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Posted: 11/24/2000 4:32:58 PM EDT
Who else is here for the evening?
Link Posted: 11/24/2000 4:35:18 PM EDT
I'm "in and out".
Link Posted: 11/24/2000 4:41:20 PM EDT
We need to get more old AR site members here tonight.
Link Posted: 11/24/2000 4:44:22 PM EDT
Really.  This new board kinda grows on you.
Link Posted: 11/24/2000 4:45:44 PM EDT
checking in [8]
Link Posted: 11/24/2000 4:47:38 PM EDT
"in and out" Checking out several boards and the auctions on eBay.
Link Posted: 11/24/2000 6:10:10 PM EDT
Hear reading both AR boards.  Also hanging out in the Chat room.
Link Posted: 11/24/2000 6:11:16 PM EDT
In and out here also.
Link Posted: 11/24/2000 6:36:36 PM EDT
In and out - trying to avoid the liberal media's analysis of the election disaster.
Link Posted: 11/24/2000 6:53:07 PM EDT
I still haunt both boards...
Link Posted: 11/24/2000 11:07:56 PM EDT
Gotta do something before bed!


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