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Posted: 10/26/2010 7:48:16 PM EDT
Should Floridians be allowed to carry weapons openly?

     No way. We have already given the gun lovers too much freedom with their guns in Florida. Now to just let them carry their guns openly and wave them at everybody? Are you nuts? (6158 responses)


     Absolutely yes. The vast majority of states allow people to carry guns openly. It is a right that all gun owners should have, despite the whining of the gun-hating liberals. (4201 responses)


10359 total responses
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 8:00:41 PM EDT
I hit it, and a cold link;

Link Posted: 10/26/2010 8:07:47 PM EDT
Thanks for posting this so I could add another No vote. There's already provisions in Florida law for openly carrying firearms in situations where it makes sense to do so. Want to carry a gun to the grocery store? Get a CWP. Sorry attention whores, you won't be able to jock up and walk around looking cool with your pistol...

NO: 59%

YES: 41%

ETA: After watching the associated video, it's refreshing to see that several of the people interviewed that were against open carry were interviewed outside one of the largest gun shops in Broward county, and were obviously 'gun people'.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 8:17:02 PM EDT


Thanks for posting this so I could add another No vote. There's already provisions in Florida law for openly carrying firearms in situations where it makes sense to do so. Want to carry a gun to the grocery store? Get a CWP. Sorry attention whores, you won't be able to jock up and walk around looking cool with your pistol...

NO: 59%

YES: 41%

ETA: After watching the associated video, it's refreshing to see that several of the people interviewed that were against open carry were interviewed outside one of the largest gun shops in Broward county, and were obviously 'gun people'.

Thanks for the help...

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