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Posted: 4/30/2001 6:06:12 PM EDT
I just received this in my email!  Canada screwed their own people and now they want to screw us too!

[red][b]Believe it or not, the Government of Canada is working to overturn the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.[/b][/red]

[b]No way, you say. Well, read on:[/b]

The Government of Canada passed Bill C-68 to register all firearms in Canada by the year 2003. These include any rifles or shotguns Americans bring into Canada for a hunting or shooting visit. Canadian officials will then give the American BATF copies of all American guns registered by make, model, owner and address. As well, the BATF will receive copies of all Canadian gun registrations. Of course, the BATF is not permitted, by law, to make such lists, but they are allowed to keep those submitted by others (check your state government to see if they supply the BATF with data to; many do)

Canada was elected to the UN Security Council on Oct. 6,1998, for a two year term. Two of the key points in the Canadian government's UN campaign were:

 *Reduce the power of the Security Council by  eliminating the U.S., British, French, Russian and Chinese veto power. (That way, the UN can pass binding resolutions on all members banning the private ownership of firearms.)

 *Reduce or eliminate the sale (traffic) of rifles and pistols (small arms) across borders and restrict or stop the sale of ammunition to private citizens.

In addition, Canada has persuaded the governments of Japan, Norway, Switzerland, Australia and many others to help spearhead this program.

Canada's Ministry of Foreign Affairs held an "invitation only" meeting on Aug. 15-19,1998, in Orillia, Ontario for over 30 anti-firearms organizations to put in motion, a plan and timetable to implement these policies. Canadian taxpayers paid for the conference and all travel for its participants.

Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister, Lloyd Axworthy, was the keynote speaker at the conference and of course, no representatives from Canada's recreational firearms community were permitted to attend.

Remember Lloyd Axworthy? He led the international campaign against land mines. His advisers consider that very successful campaign as the prototype for the firearms campaign

[b]Really? Do you think we are kidding? Well, guess again…[/b]

On December 31st, 2000, the Canadian government will confiscate, from legal, law abiding firearms owners, all firearms with barrels less than 105 millimeters (4 ¼") without compensation. To add insult to injury, all .25s and .32s will be banned too! Say goodbye to over 47,000 Lugers, S&W 38’s, Walther PPKs and many, many more.

Already, a Canadian resident can get [b]ten years in JAIL[/b] for merely owning one of these firearms without proper registration. The same is true for owning a pistol magazine that holds more than ten rounds, or rifle magazine that holds more than five. (remember, if you decide to come hunting in Canada anyway, bring only five round magazines)

Link Posted: 4/30/2001 6:14:36 PM EDT
Well the Chinese now know where to get a toehold on the North American continent. The PRK for the southern bridgehead and Vancouver for the northern pincer.
And this time you guys, we are not sending you our private guns, like we did to G.B in WWII.
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 6:19:20 PM EDT
I believe the United States should pull out of the United Nations if we lose veto power. The majority of all UN police actions are spearheaded and financed by the US. Why should we allow the lives of American servicemen be put in the hands of a foreign government and not have a say in it? The founding fathers would roll in their graves if they could see this NWO conspiracy.
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 7:13:41 PM EDT
Everything he has posted above is TRUE

Except for the number

They want 564000 legally purchased handguns..not 47 000!!

They have their eyes on two of mine.....and I will be damned if they are ever going to lay their hands on mine.....not at least until they have spent thousands of dollars on court costs to get me to hand the $25 pieces of crap!!!

We true freedom loving Canadians need your support now....do not damn us all due to the work of our evil govenment..

Oh BTW the Axe man Axeworthy has retired!!  Good riddance
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 8:27:01 PM EDT
Take Canada now!!
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 2:21:20 AM EDT
I was at a 3 gun match this weekend and there were some Canadians there and I talked to them about the gun grabbers there. And alot of them are doing something that I dont something many Americans would do. They a just not complying.

Link Posted: 5/1/2001 4:09:07 AM EDT
See what awaits em in Florida [url]www.fsdf.org/cells.htm
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