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Posted: 4/23/2001 5:02:50 AM EDT

The mrs, myself and some friends/collegues went out yesterday evening to see 'The Fun Loving Criminals' in concert here locally in Paradiso, Amsterdam.

Now, these guys play LOUD and for about 2 hours straight, there still is a slight ring in my ears this morning. I must be getting too old for these affairs. Years ago I thought Rammstein was doable and now I feel the FLC are too loud....

But the show was very entertaining although I like the music from their first albums better. Anyone else here likes this band?

Link Posted: 4/23/2001 5:54:39 AM EDT
Free John Gotti is cool. Like the band when I feel mischevious :D

Hey "Smok'em if ya got'em" :D
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