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Posted: 2/13/2017 11:55:38 PM EDT
The relevant thread from Archerytalk.com

The online petition: https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/archery-team-usa

tl:dnr version: In January 2017 the Board of Directors at USAA changed the rules, effective immediately, to allow non-citizens to be eligible to compete as representatives of the United States at all National and International Events.

That's it in a nut shell.  The national archery team for the United States is now open to anybody.  Somebody from France decides he would rather shoot for Team USA, he just needs to compete for team placement.  If the Koreans decide to send Ki Bo Bae over and have her take the top spot for the womens team, well, she's damn good and I wouldn't bet against her.  This is a huge WTF, but the archery world is small, and it's an even smaller group that shoots Olympic style competitions.  That's why I'm asking for help.  Spread the word, Facebook it, Twitter it, 4chan it, just get it done, PLEASE.

Oh, and sign the petition too.
Link Posted: 2/13/2017 11:58:08 PM EDT
As long as USA gets gold I'm down with it.
Link Posted: 2/13/2017 11:59:26 PM EDT
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As long as USA gets gold I'm down with it.
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A meaningless victory is meaningless.
Link Posted: 2/14/2017 12:05:40 AM EDT
Lets just open the special Olympics up while we are at it. Maybe I could grab bronze...
Link Posted: 2/14/2017 12:07:14 AM EDT
What the fuck
Link Posted: 2/14/2017 12:08:52 AM EDT
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As long as USA gets gold I'm down with it.
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Link Posted: 2/14/2017 12:10:02 AM EDT
Next year, I heard they are going to open it to 5.56.  Irons only though, no optics.
Link Posted: 2/14/2017 12:11:21 AM EDT
Next thing you know, they'll let Jamaican 's on the bobsled team.
Link Posted: 2/14/2017 12:11:32 AM EDT
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As long as USA gets gold I'm down with it.
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America, or rather Team USA, competes in national and international events, leading up to the Olympics.  The Olympic team is selected from those eligible according to Olympic Committee standards, and would be exclusively made up of American citizens.  There would be no "Olympic Gold" for Americans if Pedro crosses the border and gets on Team USA.  There would be one less American getting competition experience in preparation for the Olympics, one less American getting a sponsorship with the archery companies, which isn't a good thing, imo.

This seems like another placation to the "undocumented" citizens, another feel good "look how inclusive and progressive we are" move.  If you don't care, that's fine.  I don't care about Football myself, but I still find it annoying when a player kneels for the national anthem.
Link Posted: 2/14/2017 12:11:44 AM EDT
If an olympic level athlete wants to play for team 'murica and they are put there based on skill and not for diversity, who cares.

Edit - I see they will leave less spots open for eligible competitors. Seems like a dumb move.
Link Posted: 2/14/2017 2:14:51 AM EDT
CrossBow.  Long Range CrossBow.  LRCB.  Precision CrossBow PCB.
Link Posted: 2/14/2017 2:41:30 AM EDT
H1B for the olympics.
Link Posted: 2/14/2017 2:55:38 AM EDT
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Lets just open the special Olympics up while we are at it. Maybe I could grab bronze...
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Doubtful, this dude competed in the special Olympics

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