren't far behind us.  Nothing we do is going to make them like us.  So why bother?  Instead, I think we need to be just as confrontative as other "fringe" groups have been in securing their own rights.  Whenever we try to make nice, we lose.  How often does it have to happen before we catch on to that?
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 8:29:17 AM EDT
"More modern firearms like th HK mp5, M16, FAL, etc., are no doubt excellent things to have if you are fighting a war or if you are a SWAT cop, but their semi-auto counterparts have never held any appeal to a peaceful soul like myself, although I fully support the right of law abiding to folk to own them if they wish." (No typo)
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I think you're going "guns hot" where there isn't a target.  He says he's the "peaceful soul" and that he supports the right of law abiding folk to own them.  Where's the harm in that?

Rather than feed on each other in the firearms community like a pack of hungry sharks, perhaps this angst can be channeled to removing the folks that impose these idiotic laws on us...
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 11:50:01 AM EDT
Rather than feed on each other in the firearms community like a pack of hungry sharks, ...
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Link Posted: 2/20/2001 4:06:17 PM EDT
McUzi, I agree with you. Screw him and all the of the other "peaceful souls" hypocrites. [:(!]
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 5:32:45 PM EDT

I'm peaceful... as long as I'm not being attacked.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 6:16:58 PM EDT
Jan? "peaceful soul"? The guy's a qu**r, no doubt.
Link Posted: 3/27/2001 12:50:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/27/2001 3:18:14 PM EDT
Hi Gents,

As an outsider (read:European) I think Cible is largely correct.

I changed my handle from RG to Bollocks to reflect what I think of some topics raised here (bollocks is british slang for BS). And don't call me a troll or whatever you wish to call anyone who does not 100% agree with the dogma's raised here. I registered in 1998 on the old board and have seen the volume of traffic on the boards incease just as fast as the quality decreased.

A lot of this community thrives on patting each other on the back and preaching to the choire.

But don't get me wrong. I'm on your side (just like Libourel is). And no, he is also not my favorite gunwriter, that were the late Elmer Keith and Bob Milek, I only think Libourel is also entitled to his opinion and you guys are being oversensitive.

In my hummble outsiders opinion, one of the reasons for the 2nd Amendment is to garantuee the 1st Amendment, right?


Link Posted: 3/28/2001 3:05:32 PM EDT
Hey RG,

I think my Karma just ran over your Dogma [;)]

Notice there's a slight increase in European gunowners over here that stick around, you and me both have been registered here since '98 on the old board. Tuukka from Finland, Keld from Danmark and so on.

Even if people here tend to pat eachother on th back, preach to their own choir etc etc....shooters find eachother on the internet here. And I quess this is one of those places that likeminded people like to gather at and share stories, tips and arguments. It's not much unlike the bar at a gunrange.


Link Posted: 3/28/2001 3:14:36 PM EDT
Bollocks- The reason we are hypersensitive to any opinions that are opposed to ours is to guarantee the second and first ammend.
His flippant statement would be ignored if not for his position as Editor of a large gun related magazine.
As such he should be furthering our/his cause, not seperating old technology from new. He seems to like old guns and his reference of "peaceful soul" can only help the left by giving them ammo against us. I can hear it now. Fortunatley they dont read as much as they should so this may not happen.
As editor he should be careful with his opinions and when called upon a statement of his, he remained unrepentive. I have no tolerance for the likes of hypocracy.  
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 3:32:19 PM EDT
Too bad the American Firearms Association isn't still around. Anyone remember this group of weenies from a few years ago? They claimed to be a group of gun owners who were in favor of "reasonable gun control" like brady and the "assault weapon" ban. They got all kinds of media attention passing themselves off as an alternative to the "extremist NRA" and even had a stupid magazine called "Bolt-Action" but would have been renamed "Pointed Stick" at the rate they were backing gun control laws. I guess they are no longer as people saw through their thinly veiled HCI bullshit.

Liberal..er..Libourel would have fit in PERFECTLY.

You can read more about the AFA here:
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 8:54:09 PM EDT

I still think that Cible has a point.

I really don't think that Libourel is giving the anti's a lot of ammo here. At least not when compared to the 'ammo' that is supplied to them on this board (see Cibles post). You say that you deny this guy his opinion (did he say that he actually denies your right to own them?) out of protection of the 1st Amendment? That's a contradiction in terms. IHMO, concentrate your fire on your real opponents, this is not productive.

Hoi Kuiper,
I agree with your assertion about this board  being like the shootingclub bar. A lot of bs goes around there too, but there is one minor difference. The shootingclub is not a public place and these boards are out of the open! I believe in the priciple of 'je eigen nest schoon houden'.

Link Posted: 3/28/2001 9:09:24 PM EDT
LAME ASS!!!  I bet he would look real peaceful with half of my leg hanging out of his ass.

[heavy]  [-!-!-]
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