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Posted: 1/23/2001 2:10:38 AM EDT
Good morning Ed-

Many of us would like to know what needs to be done to regain access to the old forums.  If it is a financial issue such as buying a new server, I (as well as others I'm sure) would be willing to make a contribution to buy the equipment to get them up and running again.  If we are going to now make the switch to these forums, I would hope an archive of the old forums would somehow be available for all the information they contain.  If you are unable to maintain a server for them, even in an archived state, how about making the archive available to members on CD-ROM.  I would again be willing to pay a reasonable amount for such a CD or CDs.  Your thoughts?
Link Posted: 1/23/2001 5:02:19 AM EDT
I second Blackmore's thoughts. To have access to the old forum or if it hardwardware issues let us know...

You have our email addresses let us know.....

Best regards,
Link Posted: 1/23/2001 5:15:06 AM EDT
The old forum is still there.  If you happened to bookmark any page, the bookmark is still accessable.  I was able to view most of the old forum up to Jan 02 just by building my own URL line.  

What seems to be broken are the CGI scripts that build the topic pages, allowing searching, posting, etc.  

Hopefully they can bring it back, there's a wealth of information there I'd hate to loose.[:(]

Link Posted: 1/23/2001 5:27:27 AM EDT
Amen to that! There is too much info there to simply lose! We gotta get it back!  
Link Posted: 1/23/2001 6:02:57 AM EDT
I totally agree with these guys.  Although this site seems decent, the old site has far too much "archive" information to lose.

If it is a server/money issue, I'd pitch in to help.
Link Posted: 1/23/2001 6:17:02 AM EDT
Not only that there is no For Sale section, No small caliber section, no dealer section and no KurtsKustoms section.
Link Posted: 1/23/2001 6:37:42 AM EDT

Link Posted: 1/23/2001 6:40:56 AM EDT
Anyone notice that there have been no posts from Ed to this board?  Anyone have an update as to what is going on?

Link Posted: 1/23/2001 9:03:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2001 10:24:11 AM EDT
The software database broke.  Give them time to fix it.
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