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Posted: 2/2/2001 10:17:17 AM EDT
few details in on the subject, but Fox news has broke the story with the intro of an individual (man) injuring 3 people (unspecified as kids or adults) with a bat and machete.  Felton PA.  More as reports come in.

Horrible that this has to happen, but as many have said in the past "an individual that wants to hurt someone will do it any way possible hand, car, gun, bat, machete, fishing rod and reel, and etc.  Again, as many say, I say individuals hurt and kill not the inantimate object flung by a handle.

Just in 3 women were injuried.  All teachers and principal.  Some children are being treated at another Hospital.  One teacher is being Heli-Vac Out right now.

Link Posted: 2/2/2001 10:47:24 AM EDT
Not much info yet but...


Link Posted: 2/2/2001 11:14:02 AM EDT
i want a high cap assault bat and machete !
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 11:20:26 AM EDT
Better buy one with the telescoping handel and painted flat black (to hide the flash) now.
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 11:30:06 AM EDT
I demand that we pass an assault machette ban immediately.  The machette shall be no shorter than 48" and may only have a blade on one side.  All pre-ban machettes with a short or double sided blade must be registered with the BATF.  

The BATF will be known from this day forward as the BanAnyThingFun agency so that assault machettes will fall under their jurisdiction.  Anyone found to be in posession of a post ban machette posessing pre ban feature will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and prohibited from ever owning any type of cutting utinsel including but not limited to steak, and butcher knives, swiss army knives, multi-tools, pocket knives, chainsaws, skill saws, hand saws, saws-all, and butter knives.
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 11:33:48 AM EDT
Man am I glad I didn't get rid of my preban Easton.[:)] Just need to get some black paint to hide the flash. That baby is a collectors item now! [uzi]
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 11:40:21 AM EDT
"I demand that we pass an assault machette ban immediately. The machette shall be no shorter than 48" and may only have a blade on one side. All pre-ban machettes with a short or double sided blade must be registered with the BATF."

Do dat include brush axes with 60" handles too?  How bout a Woodsman Pal with that nasty limb hook on the end?

Will we be limited to Nerf baseball bats now?  Or will they be limited to being made of rubber now?

Link Posted: 2/2/2001 12:18:18 PM EDT
Let's ban all bats and machetes. If you are into Baseball, too bad, 30 days waiting period for your bats.
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 12:41:02 PM EDT
Wonderful...CNN is now reporting that another school attack occured.  2 students grazed by gunfire.  

Wonder if any of these incidents have prozac or someother pyschoactive as a common factor.
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 12:41:26 PM EDT
At present I am talking to my lawyer about a law suit against Louisville Slugger since they make access to these bats so easy just to turn a buck or two.

Wouldn't that just look great on the headlines of the NY Times?

Link Posted: 2/2/2001 1:53:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 2:35:59 PM EDT
I could be wrong, but it seems that I once heard that you must have a permit for a baseball bat in Chicago.
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