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Posted: 8/6/2001 12:53:13 PM EDT
I have a friend who told me last week another friend of ours got busted for DWI. As part of his punishment they installed the following device on his car:

Its a snesor that cuts the ignition system out until he blows through it. Every time he goes someplace, he has to blow through the thing. if it detects alcohol the car is disabled. If he is clean the car will then be started.

has anyone else heard of such a thing? What are your thought on it?

Aviator [img]www.dredgeearthfirst.com/aviator.gif[/img]
Link Posted: 8/6/2001 12:58:23 PM EDT
Sounds good to me, easier to not drink and drive than complain about it. If he is that is.
I like the idea. Spent many years as a paramedic responding to the damage a 'person with only a few drinks' had caused.
Link Posted: 8/6/2001 1:00:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/6/2001 1:03:31 PM EDT
You also have to blow in it every 15min. or so, that way you cant be sauced and have some kid you payed 10 bucks blow in it to get home.I also got a DUI the worst year of my life, have not hade a drink since. Cost me about 3000 big ones and 11 days of cal-trans.
Link Posted: 8/6/2001 1:14:29 PM EDT
Yeah the contraption is called interlock, it costs around 800$ to install and is usally about 40$ a month for monitering. A few guys in my ASAP class had it court ordered as part of their restricted liscense, but they only had to have it for a couple of months while they did counseling then it was removed. It wasn't required for the full liscense suspension.

BALOO was right on the money you have to blow every 15 minutes and if there is a positive reading then the car cuts off, and it turns on a device similar to a car alarm. Lights flashing, horn blaring, to attract attention.

They will register false negatives, I'll ask some of the boys at my AA meeting tonight what kind of things set theirs off and let you know, it might save your buddy some trouble downn the road. He is going to find out he is not allowed to even POSESS alcohol during the entire liscense suspension.

BALOO I feel your pain man, I have 3 days until I get my liscense back. It's gonna be sweet to be a free man again.

Here is the website if you want to look it over. [url]http://www.advantageinterlock.com/[/url]
Link Posted: 8/6/2001 1:16:43 PM EDT
If it were me, I'd always keep the car locked and running Friday and Saturday nights.[;)]  Or let your buddies start it and keep it going for you.
By the way, anybody still use the old windshield washer trick?
Remember:  Don't drink and drive because you may spill it![beer]
Seriously, if you drink any significant amount, have someone else do the driving.  Please.  Anything bad goes wrong it will haunt you and whoever you hit and their family for life and at the least could bankrupt you from a lawsuit or medical bills.
Non drinker speaking here.[:)]
Link Posted: 8/6/2001 1:27:41 PM EDT
A neighbor bought a beater to drive because his regular car was disabled by the courts.
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What a moron.  I suppose his need to drive outweighs his neighbors need to survive.  Too bad the court didn't disable his autonomic brain functions.  Y'know, liberal applications of the .45 ear wax remover.

A lady (married mother of two) was recently killed by a driftover head-on with a multi-repeat DUI mutt.  Guy cried when bail was set too high to let him see his family.  My heart bleeds...

Link Posted: 8/6/2001 1:35:30 PM EDT
Hey 101 proof, its like having your wings clipped!
Link Posted: 8/6/2001 1:48:46 PM EDT
Sorry to hear he was dwi.  Got a cousin that did a ride along with the Calgary Mounted police, first day out, they had a guy totally blow thru an intersection and kill a mom and daughter, and he didn't have a scratch on him and so plastered he didn't know what happened.  My coz said that about eight cops cuffed this guy, and that they warned him to watch his head as he got in the car, and then he would bang it and they repeated that a couple of times.  I don't agree with some cops' attitudes or personal vendettas, but that guy would be lucky to just bang his head if I was there.  

It is good to hear that you guys are getting better.  I ain't bashing people that drink, but those that drive are asking for it.

Take care,
Ice -four years sober
Link Posted: 8/6/2001 3:25:51 PM EDT
My coz said that about eight cops cuffed this guy, and that they warned him to watch his head as he got in the car, and then he would bang it and they repeated that a couple of times.  I don't agree with some cops' attitudes or personal vendettas, but that guy would be lucky to just bang his head if I was there.  

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ME: "Uh-oh, looks like this guy got hurt after all - look at that kneecap, it's in a million pieces!"  
*Axe-kick to knee*
"What a shame, those dashboards will do that every time..."

I have no tolerance for drunk drivers.  My theory is:
-Do it once, get penalized.
-Get caught twice, you should never be allowed on the road again.
-DUI while you're permanently revoked, lethal injection.

And I'm not joking.  After three DUI's, stick the syringe in his arm and thank your stars that he didn't kill anybody those three times, and rest easily knowing he won't have a chance to do it at all anymore.

[img]www.auburn.edu/~littlcb/new jew.jpg[/img]
Link Posted: 8/6/2001 4:04:28 PM EDT
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