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Posted: 2/24/2001 2:20:07 PM EDT
My buddy who lives in the country-side left work the other day a little early (sun was still up).    His neighbor (George) is this down to earth farmer with a small farm and a few kids. Anyway, as my friend was passing ol' George's place he spots this hog loose in his George's yard.  Now he had never seen this hog before (he usualy drives home in the dark), and it wasn't remarkable that this porker was in George's yard.  What was notable, and what caused my pal to stop, back-up and pull up to the house, was that this remarkable pig had a wooden leg (the other three being normal).  A knock on the door broght George forth and my friend remarked that Georges Hog had a wooden leg.  "Well," George replied,"that there is the best damn hog I've ever had. the other night someone tried to bust into the chicken coop and that pig ran him off."  "Realy," says my friend, "that's neet. but why does he have a wooden leg?"  "Was only a couple of weeks ago," replied George, "when my kids fell through the ice in the duck pond, You know that pig jumped in and pulled all out."  "Wow, thats remarkable," says my friend,"but, how is it he has only three legs?"  "You remember the house fire we had last month?" says George, " that hog woke us up and led us out through the smoke."  "Remarkable," says my friend," but what happened to his hind leg?"   "Well," says George,"when you have pork this special, you don't want to eat it all at once..."
Link Posted: 2/24/2001 8:59:46 PM EDT
Good one!
Link Posted: 2/24/2001 9:02:16 PM EDT
I have to agree!
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