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Posted: 3/31/2001 4:55:19 PM EDT
Received this from : [url]www.concealcarry.org/[/url]

Seniors to Protect Schools?
By Jim Burns
CNS Senior Staff Writer
March 27, 2001

(CNSNews.com) - A senior citizens' group is offering what it calls a "safe
schools initiative," based on an Israeli model, in response to the recent
spate of school shootings in the United States.

The Dallas, Texas-based group calls itself "Seniors United Supporting the
Second Amendment."

Executive Director John Bender said SUSSA will offer scholarships for
courses in handgun safety and the use of guns in defensive situations to
five volunteers, selected by the first public school in the United States
that adopts the Israeli model for protecting the school from violence.

In 1974, Israel began arming parents and grandparents who volunteered to
patrol local schools. Israeli officials say since the program was
implemented, no child has been killed in a school.

Some Israeli schools continue to use armed parent- and grandparent-patrols,
while other schools have hired armed guards for protection. The Israeli
government also requires groups going on school field trips to have one
armed guard for every 10 students. Many parents double as guards and
chaperones on such field trips, and most of those parents have had army
training and know how to use a gun.

According to SUSSA, if the Israeli program been in place at U.S. schools,
recent shootings, including the two in California, might not have happened.
"SUSSA urges every school in America to implement the Israeli safety program
before there is another school shooting," the group said.

"We want to make our schools safe and stop the killings. Israel has a
program that is tested and proven to work. By adopting the Israeli model we
can stop the tragic school shooting and protect our Constitutional right to
own and carry firearms.

"We will also gain from having parents and grandparents involved and visible
in our schools. This will cut down on the bullying and tormenting that we
now see as a major problem in our schools," Bender said.

The idea has received support from the 60-Plus Association, a senior
citizens rights group.

"Clearly, it would be beneficial to all students to have senior citizens,
parents and grandparents patrolling the halls of schools. This would be a
good use of senior citizen know-how and manpower," said Jim Martin,
president of the 60-Plus Association.

Handgun Control, Inc. had no immediate comment on the proposal.



"I won't be wronged,  I won't be insulted
and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do
these things to other people and I require
the same from them."
Link Posted: 3/31/2001 4:57:56 PM EDT
This will never be given a chance to work.  It is too LOGICAL!
Link Posted: 3/31/2001 5:02:01 PM EDT
it'll never happen, just wait for the , "i dont want armed people standing guard in my son's classroom."  and of course the, "this is in direct violation of bla bla bla"  and can't leave out the, "but why are guns the answer to everything, it will be just more killing."  yeah, wait and see.     (i wish i was wrong)
Link Posted: 3/31/2001 5:16:27 PM EDT
It'd never happen. Armed folks at schools helping stop violence, IF they could make people see that the answer is this, they still have an even bigger hurdle, no parents or grandparents will help out standing post, this is America, the land of "get someone else to do it."
Link Posted: 3/31/2001 5:23:25 PM EDT
Grandparents would do it. Great-grandparents would do it.  Parents are all self-centered lazy good for nothings and wouldn't have time.
Link Posted: 3/31/2001 6:23:43 PM EDT
It'll never fly. Even if these folks are unarmed. The school administrators absolutely do not want parents or grandparents hanging around for fear they may interfere with the reeducation of the students. The socialist, PC, "feel good" agenda is not up to review. There is no room for logical debate; there is no place for intelligent, experienced seniors. It will never happen.
Link Posted: 4/1/2001 11:38:29 AM EDT
One adult for every ten students?

Wanna bet that there is very little ditching, tardiness, bullying, smoking pot in the bathroom or other nonsense?

That sort of shit requires having no one around to watch does it not?
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