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Posted: 6/14/2002 10:26:53 AM EDT
I think part of the reason cops have such a bad rep on gun boards is people post BS stories about cops on those boards.

If your going to tell lies online, make sure they are not lies that are easy to disprove.

You know who you are....
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:30:30 AM EDT
At one time I was a cop. What do you want to know. I can now tell you the truth from my experience how and why many of them want your AR. [;D]
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:36:16 AM EDT
That was funny AR15fan, I bet he didn't expect to have the bluff called so well.
I say bluff, because if it were true, I would've hoped he would of tried to make you eat crow.
This whole, "he may be one of the cops that pulled you, watch out!" & "they'll get you" excuse is lame.
Good show.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:43:38 AM EDT
You nailed him real good. Bet the next time he uses a different screenname and tries to lie about an area of the country that does not have LEOs on the board to nail him....


Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:44:34 AM EDT
Not taking a stand on it either way, but doesn't "Liar" sound like a personal attack? "Unable or unwilling to prove the facts to your satisfaction" is one thing, but Liar is another.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:48:37 AM EDT
Why is it people don't have any problem taking/typing God's name in vain, but feel conscientious about *bleeping* out the so-called "curse words?"  What kind of morality is that?  

Invoking God's damnation on someone sure seems a much bigger curse than talking about bovine excrement or sexual intercourse.

Just a peeve of mine.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:51:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:53:33 AM EDT
His "explanation" was that he was really somewhere else, not where he thought he was. That is kind of like "I was not sure if my gun was in the car or not."


Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:54:31 AM EDT
God forbid that we attack someone else on the board.  Who cares, call in an airstrike for all I care, and hopefully whoever is attacked will have the balls to defend him or herself.  Thats the way it should be.  Its sad to have to worry about offending someone. [stick]
Honesty is the best weapon of all.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 11:03:53 AM EDT
AR, not meaning to ruffle the feathers, but:

Cops have a bad rep. (period) Not your fault at all. Cops have a bad rep, because;

- Citing speed, for 4mph over.
- Everyone knows LEO's represent some authority, and when it's rubbed in ones face - that's all it takes.
- Beatings and what not... (yeah I know, cheap shot)
- Good old boy practices
- no knock warrants
- attitude
- Getting to be too close to military types. (AKA, green fatigues in an urban setting - Intimidation? maybe - amusing? yes)
- using unmarked cars against fairly benign behavior. (But speeding tickets slow people down and save lives. I doubt it)
- you won't/can't give us a jump, lockout help, or a small amount of fuel.(this may be wrong... depending on your state's policy)
- calling the public "civilians", even though LEO's are, themselves, "civilians"
- Very litle protection against: robbery, burglary, homocide, MVA, arson, rape, vandalism, home-intrusion, car-jacking, larceny, gangs, drugs, etc...
- most protection against: Speeders, parking violators, DUI's, red light runners, etc.

Please note the last 2 points. The first trying to explain that the PD is almost entirely reactive (AKA you find my body, call the coroner, and get some names & phone numbers)

The last point is where the proactiveness is...  $$$ are.

Maybe not for you, the department, or the state but that revenue does go somewhere.

After reading this, I think I will ruffle some feathers.[flame] But alas, you guys took the job - you all know what it entails.

Edited to say: You should have been a fireman...everybody loves fireman[:P]
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 11:15:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 11:16:02 AM EDT
Usually, the people complaining the loudest about being mistreated are just trying to get even for being caught and punished for their own misdeeds.  john91498's story just didn't ring true.

One more thing, I really don't think AR15fan would risk being fired for using the official computer records to beat up on a cyber-dummy over a bad piece of fiction on the internet.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 11:34:42 AM EDT
Cops have a bad rep, because;
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All of your points are valid, but I think you paint us with too broad a brush.

-As I have stated elsewhere, in my agency only traffic officers enforce speed laws. Yes I wish speeding tickets would reduce traffic collisions, that is the theory, but I still write to many injury TC reports.

-In my entire career I have made only 9 DUI arrest. Half of those were injury DUI collisions. I dont sit outside bars looking for some guy who has had a few beers. Unless you are crashing into every lightpole in the parking lot, or driving the wrong way on a one way, with you lights off, while tossing empty beer bottles out the window, your not going to get stopped by me for DUI.

-I dont much care what color my uniform is. Grey, Blue, Green, Brown, anything but white, camo, or black is fine with me. I just wish it were wash and wear instead of wool & dry clean only.

-We dont jumpstart cars or change flat tires. To much risk & liability. But I'll gladly call you a AAA or private party tow truck, put my patrol car between you & traffic, and wait there with you until it arrives to keep you from getting rear ended by some drunk.

-I call the public sir, ma'am, or asshole depending on the circumstances.

-all arrest are proactive in that someone who is locked up is not out on the street commiting crimes.

What [b]I[/b] spend my 40+ hours a week doing is answering calls for service. I have no control over what type of calls I get, and our department policy is to anwer ALL calls. Person picks up the phone and calls 911, they get a cop on their door step, even if it is to change a light bulb or open a bottle of pills for a little old lady.

In between the calls for service, I like to do car stops. Most of my stops are for equipment violations and what I'm looking for are people who are unlicensed or suspended, or have active warrants.

When I'm not doing that I'm out on foot, patroling the parks looking for drug deals in progress. A couple days ago I arrested a drug dealer who was selling dope to a teenage girl. Do you consider that proactive? Would you if it were your daughter he was selling drugs too?

When it gets late, around 3 in the morning I cruise the apartment complex parking lots. Trying to prevent vehicle burglaries. I do this for a few reasons: 1. I hate Theives. 2. I dont want you to get your stuff stolen. 3. I dont want my day shift brothers being tied up all day with vehicle burglary reports that I could have prevented.

I arrest more people than most, but less than some. I error on the side of caution when it comes to search and seizure. I like to have both PC and consent. Becuase I'm friendly, direct, and non-threatening I can usually get consent even from people who know better.

There are lots of ways to do the job, thats how [b]I[/b] do it.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 11:41:39 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 11:44:17 AM EDT
PS: When we going shooting again?
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Soon I hope. I think I saw you have an ACOG on a Mini-14 (?) & I would like to try that setup out.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 11:45:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 11:48:13 AM EDT
AR, not meaning to ruffle the feathers, but:

Cops have a bad rep. (period) Not your fault at all. Cops have a bad rep, because;

- Citing speed, for 4mph over. *NOT! 10mph is closer
- Everyone knows LEO's represent some authority, and when it's rubbed in ones face - that's all it takes. *Never rubbed anyones face in anything, except for a spitter once.
- Beatings and what not... (yeah I know, cheap shot) *Never beat anyone.. Yet!
- Good old boy practices.  * Damned right!!  What are "good old Boys?"
- no knock warrants *Not..
- attitude.. *Probably from putting up with "Badseeds".
- Getting to be too close to military types. (AKA, green fatigues in an urban setting - Intimidation? maybe - amusing? yes)..  *Where do I get this neat stuff?
- using unmarked cars against fairly benign behavior. (But speeding tickets slow people down and save lives. I doubt it) *State laws are not written by cops but by the polititians you elect (i hope you're old enough to vote)
- you won't/can't give us a jump, lockout help, or a small amount of fuel.(this may be wrong... depending on your state's policy)  *Right. see above
- calling the public "civilians", even though LEO's are, themselves, "civilians"  *Would you rather "non participants"? Adam Henrys?
- Very litle protection against: robbery, burglary, homocide, MVA, arson, rape, vandalism, home-intrusion, car-jacking, larceny, gangs, drugs, etc... *Kinda tough when certain complainers cause our hands to be tied most of the time...
- most protection against: Speeders, parking violators, DUI's, red light runners, etc. *See "state laws" and "Voting" above

Please note the last 2 points. The first trying to explain that the PD is almost entirely reactive (AKA you find my body, call the coroner, and get some names & phone numbers)*Duh!

The last point is where the proactiveness is...  $$$ are. See state laws and voting and hands tied by complaining few...  If the Foo shits....

Maybe not for you, the department, or the state but that revenue does go somewhere.

After reading this, I think I will ruffle some feathers.[flame] But alas, you guys took the job - you all know what it entails.

Edited to say: You should have been a fireman..everybody loves fireman[:P]
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As an 18 year LEO, I must find fault with all this post, except "You should have been a fireman"..  Believe it or not, most of us chose this field because we wanted to do something good...  It turns out that a few "citizens" (A$$holes) and some of our own, have made it into the stressful business that it is today.. I'm getting out in 18 months and all you bellyachers can kiss my butt... [soapbox]  
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 11:58:21 AM EDT
AR, yes I did paint with the broad brush.

I also appreciate your detailed points. (Which, I must say, nearly embarrass me after the (almost?)inflammatory way I worded my post.)

Just to keep the score correct, I'm not bashing (IMHO) Just a view from the other side. Which is why I enjoyed reading your response.

I don't want to beat a dead horse, so I am taking your points as given. But, the truth is, it's a thankless job and you can't expect people to sympathize with you.(in general)

I worked reserves (no I don't claim to be a LEO) back home in OH for 3 years. I would love to do it again here in WA...  But I can only offer this side of the fence for now. Your job sucks (but it's a blast)and we all know it.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 12:03:58 PM EDT
I am trying to keep this civil and objective, ok?. You are an 18yr LEO (which is commendable in it's own right) and you have a poor attitude (not commendable).
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Forget 18 months... Why don't you get out now, and save your co-workers/friends the hassle of salvaging what respect you did not obliterate, if you are so fed up.          [url]

[b][red]Umm, by the way [size=4]Tinkeroni[/size=4] - Never, ever quote someone's post with your answers appended. Very bad form; because I did not write what you posted. I'm sure it's an oversight[/red][/b]

[b][blue]I I would hope you edit that post and add your input separately...[/blue][/b]

*State laws are not written by cops but by the polititians you elect (i hope you're old enough to vote)
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[green] BTW, I hate to respond without your revised formatting, but: You also vote, correct? If you do, thank yourself as well wise guy... If not, maybe you should take your finger otta your Adam Henry and not be a non-participant, duh![/green]

Link Posted: 6/14/2002 12:14:19 PM EDT
I think part of the reason cops have such a bad rep on gun boards is people post BS stories about cops on those boards.
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i think the reason cops have such a bad rep on gun boards is that every once in a while, some of us run into the 1%er loser who happens to wear a badge but shouldn't, and he ruins it for the other 99% who are good people doing a tough job.
that, and gun board people tend to be a little more wary of overweening government than most.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 12:16:54 PM EDT
Yes, I just re-read the "explanation" and noticed the "Louisiana" location.  
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i thought the "SOUTH LA" he referred to was Los Angeles?
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 12:20:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 1:52:03 PM EDT
AR15fan, nice personal attack.  If the tables were turned, would you give-out your personal information to someone who is a member of the group, that can take your freedom, you were publicly critical of?  If the story is true, he is a gun owner in CA.  That's one reason to be very cautious when dealing with gun-grabbers.

people post BS stories about cops
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OK, so everyone that posts a bad experience is full of it.  AR15fan, it's called denial.  You need help with that attitude.z
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 2:25:39 PM EDT
AR15fan, nice personal attack.  If the tables were turned, would you give-out your personal information to someone who is a member of the group
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Nobody is asking for his personal information. Only the city the alleged car stop/search occured in. What time it occured, and the nearest cross streets. Se we can look it up on the PUBLIC website that the OCSD is progressive enough to host. None of his personal info will be revealed, but enough of the radio traffic will appear to confirm or denie the story.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 2:27:15 PM EDT

OK, so everyone that posts a bad experience is full of it.  
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Nope, just this one person.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 2:40:08 PM EDT
I think AR15fan has nailed a snake with the unlawful search BS.  

Cops are easy targets because most people don't particularly care for speed enforcement and that is a large part of what Cops do.

I personally never worry about speed enforcement anymore because they can never catch me.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 2:43:43 PM EDT
Nobody is asking for his personal information... None of his personal info will be revealed
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Thanks for the reply.  Why wouldn't one assume that when you give an officer the details when/where the stop occurred, that he wouldn't be able to find-out more info?  With your overbearing posts, in his situation, I would feel uncomfortable posting that information.  Several times, I've posted enough info for someone to find where I live, and I still regret that.z
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 2:46:37 PM EDT
Nobody is asking for his personal information... None of his personal info will be revealed
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Thanks for the reply.  Why wouldn't one assume that when you give an officer the details when/where the stop occurred, that he wouldn't be able to find-out more info?  With your overbearing posts, in his situation, I would feel uncomfortable posting that information.  Several times, I've posted enough info for someone to find where I live, and I still regret that.z
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That's just crazy talk, zoom.

Are those new drapes?
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 3:01:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 3:02:32 PM EDT
Ah, now he done gone and deleted the thread...

Look what you made him do!

Link Posted: 6/14/2002 3:16:55 PM EDT
Ah, now he done gone and deleted the thread...

Look what you made him do!

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it's about time, that was one hell of a long meeting he was in...   :)

Link Posted: 6/14/2002 3:35:33 PM EDT
Ah, now he done gone and deleted the thread...

Look what you made him do!

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it's about time, that was one hell of a long meeting he was in...   :)

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Yes, it was a long meeting. Also ran into lunch. Got a lot done today.

BTW, I just remembered that I wasn't even in So Cal. I was up north in Marin County, CA. The time was around 1pm PST. Possibly a thursday. I was driving a rental car, a Cadillac STS.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 3:42:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 3:47:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 3:51:50 PM EDT
Wow, we have a Pro-2nd celebritty, John91498, is John Lovitz.

Look at the post. I was in a Mustang, a Honda, no a Cadillac, yeah that's the ticket. I was going home to watch the Lakers, no I was on the way to see them in person. I was alone, no I was with my wife, Morgan Fairchild........That's the ticket.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 3:56:54 PM EDT
It's bad enough that we do have some cops that make the rest of us suffer for thier actions or lack there of. Now on this site we have to listen to made up stories and defend ourselves. two words come to mind..........PUNK, BITCH.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 3:58:59 PM EDT
Wow, we have a Pro-2nd celebritty, John91498, is John Lovitz.

Look at the post. I was in a Mustang, a Honda, no a Cadillac, yeah that's the ticket. I was going home to watch the Lakers, no I was on the way to see them in person. I was alone, no I was with my wife, Morgan Fairchild........That's the ticket.
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Actually, you had most of that correct, but my wife IS Carmen Electra. She's not willing to change her last name for me.
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 5:33:55 PM EDT
Your wife is Carmen Electra?  Ewwww!!  You're getting sloppy seconds after DENNIS RODMAN!!!
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 7:46:51 PM EDT
What some people will do for attention...
Link Posted: 6/14/2002 9:39:00 PM EDT
AR15fan, nice personal attack.  If the tables were turned, would you give-out your personal information to someone who is a member of the group, that can take your freedom, you were publicly critical of?  If the story is true, he is a gun owner in CA.  That's one reason to be very cautious when dealing with gun-grabbers.

people post BS stories about cops
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OK, so everyone that posts a bad experience is full of it.  AR15fan, it's called denial.  You need help with that attitude.z
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The original post [b]WASN'T[/b] a personal attack? Using profanity and blasphemous profanity at that to attack [b]ALL[/b] LEOs based on something that supposedly involved three. (Or is it five, now?)


Link Posted: 6/14/2002 10:36:45 PM EDT
[b]Originally posted by Magic[/b]
I personally never worry about speed enforcement anymore because they can never catch me.
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No flame Bro but.. Is that rig faster than a "Speeding Radio" ? [):)]
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That is General Lee, it has never been caught.
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