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Posted: 10/7/2007 3:51:04 PM EDT

One of my favorite poems from one of my favorite poets

O CAPTAIN! my Captain! our fearful trip is done;
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won;
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:
   But O heart! heart! heart!         5
     O the bleeding drops of red,
       Where on the deck my Captain lies,
         Fallen cold and dead.

O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills;  10
For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding;
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
   Here Captain! dear father!
     This arm beneath your head;
       It is some dream that on the deck,  15
         You’ve fallen cold and dead.

My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won;  20
   Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
     But I, with mournful tread,
       Walk the deck my Captain lies,
         Fallen cold and dead.
Link Posted: 10/7/2007 3:51:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/7/2007 3:52:40 PM EDT


Link Posted: 10/7/2007 3:52:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/7/2007 3:53:05 PM EDT
Damn dude! Do you ever sleep? J/K
Link Posted: 10/7/2007 3:53:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/7/2007 3:54:07 PM EDT
You need to get out more often, bro...
Link Posted: 10/7/2007 3:55:12 PM EDT
Kipling is better

The Ladies

I've taken my fun where I've found it;
 I've rouged an' I've ranged in my time;
I've 'ad my pickin' o' seethearts,
 An' four o' the lot was prime.
One was an 'arf-caste widow,
 One was awoman at Prome,
One was the wife of a jemadar-sais
 An' one is a girl at 'ome.

Now I aren't no 'and with the ladies,
 For, takin' 'em all along,
You never can say till you've tried 'em,
 An' then you are like to be wrong.
There's times when you'll think that you mightn't,
 There's times when you'll know that you might;
But the things you will learn from the Yellow an' Brown,
 They'll 'elp you a lot with the White!

I was a young un at 'Oogli,
 Shy as a girl to begin;
Aggie de Castrer she made me,
 An' Aggie was clever as sin;
Older than me, but my first un --
 More like a mother she were --
Showed me the way to promotion an' pay,
 An' I learned about women from 'er!

Then I was ordered to Burma,
 Actin' in charge o' Bazar,
An' I got me a tiddy live 'eathen
 Through buyin' supplies off 'er pa.
Funny an' yellow an' faithful --
 Doll in a teacup she were --
But we lived on the square, like a true-married pair,
 An' I learned about women from 'er!

Then we was shifted to Neemuch
 (Or I might ha' been keepin' 'er now),
An' I took with a shiny she-devil,
 The wife of a nigger at Mhow;
'Taught me the gipsy-folks' bolee;
 Kind o' volcano she were,
For she knifed me one night 'cause I wished she was white,
 And I learned about women from 'er!

Then I come 'ome in a trooper,
 'Long of a kid o' sixteen --
'Girl from a convent at Meerut,
  The straightest I ever 'ave seen.
Love at first sight was 'er trouble,
 She didn't know what it were;
An' I wouldn't do such, 'cause I liked 'er too much,
 But -- I learned about women from 'er!

I've taken my fun where I've found it,
 An' now I must pay for my fun,
For the more you 'ave known o' the others
 The less will you settle to one;
An' the end of it's sittin' and thinking',
 An' dreamin' Hell-fires to see;
So be warned by my lot (which I know you will not),
 An' learn about women from me!

What did the Colonel's Lady think?
 Nobody never knew.
Somebody asked the Sergeant's Wife,
 An' she told 'em true!
When you get to a man in the case,
 They're like as a row of pins --
For the Colonel's Lady an' Judy O'Grady
 Are sisters under their skins!

Link Posted: 10/7/2007 3:55:32 PM EDT

Wasn't that the poem that was prominent in some Robin Williams movie?

Link Posted: 10/7/2007 3:56:39 PM EDT



Slam it home DeeJ!!!
Link Posted: 10/7/2007 3:57:01 PM EDT
Congratulations Deej!  
Link Posted: 10/7/2007 3:57:42 PM EDT
Forgot to add congrats though

Link Posted: 10/7/2007 3:59:21 PM EDT
Amendment II says we can "bear arms."
Anti-gun laws should set off alarms.
Honest gun owners will
Comply but the crooks still
Will retain their guns to commit harms.


This bumper sticker seems right to me:
I’d much rather hunt with our VP
(With no trepidation
And no consternation)
Than go driving with Ted Kennedy.
Link Posted: 10/7/2007 4:02:55 PM EDT
Maybe someday we can do away with post counts and all become equal. Think of it, newbies and homeless people who hang out in internet cafe's finally able to become one Arfcom.

Link Posted: 10/7/2007 4:03:19 PM EDT

Maybe someday we can do away with post counts and all become equal. Think of it, newbies and homeless people who hang out in internet cafe's finally able to become one Arfcom.

Gtfo communist.
Link Posted: 10/7/2007 4:04:36 PM EDT


Maybe someday we can do away with post counts and all become equal. Think of it, newbies and homeless people who hang out in internet cafe's finally able to become one Arfcom.

Gtfo communist.
Link Posted: 10/7/2007 4:09:12 PM EDT
Ah.. sarcasm and the slow.

Congrats on the post count.

Link Posted: 10/7/2007 4:11:46 PM EDT

Ah.. sarcasm and the slow.

Congrats on the post count.

Yep...right over your head.  
Link Posted: 10/7/2007 4:21:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/7/2007 4:24:36 PM EDT
Congrats on (average)making one post an hour,24 hours a day,7 days a week,365 days a year for the past 3 years.
Link Posted: 10/7/2007 4:25:37 PM EDT


Wasn't that the poem that was prominent in some Robin Williams movie?

"Dead Poets Society"
Link Posted: 10/7/2007 4:26:58 PM EDT
Only 3891 days until I catch up to you!

Link Posted: 10/7/2007 4:30:33 PM EDT
Wow! 25 thou

When I hit 5 thou I thought that was something.

Link Posted: 10/7/2007 4:35:26 PM EDT
Congrats Deej

I love sailing and here is two of my favorite sailing writings.

“He a wind coptin, dass de trouble.
He a sailin mon and he used to de backtime way.
All his life he been ziggin and zaggin, he don know
how to go straight.”

“For the truth is that I
already know as much
about my fate as I need to
know. The day will come
when I will die. So the only
matter of consequence
before me is what I will do
with my allotted time. I
can remain on shore
paralyzed with fear, or I
can raise my sails and dip
and soar in the breeze.”

Richard Bode, First you have to row a little boat.

Link Posted: 10/7/2007 4:55:03 PM EDT
For fucks sake.  I've been here 3 years longer and have over 24,000 posts less.  (But I do own page 2, suckas!)
I suck at posting here.
Link Posted: 10/8/2007 2:28:03 AM EDT
Jesus H. Christ, I've been around twice as long as you and I have only about a quarter of the number of posts.  And I think *I'm* a post whore!  Dude, lay off the caffeine and get outdoors a little!
Link Posted: 10/8/2007 2:44:55 AM EDT

Jesus H. Christ, I've been around twice as long as you and I have only about a quarter of the number of posts.  And I think *I'm* a post whore!  Dude, lay off the caffeine and get outdoors a little!

It's a discussion forum, ain't it? The man discusses with fervour, that's a good thing!

And don't mock caffeine, that's the nectar of the gods!
Link Posted: 10/8/2007 2:57:34 AM EDT
about 33 messages/day?

Dude, you have no life
Link Posted: 10/8/2007 3:13:32 AM EDT


Cliff notes version please
Link Posted: 10/8/2007 9:03:38 AM EDT



Cliff notes version please
Classic Walt Whitman poem about Abraham Lincoln's assassination.
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