Future Home of the Law-abiding Unregistered Firearms Association???
March 16, 2001
The free-speech-demolition experts in the Canadian government just shut down the website of the anti-registration organization in Canada known as the Law-abiding Unregistered Firearms Association. You can go to their site and see for yourself: CLICK HERE, and read a message that should make an American gun owner stop and think.
The Canadian government's shutting down that website is a testament to Mr. Hutton's effectiveness and their cowardice.
Bruce Hutton has been a man of conviction for quite some time. He founded his organization as a direct response to the Canadian government's blatant pre-confiscation "laws" calling for the registration of firearms nationwide. Mr. Hutton has been among the most outspoken people on this issue in his entire nation -- he put his life, fortune and sacred honor on the line, big time. If all American gun owners had his level of commitment running through their veins, Dianna Feinstein, Chucky Schumer and their ilk would be shoe salesmen.
We support any and all resistance to the registration of firearms, because registration has led to confiscation -- without exception -- throughout history, in several nations including right here in the good ole US of A.
So we have a standing offer, Mr. Hutton. You need a new web home. We've got plenty of server space for a man of your convictions, and we think we can have a romping good time putting your site up south of the border where your government can't get its paws on your free speech.
You want a new web home? You've got one. Note the URL where this page is hosted, my friend. I dusted it off just for you. Only there won't be all of our site built around your pages; it'll be 100% yours -- to do with as you please and say whatever you've got to say as loud as you can.
Check your email, sir. Call me.
Angel Shamaya
[b]How long before it happens here?[/b]